The Return of the Vines


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Hi All,

A few weeks ago I had a little surprise. You remember me having that pot of assorted vetches earlier this spring. Well the last of those conked out about two months ago (leaving little to no seed). So about a month or so ago, I went out to clear the pot, in order to replant it (or given that I really had nothing to replant it with, to move it out of the way and make some space.)

To my surprise, growing out of the pot were three bindweed like vines, very clearly from the last time I had done one of my test grow outs, which had to be at least three years ago. I can only assume that given how long bindweed family seeds can stay dormant, they must have been resting in there all this time. So it looks like I am doing another experimental run


Of particular note is the short one on the lower left (with the deeply five lobed leaves). That is some of that "grasp vine" I have mentioned from time to time, the one I still can't identify.

Ironically given how much I hate the stuff, that sprout is really the only one it is important reaches maturity. In the future, I really like to be able to rouge that one out from seed I find. But to do that, I have to get a vine to mature seed to be able to tell WHICH seeds it actually is! I've gotten close twice, getting to immature pods in the seed knots (despite clearly being in the Convulvulacae family, grasp vine produces no visible flowers. Rather it makes these "knots" small (single) to large (compound) lumps that look a lot like flower buds except they never open and the pod(s) form inside of them directly.) but in both cases events happened to destroy the plants before the seed matured (the first time, Hurricane Sandy knocked over the arch the vines were growing on and snapped them at the base, the second, dad hired some people to paint the outside of the house and didn't bother to tell me they were doing the iron railings too.) Hopefully THIS time it will work.

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