Weather Where You Are


Garden Addicted
Jun 30, 2017
Reaction score
Rotterdam, Holland
WHO is the IDIOT that believes in Global WARMING?!?!?!?!? :rant:rant:rant
That terminology was a very unlucky choice, Climate Change is a better wording, since it says better what it is. More extremes either way, hotter, colder, wetter, more storms etc.
Either way it's not normal what is happening now, there were a ton of weather records last year.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Of COURSE it is normal, bc we don't really know what normal is weatherwise. We have only been keeping track of the weather for a little bit over 100 years and in those 100+ years it was spotty until the age of the computer. NASA was caught manipulating climate data and THEIR climate data has been a big argument for "climate change" and the "evil humans" who "caused" it.
A season happens 4x/year. Climate occurs every 125 years. MORE important than whether we should be ruled by/taxed by politicians and elites who don't bother to count the gasoline used by their private jets, or how much fuel they use in their homes or by their OWN cars, HOW ABOUT we all work on being better stewards?!?!?
I will brag on myself. Usually I put out 0-1 bags of kitchen garbage that is going into a landfill. I burn/garden with all of the waste product cardboard, then use the ashes next to my trees or in my beet bed. Amazon probably owns stock in the paper companies bc it is their Favorite form of shipping materials, along with NON-recyclable plastic that cushions your purchases. I try to reuse plastic whenever possible, and I prefer to use a nice coffee travel cup instead of buying coffee in a styrofoam or paper cup, that, aGAIN goes into a landfill. How much of your Own trash goes into a landfill?
When I taught school we TOLD all of the students that their paper was being recycled, but I watched the janitor dump the paper into the regular trash every day I stayed late to work on lesson plans.
DD's save all of their aluminum and I make the trip to the recycler count by taking into several bags of cans. I have a trash can exCLUSIVELY for scrap metal and THAT goes in the same day that I drop cans. BOTH of them don't pay as well as they did 4 years ago, but I still do it INSTEAD of sending these products to the landfill.
Reduce, ReUSE, RECYCLE!!!!!
Mean it, and DO IT!!!!
Do YOU adjust your thermostat to save energy? Do YOU keep your clothes until they are won out? Do YOU change dress shoes every season to stay in fashion? Do YOU throw away the old cell phone or recycle it? How about batteries?

I found this link on the EPA gov site, btw. Wasn't hard.
BP is advertising how they can use food trash to make jet fuel. They aren't charging the government, which means yours and my tax money to charge the military >$30.00/gallon for fuel made from algae, which is a process still in it's infancy.
Let's also talk about where we all get our electricity. ONLY fossil fuels can feed the world's electricity demands right now. THAT means that Your electric car is being charged by fossil fuels. I would assume that maybe you bought it so that you could run out of gas but still get home. (Also the lithium battery's gel will freeze to a solid when it gets really cold, in the case that you didn't know.)
ALL OF US want to see alternative fuels become the norm, but I will NOT let a powerful politican tell ME that I am the one who needs to change. Show me ONE of them lecturing that is not a total hypocrite.
AOC lectures all of us, but she won't take the train from NY to D.C., which would be the way to use less. "Do as I say...not as I do."
The ONLY successful effort to change behavior occured in the late 1960's. Americans had developed a bad habit of just throwing their trash, like from a McDonald's lunch out the windows of their cars. Littering by highways was a big deal. The ONE commercial, with the American Indian in native dress, standing in front of the trash with a tear running down his cheek changed EVERYBODY's behavior. We became ashamed of our poor stewardship.
IF we can spend our energy brainstorming ways to make it practical and at Least pay for the effort to recycle all items, we will have spent our time wisely.
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Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed. ~ M. Gandhi


Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket. ~ E. Hoffer

We should all be in favor of clean skies.

who will break up a little of the snow in the yard to encourage it to melt in this afternoon's sunshine


Garden Ornament
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 4- Twin Cities, MN
Of COURSE it is normal, bc we don't really know what normal is weatherwise. We have only been keeping track of the weather for a little bit over 100 years and in those 100+ years it was spotty until the age of the computer. NASA was caught manipulating climate data and THEIR climate data has been a big argument for "climate change" and the "evil humans" who "caused" it.
A season happens 4x/year. Climate occurs every 125 years. MORE important than whether we should be ruled by/taxed by politicians and elites who don't bother to count the gasoline used by their private jets, or how much fuel they use in their homes or by their OWN cars, HOW ABOUT we all work on being better stewards?!?!?
I will brag on myself. Usually I put out 0-1 bags of kitchen garbage that is going into a landfill. I burn/garden with all of the waste product cardboard, then use the ashes next to my trees or in my beet bed. Amazon probably owns stock in the paper companies bc it is their Favorite form of shipping materials, along with NON-recyclable plastic that cushions your purchases. I try to reuse plastic whenever possible, and I prefer to use a nice coffee travel cup instead of buying coffee in a styrofoam or paper cup, that, aGAIN goes into a landfill. How much of your Own trash goes into a landfill?
When I taught school we TOLD all of the students that their paper was being recycled, but I watched the janitor dump the paper into the regular trash every day I stayed late to work on lesson plans.
DD's save all of their aluminum and I make the trip to the recycler count by taking into several bags of cans. I have a trash can exCLUSIVELY for scrap metal and THAT goes in the same day that I drop cans. BOTH of them don't pay as well as they did 4 years ago, but I still do it INSTEAD of sending these products to the landfill.
Reduce, ReUSE, RECYCLE!!!!!
Mean it, and DO IT!!!!
Do YOU adjust your thermostat to save energy? Do YOU keep your clothes until they are won out? Do YOU change dress shoes every season to stay in fashion? Do YOU throw away the old cell phone or recycle it? How about batteries?

I found this link on the EPA gov site, btw. Wasn't hard.
BP is advertising how they can use food trash to make jet fuel. They aren't charging the government, which means yours and my tax money to charge the military >$30.00/gallon for fuel made from algae, which is a process still in it's infancy.
Let's also talk about where we all get our electricity. ONLY fossil fuels can feed the world's electricity demands right now. THAT means that Your electric car is being charged by fossil fuels. I would assume that maybe you bought it so that you could run out of gas but still get home. (Also the lithium battery's gel will freeze to a solid when it gets really cold, in the case that you didn't know.)
ALL OF US want to see alternative fuels become the norm, but I will NOT let a powerful politican tell ME that I am the one who needs to change. Show me ONE of them lecturing that is not a total hypocrite.
AOI lectures all of us, but she won't take the train from NY to D.C., which would be the way to use less. "Do as I say...not as I do."
The ONLY successful effort to change behavior occured in the late 1960's. Americans had developed a bad habit of just throwing their trash, like from a McDonald's lunch out the windows of their cars. Littering by highways was a big deal. The ONE commercial, with the American Indian in native dress, standing in front of the trash with a tear running down his cheek changed EVERYBODY's behavior. We became ashamed of our poor stewardship.
IF we can spend our energy brainstorming ways to make it practical and at Least pay for the effort to recycle all items, we will have spent our time wisely.

I don’t want to touch most of what you’ve said, because science disagrees. I am a chemical engineer and my work is primarily around reducing corporate pollution. It hurts my brain and my heart that people think climate change is something you can choose not to believe in, like ghosts. My career is not handwaving, magic, or lies made up by “elites.” It’s science. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I obviously will not change your mind, because your stance does not come from a place of reason or rational.

But a few things you may care to know:

corporations are responsible for the vast majority of pollution. Corporations do not have consciences and everyone being responsible for themselves does not affect how large companies operate. Legislation does.

BP is not looking to make fuel from garbage because it’s the right thing to do. They are doing it because (1) it’s far less expensive (thanks to legislation that aims to reduce pollution and requires companies to monitor, report, and pay for their pollution) and (2) because it makes them look good to consumers who care (optics).

And I’m not sure if you use amazon, but just FYI those plastic packing bubble things in a long strip (little air pillows) are recycleable! You can recycle them at grocery stores that provide plastic grocery bag recycling. Check for your nearest location and happy recycling.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed. ~ M. Gandhi


Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket. ~ E. Hoffer

We should all be in favor of clean skies.

who will break up a little of the snow in the yard to encourage it to melt in this afternoon's sunshine

clean skies, clean water, clean land - we don't really know how long it will take us to found other colonies in other places so we should treat this like the only home we'll ever have until that becomes demonstrated (and still should not be taken as an excuse for destruction anyways as i think the planet is worth of respect and care as a place of beauty and many other creatures).


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
By pouring more cement and building roads, we’ve changed our weather patterns in Northern Indiana. As far as +/- temperatures, nothing, +/-1 degree every year.

No stats to back it, but I’m of opinion there is too much pollution from individuals and companies equally. Some countries-Asian-are over board on pollution. Just dumping into ocean.


Garden Ornament
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 4- Twin Cities, MN
By pouring more cement and building roads, we’ve changed our weather patterns in Northern Indiana. As far as +/- temperatures, nothing, +/-1 degree every year.

No stats to back it, but I’m of opinion there is too much pollution from individuals and companies equally. Some countries-Asian-are over board on pollution. Just dumping into ocean.

Everyone should be polluting only as much as they have to. Obviously that isn’t where we’re at on things, but that’s the ideal.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
And I’m not sure if you use amazon, but just FYI those plastic packing bubble things in a long strip (little air pillows) are recycleable! You can recycle them at grocery stores that provide plastic grocery bag recycling. Check for your nearest location and happy recycling.
Good to know!
What is YOUR solution to how we can fix the climate?
I believe that we were told that there was only a short amount of time left for the planet. I know that in 1981 we were told that by the 2000 Island nations would be under water as well as our coastlines and we only had a short time left to survive. In the early 2000's Al Gore told us that our future was grim and TODAY, we are being told that we only have 12 years left and that means that by 2031 the world will end. Will we revisit this issue then and announce that we have been given a 12 year extension?
You SEE, JUST BC it is popular and PC to believe that people have created a climate that will kill us, does not mean that it is so. I tire of the lectures, esPECIALLY since China daily contributes to air pollution, as well as India, and we cannot force either of them to comply. It is ALWAYS Americans who are evil and selfish, and ONLY by paying the government a carbon tax can we fix it. How does the action of taking my money clean up any pollution?
I guess I don't have enough of a "scientific mind" to understand this, but I am open to an explanation.
I believe in personal responsibility and in action.
Notice that I did not disagree by calling you "irrational." I believe that God will take care of us and clean up our messes on HIS planet, bc he is the only entity with that ability.
Science is imperfect and the USA once believed that different races were inferior and called That Science.
You should not be offended bc somebody disagrees with you.
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Garden Ornament
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 4- Twin Cities, MN
Good to know!
What is YOUR solution to how we can fix the climate?

Fortunately it isn't my job to figure out how to stop the destruction we're doing. My actual job is to track and quantify pollution and identify reasonable means of reduction. This is where I can have the most impact. Because companies are the biggest polluters ( Its not as if we don't all benefit from the products and services these companies provide, but the market will not sort itself in the libertarian sense when it comes to pollution. Two identical companies, one using 100% renewable energy and one using 100% coal, competing in the same market without legislation providing financial incentives for renewable energy will be no competition at all. The same if one company takes expensive measures to reduce their pollution and one does not. It is simply cheaper to pollute, and the vast majority of consumers will not pay 5-10x as much to support the company that is a superior environmental steward.

I hold myself personally accountable to reduce my own footprint as much as possible, and I support legislation that either encourages companies to reduce their impact or incentivises companies that innovate solutions. I support science and its ability to lead us toward solutions. I can tell you that rolling back legislation will further the problem significantly. Federal law requires every modern car to have a catalytic converter. This reduces emissions of CO (a greenhouse gas that depletes ozone) from cars by 90%. Catalytic converters are expensive; if they were an option on cars most people would not choose to buy them.

Legislation like this passes my scrutiny test of who is being oppressed or forced to do something. Someone else's right to smoke does not supersede my right to clean air, and thus we now have legislation limiting smoking in public spaces. Someone's 'right' to pollute should not impede the next generations' right to a livable planet.

My question to you is if you don't believe in climate change and you don't believe the activities of humans affect the earth, why do you reduce, recycle, reuse? Don't you understand that when they taught you that in school it was precisely to counteract the affects of pollution (climate change)? For that matter why do you think the only way we could ever measure climate was with a computer or a thermometer? Climate is not temperature. The temperature the result of climate changes. We can track carbon and other elements as far back as we can dig in the earth. Its how we know what areas of dessert used to be under an ocean, and how much of the planet was once ice, and what historical ocean levels have been.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Reduce, recycle and re use have nothing to do with climate change-it’s about pollution.

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