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    Problems with Gurney's

    Ok, so I called the company. I had great success (or so I felt) because they are reshipping almost all of my bare rooted plants. I found out that my blackberries were indeed alive (I did bark scrapings to find out) and that one is starting to put out leaf buds at the base. For my raspberries...
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    Problems with Gurney's

    That is what i thought was weird. My seeds are all great! It's just the live plants that are all crashing. At this point, I just want a refund (which I doubt they'll give) for all the dead ones so that I can get new plants from the local nurseries.
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    Problems with Gurney's

    Has anyone else had problems with Gurney's? So far, not ONE of my bare rooted plants have survived. Nor have the ones from Henry Fields (I think they are related as they have identical phone numbers except for the last number). I ordered 2 sets of raspberries, 1 set of blackberries, 1 set of...
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    egg shells for fertilizer

    Bummer about the coffee grounds. Good idea about the eggshells from bakeries though.
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    egg shells for fertilizer

    For as much coffee grounds as you want see your nearest Starbucks.
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    egg shells for fertilizer

    Dang! I KNEW I should have kept those funky eggs from the back of the fridge. Maybe, DH ignored my request to toss them. Does anyone know of anything the insides are used for. These are well past expiration.
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    Help with transplanted strawberries

    The reason you clip the first year's fruit (or in the case of everbearing fruit until June/July) is to let the roots become established. It'll kill itself to produce fruit instead of creating good foundation roots otherwise.
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    How's everyone's potatoes going?

    I just planted mine yesterday. We'll see how it goes. I'll be adding soil or hay to the mound where they are as they grow.
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    Three Sisters Garden

    From what I was reading, the mound is literally a pile of dirt 12-18 inches tall. 3 or 4 stalks of corn are planted on the top. After a week or two (enough time to give the corn a jumpstart before the beans grow on it), 6-8 pole bean plants are planted around the corn. A week or two after...
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    Big and/or weird - The strange veggie thread!

    :yuckyuck It does look kind of gross. :sick Did you still eat it?
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    I've found that lavendar is as easy to grow as sage. I'm past the first year. Grasshoppers seem to like it but don't do enough damage to kill the plant. Mantids will live on it to get the grasshoppers.
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    Miss Sue Bee's Shoes

    Did you make her? She's adorable.
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    Three Sisters Garden

    I've got you beat on the "whoops". I've got my beans growing before anything else.
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    rain water collection - suggestions? UPDATE!

    Wow! That's a bargain! Home Depot just recently had one for $95 dollars the other day. I asked one of their employees about why they sell a product that is illegal to use and she just shrugged. It's also interesting that cities and suburbs are excluded in collecting as they are usually the...
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    Ok... Serious post this time. From chicken to garden.

    I've heard that some people use it on pathways. The concern is nitrogen burn being next to the plants.
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    rain water collection - suggestions? UPDATE!

    Oh, another thing I've heard of is putting feeder goldfish in the barrel to eat algae. I don't know if it's effective but might be worth a try. The most you could lose is $.50 worth of feeder goldfish (that's about 4 fish).
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    rain water collection - suggestions? UPDATE!

    It has something to do with the table water and river water. I don't know. To me, it's a bunch of hogwash and so upsetting when I see the gutters full to overflow during torrental (?) rains and not being able to use them. I have thought about getting some illegal ones for the back yard...
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    Is there a pesticide free way to keep bugs out of the garden?

    I'm going to use my chickens to help me keep my grasshopper population to a tolerable level. We also have Mantids and ladybugs in the garden. I can't help but think that if they are there without me putting them there that it is because their dinner is plentiful.
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    Big and/or weird - The strange veggie thread!

    Sounds fun. Now, all I need is for my garden to grow. :tools
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    My husband is going to cry when I tell him this. Oh well, I tried to talk him out of a lawn in favor of a food forest type of environment.