WARNING!!!!! My lady friends


Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
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Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
:hugs, there are so many things that work for some and are pure hell for others. I was allergic to something that used to make me break out in welts, I was in agony for months, went to my doctor and had the test of 10001, well it seemed like that scratches on my back hoping to find out the culprit, the test only came up with 3 plus ones which is nothing, tobacco, human skin and a certain mold in earth.
Itch, I would have gladly tore my skin off if I could. We were visiting friends in Seattle one weekend and the wife told me her husband had been going through hell, breaking out in welts and wanting to tear his skin off, she said they finally figured out what the problem was, those dryer sheets like cling free or bounce you put in the dryer were the culprits, once she stopped using those the problem cleared up. Bingo, that was my problem too.

You have to rewash all your clothes a couple of times to get all the residue out of them. Another friend ended up with the same problem, I told her I thought I knew what was causing it, I was right she stopped using them and the problem cleared up until months later when she put on a blouse that hadn't been rewashed, she was covered in welts again.


Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I have nothing but sympathy for you, dew, and your uncomfortable problem. To put it into perspective and perhaps make you feel lucky you're not feeling worse, here's a true story.

My sister-in-law's husband went to have birth control surgery on his. . . . part. He knew nurses would be shaving the area and was worried about it so he used Nair to do the hair removal himself. As you found, it was a big mistake! The bottle warns not to use on sensitive surfaces. His 'surfaces' were extremely sensitive!

We can laugh because he deserved every bit of pain. He as long been sister-in-law's Ex.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Love that story, Red!! And the commercial brought back memories...oh,the 80s...the first and last time I ever used Nair. Either didn't work or burnt the skin right off of any given area it touched.

I thought sure they'd come up with something better by now, but apparently not. Stands to reason, anything that will dissolve hair will burn skin too but that didn't keep me from finding out that fact in the 80s. :D

Dew, some tepid baths in oatmeal and epsom might take some of the fire out of those burns. I feel for you! :eek:


Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
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Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
Yes oatmeal is a great healer, this happened a long time ago. My DH was up putting a new roof on our house, without a shirt on, he got sunburned and a very bad allergic reaction and the itch was driving him crazy, crazy enough I phoned our doctor. He said to dump some baking soda in the bath water make up a cloth using oatmeal and cheese cloth to sponge over the sunburn. He then phoned the pharmacy to make up a lotion which surprise, surprise, had oatmeal in it. Apparently oatmeal quietens the nerve ends. DH has never gone out in the sun without a shirt on since, it was that bad.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
:hugs, there are so many things that work for some and are pure hell for others. I was allergic to something that used to make me break out in welts, I was in agony for months, went to my doctor and had the test of 10001, well it seemed like that scratches on my back hoping to find out the culprit, the test only came up with 3 plus ones which is nothing, tobacco, human skin and a certain mold in earth.
Itch, I would have gladly tore my skin off if I could. We were visiting friends in Seattle one weekend and the wife told me her husband had been going through hell, breaking out in welts and wanting to tear his skin off, she said they finally figured out what the problem was, those dryer sheets like cling free or bounce you put in the dryer were the culprits, once she stopped using those the problem cleared up. Bingo, that was my problem too.

You have to rewash all your clothes a couple of times to get all the residue out of them. Another friend ended up with the same problem, I told her I thought I knew what was causing it, I was right she stopped using them and the problem cleared up until months later when she put on a blouse that hadn't been rewashed, she was covered in welts again.

I loathe, despise and hate dryer sheets. I react if in the same room with someone whose clothes reek of dryer sheet stench. I can taste it in my mouth, my tongue swells, my lips and face tingle like needles sticking me. Same thing with all scented products.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
My DIL not only uses scented detergents, but she uses a scent booster thingy in her dryer, so all the grandbaby's clothes reek of perfume and it just can't get washed out! If we try to wash them in our washer, that scent gets in our dryer and all the clothes dried in the dryer for a few cycles all reek of that perfume too. She also burns candles and those scent things in her electric sockets. What's really weird is that she gags over changing her own child's diapers. o_O

Whatever happened to just smelling clean...like nothing? :hu

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
There is a kind of dryer sheet that has no scent at all; it's what I use. It's Bounce Free and Gentle. The box says it's hyperallergenic. @aftermidnight, what kind of dryer sheets was it that gave you the horrible reaction?
I agree on the over-perfumed laundry trend. My sis used some kind of highly scented stuff on sheets that bothered me so bad I couldn't sleep when I visited them. I had to cover the pillows with my clothing to block the smell a little. I never did tell Sis about it. She would have been mortified.
And the teenage boys drenching themselves in AXE. Makes me run the other way! Imagine being a teen girl and having a date show up reeking like that! Haha, I'd have to tell him to go take a shower then come back.

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