Goin' to the Dogs!


Garden Addicted
Dec 15, 2011
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SE Oregon
So today, Fen came blasting in through the back door, across the couch, onto TheMan’s chair, paused then flew into the bedroom to do donuts on the bed, looking like this…
After wrestling him into the tub, then pinning him down to blow dry him, I knocked myself out wiping the mud off of all the furniture, fabric and floors. I pretty much used up my last iota of energy.


Tonight, he diligently went through his rather large toy basket seeking just the right toy, which happened to be a new rubber ball. He presented it to me with much fanfare and I tossed it for him…it landed in the 2 gallon water bucket you can see behind him. (Placed there because he is confined to living room due to sock & slipper theft, counter surfing and other athletic endeavors and it’s difficult some days for me to get up to attend to his needs)
He began “bobbing for apballs” much to our amusement. However, he failed to see the humor, so he promptly dumped the bucket with the 2 gallons of water out on the carpet…but he got his ball!
They say “no rest for the weary”. I’ve only been that way since Fen moved in 😂

…I’m a little apprehensive of going out back tomorrow to find out where he found the mud…

Country Homesteader

Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2023
Reaction score
Crewe, Virginia
This pup, Savage is a handful himself!!! FH and I got Savage a brand new collar and so far he doesn't know what to think of it. When he drinks water he dribbles it all over the floor so not only do we have the gravity waterer in a disposable tin pan we have it on a black boot mat in the bathroom where it's easy clean up and the wooden floors won't have water marks.


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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
So today, Fen came blasting in through the back door, across the couch, onto TheMan’s chair, paused then flew into the bedroom to do donuts on the bed, looking like this…View attachment 56799After wrestling him into the tub, then pinning him down to blow dry him, I knocked myself out wiping the mud off of all the furniture, fabric and floors. I pretty much used up my last iota of energy.

View attachment 56800
I'm so pleased that beautiful lad has allowed you to have a whole chair to yourself :D
He's a good boy! 😉
Tonight, he diligently went through his rather large toy basket seeking just the right toy, which happened to be a new rubber ball. He presented it to me with much fanfare and I tossed it for him…it landed in the 2 gallon water bucket you can see behind him. (Placed there because he is confined to living room due to sock & slipper theft, counter surfing and other athletic endeavors and it’s difficult some days for me to get up to attend to his needs)
He began “bobbing for apballs” much to our amusement. However, he failed to see the humor, so he promptly dumped the bucket with the 2 gallons of water out on the carpet…but he got his ball!
They say “no rest for the weary”. I’ve only been that way since Fen moved in 😂

…I’m a little apprehensive of going out back tomorrow to find out where he found the mud…


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Poor Eva (my 5yo GS, for the newbies here)! She gets ordered to take care of (15yo) Pyg (Lab/Pitbull x GS).
Eva gets yelled at when she:
1) barks at/chases the horses
2) barks at/chases the cats
3) runs through the mud
4) barks in the middle of night
5) gets in anybody's way
Still, she wants kisses and cuddles, and I will try to teach her fetch soon. She played a little bit at DD's house yesterday, but we used the cat's toy, "shrimpy." The cat used to fetch "mousy" and drop the toy down their stairs, chase after it, and bring it back.
Eva brought shrimpy back Once.
Pyg taught her that you take the ball and go home.
She and Rose (BC/GS, 2007-2016, RIP) used to "wolf" and looked rather vicious.
Eva is fair gentle when she wolfs with Pyg, but in the near future will probably enjoy another GS puppy to play with.
POOR PYG, who is "waiting for God." We (DD's and I) are giving her as many cuddles as we can.
PLEASE pray that the Lord will take her quietly, in the night bc she isn't ready to go, but her little body IS.

Country Homesteader

Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2023
Reaction score
Crewe, Virginia
Good Morning all!
Sorry about not having a pot of coffee for y'all. I only had a enough to make mine and FH cups this AM but don't worry there will be a pot tomorrow morning.
POOR PYG, who is "waiting for God." We (DD's and I) are giving her as many cuddles as we can.
PLEASE pray that the Lord will take her quietly, in the night bc she isn't ready to go, but her little body IS.
@ducks4you So sorry to read that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and of course PYG.

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