My Dad

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
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Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
:hugsI am so sorry. He looks so handsome and a dad to be proud of. I know what you are feeling and you did your best. Today, I saw the neurosurgeon who wants to do surgery on DH's brain to take out another tumor and blood. I am at peace with it. I have another doctor to talk to, but all I can do is do the best I can and hope he does not suffer and to not be afraid. I am glad you are at peace about this all and sorry about your brother.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
When I saw a new post, I just knew. I am sorry for your loss, but I rejoice in his freedom. I grieved when my father was dying and his death came as a relief that he no longer suffered. From reading your posts, I feel you have the same feelings. Your father is still here and he lives in you and your children. I pray that you can get through this process without your brother causing too much trouble. Big hugs.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
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WV, Zone 6B
Thanks everybody. My prayers were answered. My brother was only at the viewing briefly and didn't attend the funeral (says he was too busy fighting with his girlfriend.) We were able to celebrate Dad with the respect and peace he deserved. The tomato plants were gladly received.


The big book on the right was my dad's song book. Some of the pages he had handwritten. He loved to sing and carried it to church with him for over 20 years.

My sister and I stayed up late hours putting things together and the service was very beautiful. My husband gave the eulogy and did a wonderful job, brought out some bittersweet laughter in his remembrances of my dad. When his dad passed 9 years ago, my dad really stepped in and helped fill that gap for him. They spent a lot of hours cutting firewood and my husband says my dad worked circles around him. Like the post in the Humor thread about Southerners not needing a watch because you work until it is done or dark, that was definitely my dad!

While I was still DPOA, I had the tractor and all the equipment removed from my dad's farm, to my sister's where they could keep an eye on it. When it was my grandpa's farm, many of his things grew legs and walked away quickly in the days that followed, before my dad had time to react, so I knew to be prepared. I also had a wireless security system installed on the house. My brother has still not returned the 3rd key to the car or the master fuse. He disabled it and left the window cracked and I had to put plastic over it. My sister and her husband have plied me with questions about how to handle the stuff. Keep asking me if I've been to the courthouse yet. My dad left no will (was not able to do one, by the time we realized he needed it.) I'll end up being administrator as my sister doesn't think she could do it and my brother is a felon and can't be bonded. I had handled all of dad's business after he got sick anyway. I'm like, dang it people, give me a few days to recover first! It can sit and rust for all I care. Mind blowing how people can be at a time like this. My grandmother said she thought my brother should get the farm. Seriously... o_O

I just hope the settling of his estate is not a bigger trial than fighting the cancer was. :(

:hugsI am so sorry. He looks so handsome and a dad to be proud of. I know what you are feeling and you did your best. Today, I saw the neurosurgeon who wants to do surgery on DH's brain to take out another tumor and blood. I am at peace with it. I have another doctor to talk to, but all I can do is do the best I can and hope he does not suffer and to not be afraid. I am glad you are at peace about this all and sorry about your brother.

I'll be praying his surgery goes well; and for you and your children as you stand by his side through this. :hugs I had heard other people on my support group had had 2 or even 3 surgeries and did well. My dad's reoccurence wasn't operable, but he didn't want any more surgery anyway. I was thankful that he slept through most of these last 3 weeks and that the hospice nurses were so attentive to make sure he didn't feel any pain.


Deeply Rooted
Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
Good to hear of your brother. Stuff like what you're going through is really hard, and I can not imagine your pain that you'll be going though. I'm lucky that our aunt has already left a will.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
I'm so glad that things went smoothly at his funeral. Very smart of you to be proactive with his things. I'll keep praying that the settling of the estate goes smoothly. You are so right. Things can surely wait a little while.


Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
edited, name change! I am such a dope some days! :oops:

oh Journey I know how you feel when people start asking what are you doing with this, can I have that, when are you going to finish up, etc... immediately after the funeral! Really I did not want anything at that point. Just some small things he made or loved. Mostly I just wanted him. Big hugs sweetie.
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I am glad the service went well and there was no drama. I truly hope that the family doesn't get ugly over how things get divided up. Word of advice, seek out help from a lawyer, if nothing else, consultation on the best way to go about settling things up. Big hugs.

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