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  1. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    Just for fun, I thought I'd ask you all what your favorite lilies are and why. I pretty much like looking at all varieties of lily, though some are a little too fragrant for my sensitive nose, to be admired up close and personal. Yesterday I planted a few varieties of day lily (already...
  2. L

    Help ID'ing a bulb? And what to do with adopted fall asters?

    If you read my last thread, you might remember the "random mess" partially responsible for shading out the garden space next to my walkway. Well, I've been working on clearing that out - we've removed maple saplings, hazlenut saplings, rotted branches/ small trees, a poor diseased rhododendron...
  3. L

    Help! What do I plant?

    I'm really new to gardening, especially flowers. I know what I like to look at, but that's about it! I like daffodils, tulips, lilies, hyacinths, daisies, asters, etc. I'll start with a little information and hopefully some of you can give me some advice. Where I am: Zone 8, northwest...
  4. L

    Oven Apple Butter

    I'm just wondering... have any of you had experience cooking apple butter in the oven? I don't have a slow cooker and haven't had much luck getting my fruit butters to thicken into a nice, spread-like texture on the stovetop, and I seem to remember my grandmother talking about cooking her fruit...
  5. L

    Salsa Verde with Green Tomatoes

    I'd like to use the green tomatoes I have for salsa verde before they get blight from all this rain we're getting, and I have a quick question about peeling them. I have a recipe in the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving that calls for peeled green tomatoes, and I understand that I can blanch...
  6. L

    Onions and Garlic for Next Year

    Hi all! We had pretty good success with our onions this year, though our garlic crop is dismal at best. We planted some white and yellow (not sweet) varieties, and the garlic is pretty standard. The onions did well, but a lot of them were smaller. Anyway, I'm hoping for some opinions for next...
  7. L

    Peach Butter

    Costco has organic peaches for a killer deal (yes, okay, I know, but I live in town and can't have my own orchard!), so I am planning to take advantage. I'd like to make Peach Butter, and I'm using the recipe in the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving. It calls for 4 1/2 lbs of peaches to 4...
  8. L

    Canning DICED Tomatoes

    Does anyone have a good recipe for diced tomatoes? I'm having a hard time finding a recipe specifically for them. Some things I've read say to follow the crushed tomato recipes, but I'm really new to canning, and when the directions to say to start crushing the tomatoes and cooking them down, I...
  9. L

    Pressure canning dried beans

    Hi all - just wondering how many of you successfully can dried beans. I'd like to add some significant quantities to my food storage, and cooking large batches and then using the new pressure canner (yikes!) seems like the best way to make the storage accessible. Plus it will help my grocery...
  10. L

    Kale Woes

    We're trying to get our kale started indoors, and the seedlings are looking sad, to say the least. Is it better to seed kale directly into the ground? Does anyone else have experiences, good or bad, with kale starts? We think maybe the roots are too damp... :( Kale is my favorite smoothie...
  11. L

    Indoor Container Herb Garden

    Hi everyone! This new seed has a question. Or, okay, a lot of questions! ;) I'm really new to gardening. It's really BF's realm of expertise, but I'd like to get my feet wet, so to speak. And since the kitchen is my realm of expertise, at least so far as he is concerned, I thought a culinary...