DUCKS for THEE in 2023


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I took off one tire, brought it in to Farm and Fleet and they sold me 2 new tires, a new cord and some kind of knobby tool to remove the tire from the rim.
THAT didn't work, so I decided to take the other tire (and rim) off and bring both to the tire department.
The other rim was rusted frozen to the axle. DH and I had to bang it off, so the tire deparment said they couldn't mount the new tire on it.
Slighly discouraged, I hit upon the idea that, since the tire and rim are shot, why not try flexglue?
Of course, we had a city meeting yesterday, so that has been put off.
Still, it might work.
I will let you know....


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5

Today I had to put on small town fires, mostly paperwork that my predecessor didn't take care of.
I wanted to have some paperwork signed by my clerk (who is resigning, personal reasons, NOT hating being on the board,) so that I can mail them to our Engineer so that HE can file late with the state, which he arranged for US.
I hoped to mail today, but that will have to wait. :rant
I had to send an email, therefore why I am NOW online.
I was blessed bc a new resident will replace my clerk and she is very enthusiastic.
I am forcing myself to move wood raised bed pieces over to the cistern. I will cover with mulch to keep them watered, since we are officially in a drought.
I had to replace one tomato. I broke the stem and planted anyway, but it wasn't happy.
I have 30 more VERY LEGGY tomatoes on the porch that need tended, Too.
Middle DD is visiting tomorrow.
BUT, today is DH's bday and we (other 2 DD's) are going out to the Beef House in IN for dinner.
I also have to make the reservation.
GOOD THING, no benedryl necessary so far today!!!:weee:weee:weee


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Cleaning up work from the previous major. VERY time consuming.
I hope to take a short nap and go back to SOMETHING GARDENING TODAY!!!!
I took the old 2 x 6's from a raised bed and made a makeshift wall around the cistern tomatoes. I need a couple more bricks and then I can water, fill in with compost, water again.
We are still in a drought although we got a good soaking night time rain Saturday night. I took 4 hours for the puddles to disappear. I know a lot of the rain soaked in.
I also up potted VERY LEGGY grape tomatoes that were on top of the fridge. They were put in some smaller tree pots and a water bucket (read that "paint bucket.")
I put the grape tomatoes in so that their roots were sitting at the bottom then watered them heavily.
They can sit on the porch for a few weeks before I transplant.
Oh, and the tiller has a new tire and an old one with a banged up rim. IF I can get the energy today I will try flexglue on it and see if I can limp along until the end of the season.
MAJOR pity party!!!!
Pls pray for me!! :hit:hit:hit


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
DD's suggested that next year I advertise on their town's FB page. They live 10 miles up the road from us.
Don't charge, but make the tree available after I harvest and let them clean up the tree.
There were Plenty left for the birds this year and the tree looks stripped. I think the birds like the cherries when they are "past it" and have little black bugs in them.
I know that when I used to buy cans of tart cherries they Were ~$4.00/each
Don't even Know what they cost Now!

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