Wonderful World of Thermometer Technology


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Of course, I'm talking about wireless digital thermometers.

I asked for a new one for my birthday some time ago. The sensor units that I had on the oldest Oregon Scientific still worked for a time on the new OS "weather station." But, I lost 2 of them, just from age, I guess.

The gift was an Acurite but it only has 1 remote sensor. So, the OS still has a role. Unfortunately, the shed-attached hoop house must be a little too remote. I have trouble with both the Acurite and the OS with picking up a signal from there! New batteries or not . . .

The OS has 3 channels but only that one remote sensor now. So, I ask you -- how is it possible that I have information coming in on the other 2 channels?? Where is the reading that it is 43.4F or 42.7F coming from?!!

Both of what should be empty channels have slightly different numbers and seem to jive closely to what the nearest Weather Service outdoor information. Am I reading a couple of sensors my neighbors put out? Is there something coming in by satellite??? I mean, they do have radio controlled clocks :/ . . . i'm so confused . . .

:/ digitS' :/
Hoodat, you got another 1 of those hats?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I cant help you Steve. I have no idea.

I live technology when it works as advertised. A lot of the time it does. But occasionally things get thrown out or become trendy that can do this or that but the technology is not really as advanced and reliable as you might think, or maybe we just get cheap rip-offs.

Im an old enough dinosaur that I like a switch that has on one way and off the other, a knob that you turn clockwise to increase volume, light, heat, whatever, and turn counterclockwise to reduce those things. When you push a button, flip a switch, or adjust a knob it should operate the way it is advertised.

When you get something you should read the users manual to get it set up right and get the basics of how to operate it. But you should not have to go back to the users manual for basic operations. I know Im off topic and ranting so Ill sort of slow down on that.

Anyway, time to get moving. Have a decent day!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I noticed that the new Acurite booklet said something about the unit "must accept interference" as tho' there was some sort of government rule about that. Maybe there is. I am way too technology illiterate to know why something must "accept interference" or, what, interfere itself with neighborhood wireless?

The "empty" channels just must be picking up something from my neighbors. The reading in one channel, must be a sensor that catches some sunlight during mid-morning because the numbers sort of spikes about then and then goes back to jiving with the other and with reality.

I've got both of my sensors in the shed right now and neither of them is working. Gripes me! I mean, it isn't more than 20' from the greenhouse. They both work okay that close. Then, I've got readings from beyond the pale on 2 channels :rolleyes:!

I guess I've got some history to draw on from the few weeks when one sensor was working okay from the shed. I am in and out of there a dozen times each day, also. Aaalll high touch and no high tech . . .



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I would say your system is too complicated, that if you just had one channel you wouldnt be having this problem, but I dont think that is true. If there was just one channel you wouldnt know which sensor it was coming from, yours or some other one.

Ill tell another one of my stories. My Father-in-law wanted a new thermometer he could read with his eyesight going bad. When we were visiting, my wife got him one of those big round ones that you can easily see the needle and numbers. I put it outside his kitchen window where he could read it from inside the house. The reading varied a bit from what his car thermometer said or the weatherman on TV. Hes the type that really enjoys arguing about which bank thermometer is reading right so he had a lot of fun with that.

A little later when he was visiting, my Brother-in-law ordered online one of those remote weather stations. My BIL is into technology so he got the most complicated one he could find. But it was not delivered until after BIL left. Next time we visited I got to install that thing. That part wasnt too bad but if you ever have to change the batteries you need to take it down and bring it inside to disassemble it. Otherwise small parts will get dropped in the grass.

My wife got to program the thing. Shes a lot better at that than I am. She had the harder part of that deal but finally got it working. Then she had the really hard part, teaching her father how to get the information he wanted (temperature) off of that complicated screen.

That thing never did really work right in a lot of the functions. Rainfall totals were really iffy. Wind speed, including direction, and temperature werent too bad but the history it stored just didnt make sense.

Recently BIL got a new one and installed it and programmed it himself. Its a lot simpler.

Steve, have you checked the batteries in those sensors that arent working?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
But, you see - both work in the greenhouse, RR.

Yes, I replaced all the batteries yesterday when the old one decided that the shed was just a little too far for it. It worked briefly and then quit again. Should open the shed door so it has a more direct shot at the house . . .

Out to pull the cover off the little hoopie on the lawn. Now that's a low tech set-up. I just try to gauge when it is getting enuf sunlight by looking out the window at it :). I can see by the neighbor's sensor that it is 55 now - plenty warm outdoors even if it is breezy!



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I did the "reset" with the pin in the hole thing for the old OS station.

It had the same display for a couple minutes.

Then, it must have snatched some information out of the air -- 64 with the window open :).


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