What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
We went to Walmart Friday evening and i checked the corn. YAY! It was marked 10 cents an ear! We started snatching it up and the produce manager came up. He said he got another pallet of corn and had not sold what he had, so he marked it down to move it out. We bagged up 80 ears, 60 for us and 20 for our neighbors, Robert and Sharon. We practically cleared the table. The price went up immediately when we were done. LOL Just a stroke of luck.

Our neighbor Robert had been at our house earlier lamenting the fact that his wife won't can or freeze any of the garden produce he grows. My response was for him to do it himself, lots of men on TEG can, freeze and dehydrate their garden produce. He whined about okra and my husband called our favorite produce stand and ordered Robert a half bushel of okra. I told him that I would help him put it up.

So Saturday morning I hit it at 6:30 AM and got the corn shucked and washed. By the time Robert showed up with his okra, I had our corn cut and in the freezer. I showed him how to blanch the corn, cut it off the cob and scrape the cob. While he cut corn, I washed his okra. DH labeled the bags and bagged up the corn. Robert wanted pickled okra, so we made him 8 pints. Then we started cutting okra. We cut okra for hours! Robert got a real good, up close view of the work involved in putting up proceeds from the garden. :lol: Finally we were done cutting the okra and i blanched it. I set the oven to 350 degrees, spread okra on cookie sheets and put it in the oven for 4-5 minutes until it was steaming hot. Then it had to cool before getting bagged up. DH labeled the bags and invented a new vegetable ORKA. :lol::lol: We had a good laugh over that one! Robert was proud of his work, happy with learning how to make cream corn, pickled okra and how to freeze okra. We finished up at 4:00 PM. Haha, I wore him out!


Deeply Rooted
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score
Southern Indiana zone 6b
Picked MORE zucchini, cucumbers and kale. AND the 1st ripe tomato.

I just yanked out the last stubs of Kale this morning. Sometimes I just get tired of looking at it waiting for it to start behaving again. This spring I over planted my wine barrel with kale seeds and had plenty to share with my chickens. When they figured out where it came from they started helping themselves


Deeply Rooted
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score
Southern Indiana zone 6b
We went to Walmart Friday evening and i checked the corn. YAY! It was marked 10 cents an ear! We started snatching it up and the produce manager came up. He said he got another pallet of corn and had not sold what he had, so he marked it down to move it out. We bagged up 80 ears, 60 for us and 20 for our neighbors, Robert and Sharon. We practically cleared the table. The price went up immediately when we were done. LOL Just a stroke of luck.

Our neighbor Robert had been at our house earlier lamenting the fact that his wife won't can or freeze any of the garden produce he grows. My response was for him to do it himself, lots of men on TEG can, freeze and dehydrate their garden produce. He whined about okra and my husband called our favorite produce stand and ordered Robert a half bushel of okra. I told him that I would help him put it up.

So Saturday morning I hit it at 6:30 AM and got the corn shucked and washed. By the time Robert showed up with his okra, I had our corn cut and in the freezer. I showed him how to blanch the corn, cut it off the cob and scrape the cob. While he cut corn, I washed his okra. DH labeled the bags and bagged up the corn. Robert wanted pickled okra, so we made him 8 pints. Then we started cutting okra. We cut okra for hours! Robert got a real good, up close view of the work involved in putting up proceeds from the garden. :lol: Finally we were done cutting the okra and i blanched it. I set the oven to 350 degrees, spread okra on cookie sheets and put it in the oven for 4-5 minutes until it was steaming hot. Then it had to cool before getting bagged up. DH labeled the bags and invented a new vegetable ORKA. :lol::lol: We had a good laugh over that one! Robert was proud of his work, happy with learning how to make cream corn, pickled okra and how to freeze okra. We finished up at 4:00 PM. Haha, I wore him out!

What a great find on the corn! The coons and birds are starting to get into ours. My neighbor plants bodacious corn. It is very tasty!

We have been picking bush beans and white half runners until the calling sun is gone each night. I have picked several 5 gallon and 3 gallon buckets. My mom has been canning them for me. She's calling uncle. We have been inviting anyone we know to come pick.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I have been working on gardening, but I am now digesting a late lunch. I was about to replant carrots, but my hot frame/cold frame bed just wasn't loose enough, so I tilled up a spot with some compost, filled the wheelbarrow and deposited it for later planting today. I also took a hand rake to my beet bed and found an ~2' x 2' section that was too compacted, so I took my shovel to it throw out clumps that I couldn't break up and added some more compost for, again, replanting. I took my shovel to my potato bed and found some more potatoes. I took the tiller to this bed, emptied a 2/3 full wheelbarrow of compost and tilled THAT in, for, aGAIN replanting potatoes, just to see what I get. I'll get pictures this afternoon.
Can't WAIT until later this month after DH's mandatory trip to Colorado, when the local sweet corn will be at stands. Once I taste it, I'll know what to put up to freeze in ziploc bags.
I have two zucchini's up, several (cover crop) pumpkins up, several (cover crop) watermelons up and a bunch of okra. I need to pull up the rest of the blackberries, till it in and add compost so that I can transplant the okra where many are growing right next to each other.
Also, my old jeans bit the dust, so they are in the trash.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
I wish I could get my hands on a half bushel of ORKA. :D No one around here grows it. Love it pickled and it has to be HOT. My okra plants are big and healthy, but I am still waiting on it to bloom. I am ~still~ waiting for the first ripe tomato too. It has been a cool summer. We are stuck in the low 80's, which otherwise I would love, but I'm dying for a real tomato here!

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