Most of what I'm planting now is in the cabbage or mustard family. Pak choy,collards, cabbage, red leaf mustard and I just got some brocoli and carrots in yesterday.
We've had a hard freeze but everything looks all right. We had winds from h____ last week and it even made the news. Some in So. CA still don't have power. We lost ours for about 3 hours and I had eggs in the incubator. I was worried for a while but two days later they started hatching and I had a 100% hatch of bantams and silkie/marans. I just received a crinum lily that I ordered online and it came in 3 days. I need to plant it and cover with mulch. It should do fine.
Today I planted carrots, radishes and parsnips. I imagine they'll sprout (under a row cover) and grow reeeeaaaallly slowly until the days lengthen, then I can harvest in early spring. The parsnips are supposed to be a fall crop but I never got them planted. Nor did I soak the seeds for 24 hours like the packet said to, figuring that if I didn't plant them *now* while they were in my hand, it probably wouldn't happen!
What strange weather we're having this year! It's been in the 60's during the day and I've had a succession of lettuce, spinach and other greens moving from the seed-starting light setup out to the garden. I haven't actually *needed* the greenhouse yet and it's almost solstice. The most I've used is two layers of floating row cover on nights in the high 20's.
I have cabbage growing and onions. It's been really cold here with night temps down in the lower 20's. I ordered a Crinum Lily and it has arrived so I need to get it in the ground soon. It's a lovely deep pink. I discovered them not long ago by buying one from our Fesert Garden plant club and they really are pretty and do well here.
I am also planting my dream seeds. Four inches of snow a couple of days ago and 7 more expected today. Can't complain about the free water but I am not a snow lover.
I just transplanted two Desert Bird of Paradise. They looked out of place when we widened the driveway and one was actually in the way. They're dormant so it was a good time to move them. I also had a pine tree and a palo verde seedling growing in the same place so had to dig both up, untangle the roots, replant the pine in the same place and relocated the palo verde. I got scratched for my trouble since the palo verde has big thorns. Cabbage and onions are doing fine.