Duck's New Ragtag garden, Version 2020


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Your church has a gun group?
Yep, security team, concealed carry persons, somebody to watch the 18 monitors from the office, someody to roam the building and somebody to roam the parking lot during services. Not every member has to carry, but we ALL carry a radio.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Your place sure looks nice ~ is that range on your property /` that looks good as well ```

I see you guys ~ good for you ```
I Wish!! No, it's about an hour away. Our good friend is a member, last year DH asked a guy who preps people for concealed carry to show him how to shoot his Glock and his AR-15 on that range. They had no openings last year. THIS year, they decided to crack down on safety and demanded that all members do an orientation. Some people quit and then there were openings. I don't find ANY of their safety restrictions unreasonable. Why not put your ammunition back 10 ft with your supplies before firing? ALWAYS aim your muzzle towards the targets in front of the berm, even when empty. Raise the flag when you are shooting at a berm down the driveway.
At our orientation they told about an Amish girl, (we have an Amish community 45 SSE of us), who died from a bullet that hit her head. It was a mystery, but they tracked it down to a neighbor, who finished his target practice on his property by shooting a bullet up in the air. That was the bullet that fell and killed her.
I believe that weapons are to protect myself and not just guns and that "bearing arms" means I have the right to keep knives, arrows, ANYTHING to protect myself from my government and from any person who would harm me.
Our security team talks about what could happen at our church. There are several videos of church attacks, and one of the sanctuaries looked a Lot like ours. Unfortunately, we live in a blue state and a blue county. We need to protect ourselves against being jailed if we shoot in our church to protect our congregation. If you have a F.irearm O.wner's I.dentification C.ard, you can carry your gun in your trunk of your car UNloaded. Concealed Carry means just that. IL Concealed Carry Cards are honored in 38 states.
People who don't like guns don't realize that if you are attacked, the police may not reach you for 20 minutes-1 hour, after your attacker has left. Heck, a 2x4 could make a great weapon! I wish that Americans would study and get a better understanding of our Bill of Rights.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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What’s the joke, person calls 911 to report a burglary in progress and is told someone will be out there in 30 minutes. They call back 30 seconds later to say “take your time, I shot him”. 2 minutes later, here are the police..... about right.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
So...DD's painted my upstairs office yesterday. It...needs more paint! :hit
We didn't buy primer bc we bought paint WITH primer. NEVER DO THIS!!!!
The patching on the plaster is showing through and the grayish paint that is old as the hills is also showing through, even after 2 coats.
Guess I will need to buy a super good primer, and we will need to paint primer over this paint job, then another gallon of same to paint over That.
The color is bright yellow orange. There is a paintbrush soaking in water and the water looks like orange juice!
Still have the dark brown stained original molding and I have 3 orange shelves that my parent's neighbor gave them some 30 years ago, and I have stored in the garage.
My dual tray printer is in the next room--I can print wirelessly to it--and I have set up loan signing shop in the dining room. The project was supposed by done, but now we are looking at next weekend.
We will all have a good laugh over this, although youngest DD isn't laughing right now.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5 is on the kitchen table, office upstairs has orange juice colored walls, where the primer/paint didn't cover the previous paint or the spackling job sits dry and UNfinished, DD has Promised to fix that this week, hardly ANY gardening work done, but some things are doing ok.
I have about 7 basil plants doing well, and there are plenty of leaves to season with. I don't DARE move them! Every time they get a little bit cold they threaten suicide. Only 6 of my tomato seeds started in used coffee ground made it. They have been transplanted in Soil with a tent and I look forward to moving them to the porch in May. Ironically, I have sweet pepper seeds sprouting in used coffee grounds. No problem...I am finally cleaning up where the kittens dumped dirt in my pantry. It is last year's compost and will make a good starter/transplant soil.
I have onions and red cabbage doing nicely in the 10 gal. fish tank on the porch with a window on top. The small dish of 2018 kohlrabi on the porch are still alive.
I started garlic indoors to give them some roots. Nobody carried garlic to start last August. I want to get the garlic in the ground before the end of the April, harvest this summer and then replant when they Should be planted, in August.
I have a few other herbs growing, some I didn't label, so if I keep them alive it will be fun to find out what I planted.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I can set out my spinach starts, kohlrabi, red cabbage, onion starts, garlic and the 5 lettuce plants that decided to bolt asap.
The mint plant that I bought bc my mint had kinda died off--NOT the chocolate mint--can also go out asap. The basil and my baby tomatoes and emerging sweet peppers will have to wait until I turn the heat off at night, and I am thinking tomatoes and peppers need to wait until Memorial Day, just to be sure.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
No gardening today. Solving DD's roof dilemma, replacing the fairy lights on the porch with LED programmables. I DID clean out my fire pit, all 8 inches of ash in the 4 x 4' pit. Careful to dump where the soiled bedding is, just in case yesterday's fire might still be smoldering.
(I Have dumped ash around my pine trees before. They would burn REALLLLLLL good and the whole South Pasture would be ablaze.)
Working with plants is a lot like animal training...we have to use our brains.
I did check on my sweet peppers under the gro light in the basement. Apparently, they Like sprouting in coffee grounds. Go figure...
Time for some wine and to call it a day, AFTER our Security Team's 8:30PM Zoom bible study: Psalms 46


Garden Ornament
Jan 31, 2020
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Piedmont of SC is on the kitchen table, office upstairs has orange juice colored walls, where the primer/paint didn't cover the previous paint or the spackling job sits dry and UNfinished
I had a rental years ago. College girl painted a mural on the bedroom acrylic. Primed 3 times. Could still make out the theme. I called Kilz. The lady told me in their test rooms, they painted it on glass. Assured me it would work. Sure enough. One coat, total coverage. Good stuff.