Recent content by CountryGirl

  1. CountryGirl

    Hi, I am new here from Indiana

    A hardy welcome from SE Indiana! :welcome
  2. CountryGirl

    New here from Ohio

    Welcome, I am outside of Cincinnati on the Indiana side in Franklin County. I grew up in the Northgate area.:frow
  3. CountryGirl

    Hedge Apples & Products?

    Hi Garden, I've heard the hedge apple or Osage Orange was originally from Texas. It's hot and dry there so maybe they do grow in Utah. Check with you county ag dept. Nope. I googled it and according to eHow it doesn't grow in Utah. Sorry:(
  4. CountryGirl

    Hedge Apples & Products?

    Hi Garden, I don't know of any manufactured products that contains hedge apple. I know of individuals that will put hedge apple fruit in dishes on window sills or in cupboards. I have many hedge apple trees on my property but I don't use them for anything except the wood for burning in the...
  5. CountryGirl

    The politics of food

    Thanks hoodat! And a big AMEN! :thumbsup
  6. CountryGirl

    Growing Okra - Identifying Bad Seed

    Found the link.
  7. CountryGirl

    Growing Okra - Identifying Bad Seed

    I've heard that if you put seed in a glass of water the good seed sinks to the bottom while the bad seed will float. Never tried it though.
  8. CountryGirl

    Fall Gardening

    I also plan on doing a fall planting. I plan on putting in chard, spinach, lettuce, Kale and peas. I'm going to wait until late August. Most crops take about 80 days to mature. Also, the Ohio Ag website has a spring and fall planting guide. Good Luck!
  9. CountryGirl

    Snapper Rear tine tiller

    We got a tiller! The motor sounds good. It started up right away. Everything seem to work fine (forward, backward, tines rotated). I'll use it in the garden tomorrow evening. I'm so excited!! :ya Thanks everyone for your imput!
  10. CountryGirl

    He's BAAAAck!

    Welcome back Hoodat! :frow
  11. CountryGirl

    Snapper Rear tine tiller

    Thanks for the feedback. We've learned a little more about it. It is 5hp Briggs & Stratton engine which I've heard are decent engines. Not sure if 5hp is enough power. We're going to look at it tomorrow night so will let you know more afterwards. I search the web for reviews, couldn't find...
  12. CountryGirl

    Snapper Rear tine tiller

    Would like to hear opinions/review of a Snapper rear tine tiller. My husband and I are thinking about buying a used tiller that is a couple of years old. They are asking $150.00. Haven't seen it yet, just looking for a general review of the tiller.
  13. CountryGirl

    Green bean woes

    I agree with retiredwith4acres and marshallsmyth. I have the same problem I planted two long rows of beans and only have about 8 sprouts. While weeding the garden last night a bird happen to land in the garden right by the bean rows. It walked around looking for sprouts. The ones that had...
  14. CountryGirl


    Depending on the type of surgery, he could be so bored or "recovery is going to take longer than I thought". I have a friend that had major heart surgery and went home in less than a week. The doctors didn't open his chest they performed orthoscopic surgery. It cut the recovery time...
  15. CountryGirl

    Fall wildflowers - what are these?

    #1 looks like spring beauty.