Ducks4you for 2022


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Unloaded and stacked, ALL on the ground floor of the barn):
46 pine bedding (where I usuallly have fit only 21, in the corner of my grain room, on top of a piece of plywood)
16 pine bedding on top of a pallet (mid barn against the wall)


44 fine pine shavings (stacked on 2 pallets against the east side of Buster Brown's stall)
I will take pictures of the actual products. The website only has a photo of pine shavings.
I have a tarp to cover these bc this horse will rip them up when he gets bored. I bought five 6' x 9' tarps last month and I will use baling twine to tie around these. If it decides to rain or snow the ones near the doors could get wet, even though they are packaged in plastic.
17 bags of Midwest Sweet Feed, 10 in large trash cans, 5 of them fit in an oil drum with lid that I found when we moved here, and I spray painted it to cover the spotty rust.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I have an online order to pick up more bedding tomorrow and get the balance of what I need for the whole winter.
The train strike wasn't settled in October, and I'm pretty sure that if I wait until January there may be no inventory.
DH and DD's and I are finishing up our online Christmas shopping THIS WEEK, for the same reason.
If you imagine that you are living off of the grid, and can only travel to the closest town for supplies every four months, then you stock up.
My credit card is beginning to groan!! :hit


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
You know @heirloomgal , I always Wanted to stock up on everything for a full year, stagger items throughout the year so I wouldn't have to buy all at the same time, so this is kind of a dream come true.
When I picked up the load on Monday, there was this cord hanging down about a foot inside of the back rear of the truck. One of the clerks thought it looked like the electrics to the left rear light. I asked if he could shove it back up to hold. I hadn't seen it hanging down when I left the driveway. He was kind enough to use 2 zipties to hold it together so it wouldn't hang down and get damaged.
Such blessings!! :love
I have an appointmnent with my mechanic Monday morning. After bedding pickup today, the next truck trip is extended family Christmas an hour away on December 17th.
DD, who lives 2 hours away spent some of her inheritance on a brand new truck. She is in IT, but keeps going on about ALL of the neat stuff this truck has. I don't care for the shorter bed, but she and SIL bought a crew cab. He said he can sit comfortably in the back seat. Don't know if I could saw that about My truck's crew cab!
My truck is a different animal when it carries a load. It drives a lot less bouncy when I drive home with over 1K pounds of bedding in the bed.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Your truck is a WORK truck. It has scratches and probably a few dings, even if only in the bed. You USE your truck like a truck.

DD’s truck is a PLAY truck. I can reckon they’d have a conniption fit if it got a scratch on it.

Not bad, we need both kinds of trucks. Those with PLAY trucks slowly come over to the dark side……..

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Hubs traded some labor painting for a very old extremely heavy solid steel table saw. Did I say heavy? Took two men to put it in his short bed Ram.

He tried to get it out once he got home. Nope. He levered it to the edge of the tailgate. Then DD, I and he tried to get it out. NOPE. So he ended up tipping it out onto a muddy section near the shop and then dragging it into the shop.

It put a DENT in the edge of the tail gate. Now his beloved 2018 Ram 1500 is truly a work truck!!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
With apologies to the non Americans here.
Btw, the turkey originated in North America, and lived all over the continent, including Naragansett, which is the name of one of only a handful of turkey breeds.
Commercial turkeys are bred to produce meat like the chicken cross that creates cornish and small cornish hens.
You have to limit their food intake or else they will break their legs.
With chickens you don't have to.
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Next time you have this problem, consider using a piece of plywood as a ramp.
You shimmy it up the ramp (with help, of course), then two people can usually lift the ramp and shove the piece of plywood with the item on it.
I sold several old home radiators to a man with a small truck. I had a dolly, but he agreed that they each weighed 200 pounds. He moved each to the tailgate, lifted and pushed it in his small truck.
Learned something new that day.


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
FISH View attachment 53404
I had put comets (aka goldfish) in a big water tank bc I needed to water my oldest Montmorency Tart Cherry tree, and I didn't want to grow mosquitoes. DD said, "Are you going to let the fish die?!?" :hu
So I bought a 10 gallon tank with a filter, top with LED lights.
It was missing gravel and a pump. DD remembered that we had that downstairs.
So, the fish that hadn't had any fresh water, besides rainwater, for most of the summer, now have lots of oxygen, and they are playing in the bubbler.
I had bought 20, and we brought in the surviving13 yesterday. (7 deadstock.)
Both DD's think there are too many fish for this small tank, but we'll see.
Here is me, freezing, with a bucket, their summer home, I fed them nothing since they went in the tank, I poured out the water by the bucket and it took getting down to the last 5 inches to catch Any of them. We put them in a 2 gallon ziplock bag and carried them in the house in a plastic bowl.
We had already decided that that would spend the winter on top of the buffet. We put a heavy duty clear plastic table cover on top and prepped the tank. My gravel hadn't been cleaned for...dunno...15 years?
I DID rinse it out pretty well through a sieve, but it was still dirty.
The water got cloudy from that dirt, but they are goldfish, and they were living in dirt and debris and 3 squirrels had committed suicide in that tank in the last month. :sick What's a little bit of dirt to them?
We let the temperature stabilize in the bag,and now they are in their tiny tank.
I had to clean the filter twice now. Next week I am stocking up on filters. I think I will replace this one a little early.
Those boots tho 😍😍😍


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
You know @heirloomgal , I always Wanted to stock up on everything for a full year, stagger items throughout the year so I wouldn't have to buy all at the same time, so this is kind of a dream come true.
When I picked up the load on Monday, there was this cord hanging down about a foot inside of the back rear of the truck. One of the clerks thought it looked like the electrics to the left rear light. I asked if he could shove it back up to hold. I hadn't seen it hanging down when I left the driveway. He was kind enough to use 2 zipties to hold it together so it wouldn't hang down and get damaged.
Such blessings!! :love
I have an appointmnent with my mechanic Monday morning. After bedding pickup today, the next truck trip is extended family Christmas an hour away on December 17th.
DD, who lives 2 hours away spent some of her inheritance on a brand new truck. She is in IT, but keeps going on about ALL of the neat stuff this truck has. I don't care for the shorter bed, but she and SIL bought a crew cab. He said he can sit comfortably in the back seat. Don't know if I could saw that about My truck's crew cab!
My truck is a different animal when it carries a load. It drives a lot less bouncy when I drive home with over 1K pounds of bedding in the bed.
I think it's great, and very wise, to be as prepared and supplied as possible. For anything.