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  1. G

    What can I do with hot peppers . . .

    I pack a jar (I remove the seeds s they aren't as hot) and then pour boiling white vinegar over them. Let it sit two weeks and they are ready either to use as hot sauce or eat the peppers. If using for hot sauce just add more boiling hot vinegar as needed. I did 3 jars fine dice for pizza.
  2. G

    Are the sweet potatoes ready yet?

    I dug up a couple potatoes from under the mounds today and they are over a pound. Can they get too big? I have them drying in the sun and will store for 2 weeks before I try them. Those are the directions I found on an agriculture site. Susan
  3. G

    RAISED BEDS - What do I need to know?

    I hate to jump in with a question but I am planting a raised bed this year and the plants around the edges are yellow. Any idea why?
  4. G

    How can you tell when Butternut squash is ripe?

    I must have over 100 from tiny to a couple pounds. I over planted butternut squash big time.
  5. G

    How can you tell when Butternut squash is ripe?

    I have tons of butternut on the vines but have no idea how to tell when they are ripe.
  6. G

    Happy Solstice!!!

    Happy Birthday. My husband has a new great niece today. friday we had a new granddaugther. summer solstice and birthdays nothing better.
  7. G

    What have you learned from this years garden?

    Flat leaf parsley does not like full sun. 8 basil plants are about 7 too many. anyone have a good pesto recipe?
  8. G

    What have you learned from this years garden?

    it is early in the season and lessons i have already learned. 1. Prepare in the fall for a spring garden when you get a lot of rain it is hard to till. that way i can have spinach and lettuce early in the season. 2. start brussel sprout and broccoli seedlings inside instead paying over 3.00...
  9. G

    bush bean questions

    i asked the guy at the feed store for pole beans and ended up with bush beans. I even ran trellis for them!!
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    growing artichokes?

    I would think I would plant maybe 4. I know somewhere I have some seeds from last year. I have to see how many there are.
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    Everything is slowly dying...

    I have no idea where you would get the seed. Maybe you can do a google search. It would be fun to try.
  12. G

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    Yum, Another recipe for all the zucchini that I am picking daily. I like the fact there is no dairy in it.
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    Would olive oil do the same thing? I hate to have go out and buy mineral oil.
  14. G

    growing artichokes?

    Our winters are fairly mild. If I sow them this year how much room would they need? I am thinking I could sow them amongst other plants and then next year just have the artichokes in that area? Would that work?
  15. G

    growing artichokes?

    Do I still have time to get artichokes in this year? I tried some last year but the spot I had my garden in was not the best and all it produced was a few cukes. My family loves artichokes and I had rather grow them then buy them for 2 or 3 dollars each at the grocery store.
  16. G

    Aphids, I think

    I have planted sunflowers throughout my garden as they are suppose to attract aphids away from other plants. It is early to tell if it is working but I thought I would give it a try.
  17. G

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    We just had the best collards ever. I wish I had planted more. i cut them in strips and washed well. sauted some onion with bacon and cooked them down just adding a very small amount of salt.
  18. G

    Everything is slowly dying...

    WE are getting a lot of rain here north of you in NC. I told my husband I should have planted rice this year because it is one plant of that likes this much water. . My garden is doing okay but not great. it is supposeto be in the 90's the next few days so maybe it will dry out.
  19. G

    One of my zucchini is dying. pictures added first post

    added pictures to the first post.
  20. G

    One of my zucchini is dying. pictures added first post

    Water we have had lots of. how do I keep the other plants from issues 1-3?