Corn Hunt, 2021


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Hi all,

Well, after some initial panic about there being nothing (at least there being nothing I could get to since I still can't go to the city). I finally found the first good ornamental corn of the season.

To be 100% honest I did buy one bunch previous to today, about two weeks ago or so. But that was for some sweet corn kernels on one ear, and those were so few I just plucked them off when I got home; taking apart the whole ear seemed unnecessary (we DO need something for the doors after all).

It looks like better stuff has come in since then, since I found two ears with good spotting. To make things even better one spotted kernel on one ear is a sweet kernel, so I may be able to get a little farther on the polka dot corn on the cob project.

This assuages a bit the disappointment that it looks like my own corn isn't going to do anything (it's still only ankle height) and with it, the plan for a miniature flour corn is more or less finished (since I only have three kernels left).

Oh well, try next year with one of the miniature dent projects (probably the half strawberry one)


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Sorry I haven't updated, I forgot I set up this thread.

I have gotten about a dozen bunches of some use so far. Most have been fairly basic dent with a few nice speckled kernels (one has so many nice ones I have decided to put it away intact for the moment) But there have also been a few more with sweet kernels (actually both of those are a sweet/field dent mix; as far as I can tell, they are supplementing the supply by tying regular yellow dent ears to red dent ears and hoping that will pass as ornamental enough.)

We have also managed to dig up two pumpkins, a small round one with a green skin with orange and yellow dots (day think's that's so pretty, he doesn't want to put it outside where the squirrels and racoons can eat it.)

The other can only be described as resembling a four or five foot long, coffee can sized thick pickle! We have NO idea what that is (be it pumpkin, squash, gourd or some unholy hybrid.*)

*it's happened. My "ugliest pumpkin in the world turned out to have so much gourd DNA it grew a wooden shell under skin, with pumpkin flesh underneath that. And based on what the seeds look like, MOST of my pumpkins from years past have had odd quirks of ancestry.

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