Victoria tomato mill -- like or not?


Chillin' In The Garden
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Lower slower Delaware
I have usually processed my tomatos for sauce in the blender but a friend recommended a Victoria tomato processor -- the kind that works kind of like a sausage grinder. You put tomatos in the top, turn a crank, and the mill separates the seeds/skin from the pulp/juice. There are attachments so you can also use the mill for processing berries and other fruits. Has anyone used one? Do you like it? Have you used the attachments? I've been keeping an eye out for a used one at all of my yardsale/thrift/etc. visits, without success, and would like more input before I spring for the $45+ investment in a new one!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I've got the more expensive Squeezo strainer. I chose Squeezo because of the metal parts instead of plastic. You still cannot put real hot stuff in it because of the rubber seal. I'm not sure the metal parts was worth the extra cost, but I had to make a decision and did.

I've used the tomato screen for tomatoes and the berry screen for blackberries. It took a bit of getting used to how to adjust it, but I find it a big help when it is adjusted right. I had a tendency to over-tighten it until I learned better.

Sometimes you need to send the stuff it ejects back through to get more pulp out, but I find them a lot faster that the old hand mill.

My wife can't handle those small seeds so they have to come out for me. I have no option in that.

I have not tried raw produce with mine. I store my tomatoes and such in the freezer until I have enough for a batch, so I thaw it by cooking them a bit. I don't know if this helps or hurts the operation.