Dreams and their Meaning


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I had too rest today life was really wearing me out. Everything has been so full on I couldn't sleep and for for me to miss out meals for day's on end and not being ill is most unusual because i love my food and sleep hasn't been a problem unless people wake me up...

My dream
I wanted too see an old friend who I haven't seen in at least 3 decades. I was tired and got on the bus in my dressing gown.

My cat decided he was coming with me and I found him in the town as I was making my way back home, he just turned up on the bus stop.
So being concerned that he wouldn't travel on the bus back home very well the driver gave me a net and some material too wrap him up in...

For some reason the driver changed the destination and another driver took over the bus, I had to get off and try too make my way home with my cat and I didn't have a clue where I was.

Being the awkward lad that he is my cat managed too wriggle out of my arms and ran off. I eventually found him going into someone's garden and he ran too the back of this home.

There was a guy there probably in his 40s, I apologised about our intrusion and noticed he had a goat and various other animal's birds etc. I was asking him if he knew how I could find my way home then my cat got out of reach again and settled himself with some of these animals.

Vaguely I remember we spoke and he said that I could settle nearby and have the same life as he lived

Sadly I awoke at that moment and had to run to deal with my chickens, who by the way was doing perfectly fine without me :)

I think this dream came on through over tiredness and paint chemicals.

Has anyone here had a dream you can recall? Dreams only stay in our minds for so long, that's when you can remember them at all. I usually can't. So wrote this quickly too remember.

It was both a stressful but a lovely dream.

Too add, I have been wanting to see an old friend just to see how she has turned out. We may not get along as so many years have passed but I would still like too see her anyway.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
by writing them down you will remember more of the dream, but mostly i just think it is the brain doing housekeeping and your consciousness can try to make sense of what is happening, but if you try too hard you'll wake yourself up (or if you get frustrated or angry or...).

when lucid dreaming (being able to control the dream to some extent) it is a very fine line between being too interested or not and then waking up.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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by writing them down you will remember more of the dream, but mostly i just think it is the brain doing housekeeping and your consciousness can try to make sense of what is happening, but if you try too hard you'll wake yourself up (or if you get frustrated or angry or...).

when lucid dreaming (being able to control the dream to some extent) it is a very fine line between being too interested or not and then waking up.
Our minds are very strange things. No wonder people have believed they can see into the future or hear from those that have passed

Some months back I had a dream of someone who had died, he was not a good person. You were are right because I became annoyed he was there, so I woke up. :)

It is strange how dreams seem so real at times.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
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Southern Washington State, 8b
I dream wildly. Little things that affect me are magnified in my dreams. I remember most of them as well.
The ones I hate the most are when I'm trying to run or walk and cannot. Or I'm naked. Or all my front teeth have fallen out.
I also have dreams that continue on from the last episode.

My niece and my BIL (her dad) have never had a dream. Weird, huh?


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I dream wildly. Little things that affect me are magnified in my dreams. I remember most of them as well.
The ones I hate the most are when I'm trying to run or walk and cannot. Or I'm naked. Or all my front teeth have fallen out.
I also have dreams that continue on from the last episode.

My niece and my BIL (her dad) have never had a dream. Weird, huh?

when you sleep your body paralyzes itself to keep you from hurting yourself or otherwise doing things in your sleep. some people are more aware of themselves when sleeping than others so when theyr'e dreaming and then waking up quickly they'll have residual paralysis that makes them get immediate feedback that they can't move and then the mind incorporates this into a dream as you wake up. the mind is geared towards making stories and patterns out of events that it experiences (accurate or not).

some people have very large gaps in their sleep cycle where they're not aware of their dreaming and never remember them and other are at the other end of the scale and some people even dream while being wide awake.

when i was into the cognitive sciences more i was always reading up on this sort of topic and reading about cases where people would describe strange things happening and also reading about people who had various kinds of brain injuries and how it could affect their sleep (and sanity if they could not dream or sleep well enough to get the brain to reset). sleep deprivation studies are also interesting to read about.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I dream wildly. Little things that affect me are magnified in my dreams. I remember most of them as well.
The ones I hate the most are when I'm trying to run or walk and cannot. Or I'm naked. Or all my front teeth have fallen out.
I also have dreams that continue on from the last episode.

My niece and my BIL (her dad) have never had a dream. Weird, huh?
I would tend to think that your niece and her father more than likely have had dreams, it's part of the process they just don't remember.

It's rare for me too remember my dreams, but know I have them...

A few weeks ago I woke myself and my neighbour up telling my dog very loudly to :duc be quiet, that was soooooo embarrassing :hide I felt really ashamed.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
when you sleep your body paralyzes itself to keep you from hurting yourself or otherwise doing things in your sleep. some people are more aware of themselves when sleeping than others so when theyr'e dreaming and then waking up quickly they'll have residual paralysis that makes them get immediate feedback that they can't move and then the mind incorporates this into a dream as you wake up. the mind is geared towards making stories and patterns out of events that it experiences (accurate or not).

some people have very large gaps in their sleep cycle where they're not aware of their dreaming and never remember them and other are at the other end of the scale and some people even dream while being wide awake.

when i was into the cognitive sciences more i was always reading up on this sort of topic and reading about cases where people would describe strange things happening and also reading about people who had various kinds of brain injuries and how it could affect their sleep (and sanity if they could not dream or sleep well enough to get the brain to reset). sleep deprivation studies are also interesting to read about.
Now this is getting really fascinating :) sleep is not a subject I've ever looked into before .

Btw, I feel really lucky finding you guy's, you really are opening up this old head if mine.

Sometimes I could almost clime the walls, so too speak with the minute conversations I have in this world I live in :)

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