Don't get around much anymore

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Once again today I 'caught' DH attempting to put gasoline into the oil of our lawn mower. This time I was able to stop him before doing any damage, but I'm not always out and about when he decides to work with or on the power tools.

DS has convinced dad to let him saw up the tree(s) that fell last week, but DH may forget that promise and try doing the work himself. I'm not really worried that he will hurt himself. There are some things that he remembers and does really well. Using the saw is one of those. Starting the new saw and getting the fluids into the correct portals is what becomes the problem. Since he wrecked the old chain saw with the wrong fluids, and he keeps confusing what goes where in the mower and tractor, I'm worried that he'll make a mistake again and another $300 chain saw is history.

I am also watching him really close for a re-occurance of C-diff. Today he's been having problems, but not when and where I could get a good stool sample for testing. Doctor said he'll give DH another antibiotic prescription -- this one for 21 days -- and getting my spouse to take medicine is like getting a child to drink castor oil. One fight every six hours is not my idea of fun, quality time together. This is going to be especially hard because he'll be symptom free after a few days and I'll be explaining over and over why 21 days is important. Sigh!

DH can be so much fun and we do get along so well most of the time that complaining seems a petty thing to be doing. He did a wonderful job with the lawn mowing today and he helped DS put in the horse-shoe pit as well. They played their first game, but I see it will take a while for the sand and forms to settle into the ground before the game goes as it should.

DH went to bed early today. Now we shall see if he sleeps or is up and down in the bathroom all night. Might be for the best that Court was postponed tomorrow.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
:hugs Just can't think of anything to say that could help, other than you and DH will be in my prayers. :hugsHope the antibiotics do the trick this time.
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Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Sorry Red, your husband might be remembering certain gas tools do need oil mixed in gas. I think its 2 cycle motors. A few months back my father stated to family he s done with Dr. He is still taking his meds. Any way of hiding pills in your husband food?

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Hiding pills? I don't think I could ever do that. I have never lied to DH (I'm not a good liar at the best of times) and that would feel like lying as well as showing great disrespect. At his age, he has the right to determine -- as much as possible -- the rest of his life. I am his wife. I may end up being his caretaker as well, but I am not his mother.

While I was not above tricking the children at times, tricking DH is not something I can or will do. Besides, it is difficult to wake someone from a sound sleep to "trick" them into eating applesauce at midnight, yes? These meds are taken every six hours. That's a lot of tricking and pretty darned suspicious.

I realize that logic becomes a thing of the past, but if I cannot convince DH to take medicine for his health, I fall back on my ace card -- take it because I love you. My mantra since his head injury has been, "I love you and I will never knowingly do anything to hurt you. You can forget everything else, but you have to remember this." Many times a day I repeat this to him in different ways.


Deeply Rooted
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Auburndale, WI
I feel sad for your situation @Smart Red and I feel bad knowing we have "spoken" so many times already and I didn't know the struggles you have been enduring. I hope I didn't write anything, because of my unawareness, to upset you.
You are an incredible woman.
As everyone else said, please try and take care of yourself, it's easy for us to say as we don't walk in your shoes but find a little time each day for you.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Nothing you've said has been wrong or upsetting to me. I am actually a very lucky woman with a wonderful spouse and family. If I come here and complain or let off a little steam it's because these wonderful people let me without holding it against me. It is the only place I let myself do that.

What I am doing is little more than pay-back for all the wonderful, thoughtful, and caring things DH has done for me throughout the 46 years we've been together. Most days are great and each one is a treasure.