Questions for You Tech Savvy Folks

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
As you may know, I don't have a smart phone, nor a camera that I can post pics on here with. We haven't been under a contract with the phone company for years; just haven't wanted to make any changes. Well, now my DH's cell phone is about ready to bite the dust, so I am looking at what options are out there. He is even less tech savvy than I am lately, so we are obviously living in a fool's paradise.
So here are my questions, if anyone has any ideas for me:
Does anyone use a prepaid "smart" phone with wireless connectivity? Do the pre-paid plans come with a certain amount of internet service? I have wireless internet at the house, for my laptop, but it is not extremely reliable. I would be able to use it at home on the phone, tho, when it IS working, right?
Is it possible to buy a used smart or I phone ( perhaps on e-bay) and stay with the regular phone service I have now, including keeping the phone numbers? without getting the phone company in on the switch, and consequently put me on another contract? Are the smart chips or what ever they are called interchangeable on all phones, or just their own brand?
Is there any particular kind of phone you recommend? Any really bad ones you would warn me away from? Obviously I am not looking to impress "all my friends" with a cool phone. But since I need a camera anyway.....
Thanks for reading this lengthy question.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I am the antithesis to tech savvy, but I read your question anyway and will hope to not muddy the waters here.

My Kid#1 is like a black hole to phones. If it can be lost or destroyed he can do it. He replaces them with used phones he gets on Ebay, and has it activated by the phone co. (V------) without re-upping a contract. Keeps the same number.

I know that once you get a ballpark idea of which phone you might get, it's easy to find reviews on it online.

Dh's phone is also ready to run it's final lap, he's been nursing it along for several months now, so I have some of the same questions you do. I'll be watching this.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Should we assume that your internet is thru the cable company, @so lucky ?

I don't have a smart phone. Can't hear well enuf for the word "telephone" to be much of a lure for expensive services.

When the "kids" show up with their smart phones, they just become part of the network with the password. Then, they have our WiFi to use.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
What's wrong with a contract? If yours has run out, then you probably qualify for a reduced price on 2 new phones! I have a Droid, take pics with it and email them to myself, then save to computer, then post here! I am sure there is a easier way to do that, but I have learned my very own bass-ackwards technique and refuse to change my bad habits.

As far as a phone, the Apple I-Phone is the easiest to learn. I wish I had gotten one instead of this durn Droid.

We have had service with A - & - since 1996. Before there was digital phone service.....started with analog...... We keep phones a loooong time, so when we want new ones, we always get the latest, newest gadget at a better price than buying one off the shelf.

Why not look at both options? Pre-pay versus a contract? Since you've had service so long that you're off contract, what does it matter?

Be sure to get the screen saver film and a case for the I-Phone. It will help extend the life of your pricey toy!

I am a tech dummy, but I read your thread anyway. If I can operate one, anybody can. My phone works on wireless almost everywhere.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
I don't know why I would even venture to open this thread. Most companies do not require a contract anymore. But, that's how you get a free or cheap phone. We have been pretty happy with tmobile. But not all cell companies work well in individual homes. We are in a town where some of the big companies do not work well. Something to consider.
Another question. Is anyone else getting spam on their phone?


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Things to consider

1). Signal strength-only companies that cover your area matter. For me, AT & T is only decent option.
2). Main companies are no longer offering contracts. Instead, they extend your phone payments over extended time. Very subtle difference.
3). Smart phones will not take abuse flips did-buy a good protection plan and great case. Like Otterbox but you have to shop to buy cheaper-great cases are never cheap.
4. I have iPhone, like it but cohorts have other makes and like them.
5). iPhones require you to learn how to talk to Windows based computers. It's a learning curve.
6). Concerning using air time for Internet, better buy huge program. You'll burn through GB bites before you know it. Now when you can connect to WIFI, knock yourself out.

Best warning I can give you. Once you start using a smart phone to 10% of its capabilities! you'll be hooked!

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Good advice! Thanks all. @digitS', my internet service is rebroadcast from fiber optic cables, is about all I know. We have a small receiver on our roof, that looks like a piece of TV antenna.
@seedcorn, Verison and AT&T are about the only phone companies around here. I don't think there is adequate coverage by Sprint and T Mobile. One of my former coworkers had T-Mobile, and the only place she could get a signal was in her daughter's closet. I have a PC, so the Windows issue is not a problem. Macs are almost not used around here. Don't know why.
I never have been an avid texter or phone talker. Since I retired, and now that I don't have elderly parents to tend, sometimes days go by without the phone ringing. I had the texting feature disabled on all the phones, because we didn't have texting on our plan, and we were getting lots of texts from advertisers that I had to pay for, till I caught the problem. We had my mom on my phone plan, and I haven't taken her phone off yet, due to the possibility of AT&T wanting to put me back on contract if I alert them to any changes. It's only $10 a month extra, but of course that will go off if I re-up a contract. @baymule, I guess the reason I haven't wanted to be on a contract is mostly from all the nightmare stories that have circled about bad service and high phone bills and no way to cancel without spending way too much. It's good to know that the big guys are finally getting the message and changing their rules.
I'll let you all know what I come up with. I hope I don't strain my brain.