stubbed toes and mud pies


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yesterday Mom scored some wonderful fabric for free including some material that will work well for batting plus some patterned frog prints. :) guess who washed his binkie yesterday and determined that it was due to be thrown away? moi? guess who said she couldn't use that material and was likely to pass it along to someone else?... guess who might be getting new froggy binkie? :) :) :) not sure when, but we have those three things together now and they won't be leaving unless i'm dead...

the binkie i will be retiring was made from a previous futon cover so it has survived many years and we could recondition it by cutting off the problem areas... i may consider this as it is a nice weight and feel (as i've been using it as my main binkie for 10 years or so). i have another one up in my closet just like it, but i don't want to use it up too soon... so we'll rotatervate to a froggy one for some time...


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i tried to get some pictures but generally failed to get much that are good enough to post. the most amusing pictures are those of a lone squirrel which was sitting on Igor (the cement chunk with mirrors on it that sent the sunbeam shining on the basket above the fridge) with his tail hanging down (looking to the North).

the garlic is doing ok.

the onion patch still needs to be redone and i'm unlikely to get to it anytime in the next few weeks.

the strawberry patch hasn't been fixed at all. i need to get that turned under. not too likely that's going to happen...

little bits of weeding here or there are possible and happen, nothing too major though. not at all like what i was hoping to get done. that's how it goes at times. you make progress where you can and hold the line in other areas and fall back and punt if push comes to shove... :)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
in the home repairs, cleaning, customer service and spider hunting combination of things... the digital tv tuner box went out (perhaps after too many lightning strikes). we bought it way back when the channels changed from regular broadcasting to digital.

the large tv and stereo cabinet had to be moved and that also meant cleaning up the dust and spiderwebs (and i found one of the common house spiders (a few egg sacs with almost nothing in them) back there and one wispy cellar spider). cleaning up the floor of all the spider poo was accomplished by spraying some vinegar water and then wiping it up a moment later with some TP. repeated once or twice more.

i got everything reconnected but when it came to getting the new device entered into the universal remote control there was no code that worked well and there wasn't anything in the instructions manual about what code to use and then looking online i've not found much either. thinking i might get some help from their e-mail answer i sent them a note asking for the four digit code number to use and get a very terse reply saying that maybe the code for SHARP may work. nope. SHARP doesn't even make tuners and all the SHARP codes i tried didn't do a thing... :(

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