Rylahn here a newbie :)


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hardest thing it seems about being new here is remembering howdy to make this a regular place to come to on the computer to say howdy and make comments or something to post. You'll notice some posts are almost just small talk, wondering about something hardly about gardening in the rambling random sections, or what is this weed called i have to pull all the time.

Let us know what part of the world you're in. Are you a major farmer or are you lucky you have a window on the 43rd floor of a new york skyscraper? Ha, probably somewhere between like most of us.

You don't get to post photos until you make 10 posts i think, so hop right in. water's fine here.

oh, and the little emoticons are fun!!
I like that one where the little guy plops down on his face!

This is the one to use when the gals start talking raspberry recipes

That's the one to use when nachoqtpie puts up a picture of baby duckies

That's the one to use when someone in Florida posts a picture of some splendidly beautiful tropical flower and they call it a weed.

This one is handy for adding if you're overly talkative in the morning after 14 cups of espresso...me guilty sometimes

These go to Journey and thistle and ninnymary...especially when ya wish they had twin sisters somewhere

Watch out for DigitS! He's so into gardening that whenever he has a neighbor with a spot 12 inches in diameter with nothing growing on it, he plants a garden on the spot there. As him what GOOPP means! so, for an :old guy, he sure does a lot of :mow :tools and :watering because he's always as busy as a :bee

One person was in here that used to drive people :ya because of his :barnie kind of ways, and while i was offline for a couple months he got cooped up. I still kinda miss Detlor, and sorta wish there was a way to uncoop him, maybe for one hour a week.

:happy_flower this one might be a blue flower, but I consider it as sunshine on a cold day sun.

:rainbow-sun This one is my hippy flowers

Not everyone agrees with everyone else in here about everything! :duc some things make ya feel like this :he or :rant or :somad Best thing sometimes is to watch out for those hot topics. When those happen...

...best thing to do is ask one of the gals to let us in on a secret recipe for



Deeply Rooted
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
LOL!! Marshall.. I do tend to post the cute little duckie pictures, eh?

I believe we will be ordering some more in the spring. Some Khaki Campbells and some Buffs! Those Buffs are supposed to be pretty good dual purpose birds, and Campbells are supposed to be fairly broody. So I'll have Pekins, Campbells, Buffs, and my one little Runner. (who I'm still trying to determin whether it's name should be Gretchen or Greg! But I'm leaning more towards Greg.) :)

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