My Vermicomposter


Deeply Rooted
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
Last week I was showing some friends the worms in the garden, stuck my trowel in 4-5 different places, and there was a worm in every place I dug. The garden is no till with heavy mulch like this and there was a worm in every place I dug, sometimes 4-5. I don't use any fertilizer except grass clippings and my latest kick, free coffee grounds from the coffee shops.
I did not add any worms, but I'm sure some eggs were in the castings I used last year since I put the castings in with every transplant so they were pretty much distributed over the whole garden.
I decided that the sheet mulch was composting in place so well that I gave away my compost bin earlier this year. Now I just pull back mulch and put down my veggie scraps and cover them back up. No sense putting them in the composter, turning them, and then emptying the composter and moving the compost to the garden.
I'm basically lazy and this method suits me just fine. Just now starting my third year with this method and don't understand wy anyone would garden any other way.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
We had the garden no till one year and it worked. Next year a lot of weeds, but this year going to try it again. I did choke out some weeks with compost and leaves, but when I rake it off, I see there will be a lot, but I am going to plant, and just bring leaves, compost and the massive amounts of old straw I have and put in the each pathways, around the plants, and under the trees, the bushes, berries, and see what happens. I have a lot of Marigolds, hollyhocks, coneflowers, Delphinium, Shasta Daisy, and other kinds. I think I am going to circle the garden with flowers to cover how this is going to look.

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