What's Your Favorite Cafe?


Garden Addicted
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
MN. Zone 4/5
That bit about telling the cooks they couldn't smoke while cooking made me chuckle: In my younger days, there was a truck stop that sold beer, burgers and such. The owner, Mary, was a rather large woman who chain smoked. I vividly remember watching her flip burgers on the grill, with a cigarette hanging out of the side of her mouth. As the ash grew longer and longer, we were wondering who would get it on their burger. If I ever got it, all it did was make those delicious burgers even better.

Boy how times change huh? Bill even smoked while he cooked. There was always a full ashtray right next to the grill, until he realized some patrons did not appreciate that. This was a true, small town greasy spoon. The only restroom was through the kitchen, in the back storage room. (Looking back now, it was really gross in there!) Many times, customers were standing in the kitchen talking to the cook on their way back from the restroom.

But it was fun to work there. We had so many regulars, 'Good morning, the usual?' was most often my line as I poured their coffee. On slow nights the local cops would come in and challenge John and I to a game of pool. Bill made the best burgers in town. His Chef Special (Cal. burger) is still the best I have ever eaten! I made the best chocolate malts though, ask anybody. :D

Funny you mention Mary, that was Bill's wife's name. Had they not been divorced, more than likely she would have been at the grill, with a long ash hanging. :D

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
One of my favorite places to go for lunch as a student was The Snack Shop just half a block from my school. Even though the owner was a member of our church, the Sisters kept telling us we shouldn't go there. I think that was more because nearby public school junior high students were likely to eat there.

They had the best soups! Such a great treat on a cold winter day and a lot closer that the 9 block walk home to eat. Going through the kitchen would have been a relief, as this place had its bathrooms down a dark, narrow stairway into a dank, musty basement. Never did much like going down there so I seldom did. I do remember getting 'stuck' in the basement once during a tornado threat. Ew! 40 minutes of steady Ew!

The ownership has changed through the years, but the shop is still there, still run by a chief cook and bottle-washing owner. We stopped there recently. Food is still good. Bathroom? I dared not check. DH said it looked like always. Our "younger days" pictures are still hanging on the walls. Strange to see Mom, Dad, and sister -- all long passed -- staring down at me from the Snack Shop walls.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
It is rather neat. This place is part of a triangular building at the end of a triangular corner. It is so small -- seats maybe 30 people if all are thin or well-squeezed in. From the outside it looks shabby (okay rather shabby inside as well) but the soup is always homemade and the burgers shaped and cooked to order.

This place runs breakfast to lunch so we don't often find ourselves in the neighborhood when it is open all that often anymore.

We have a bar -- went to school with the owner -- that has a three-county reputation for meals through the supper hour. Friday fish is fantastic, but get there early or you'll be standing around for a while waiting to be seated. Other days of the week offer specials as well. Chicken and dumplings are another standing room offering.

Known as THE MICKEY MOUSE for years and years, it became just THE MOUSE after a suit with the big rodent from California. Again, a small seating area built for the kind of folks who eat carrots and lettuce rather than battered cod with all the fix'ns. Dad did a lot of work in the bar over the years so I feel rather at home even if we don't get out all that often. Friday is our night with the Grands after all and neither of us are the drinkers Dad, sister, and brother were there.

Owner/bartender came up with a drink just for me when he couldn't make the fancy one I ordered. Simple food, simple drinks, simply special; just not all that cheap anymore as prices are relatively the same as other restaurants in the area. However, if he priced by supply and demand, the food cost would be much higher than it is.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
I just got back from dinner with a friend at Fortina ,everyone eating there was beautiful it was like the old days at studio 54 doormen picked who was allowed inside.

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