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  1. M

    Bermuda Grass

    I know it has been a while since I posted and I may have asked before but..... How in the heck do you kill the stuff. I have tried everything from salt, dishsoap and just about every other home remedy that has been offered but it is still growing strong. It has even grown through the...
  2. M


    Now that we have eaten about all I can eat on the greens and a few of the turnips themselves it is time to harvest them all and replant something else. Now when I planted I did not expect quite as big of harvest as we have gotten as I used old seeds and did not think that they would be very...
  3. M

    Sweet potato questions

    I have tried a couple different times to grow sweet potatoe's with no sucess. Well this year after a little more research I realized that they were not like regular potato's and you needed to get the slips and start them that way. Well I planted chunks with the slips already growing hoping...
  4. M

    Straw bale garden

    On another thread I posted a pic of my straw bales and a few folks had a question or two so I figured it needed a thread of its own. I live in southern Arizona so water is always an issue. When I started gardening about 4 years ago I fell in love with square foot. Except for the fact that it...
  5. M

    Not really a weed.... Blasted Bermuda grass

    Looking for ideas to get rid of the bermuda. Horrible wretched stuff. The only thing that will kill it is Roundup or a glyphophate since it is a rhizome. I would prefer not to have to use chemicals if possible. Any ideas?