Going BOLD! or TOO Bold?


Chillin' In The Garden
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
vfem said:
sparkles2307 said:
Carol Dee said:
sparkles, my DH says *House are white, barns are red* Needless to say we have a white house with dark green trim , BORING.
I'd accept a white house if I could paint the door anything I wanted.
Only reason we have a beige house is because the 2 types of trim I picked only came in white, grey, beige or 'sand' (a darker beige) and since I did 2 kinds of trim they had to have exact match colors.

I am SERIOUSLY thinking about taking the shutters off the house and painting them to match the door, and painting the back door now to match. Hubby will flip.... :lol:

Actually, being inspired by your door-I've also been thinking of a bright color for both doors and shutters at our house! I'm leaning towards chartreuse, a shade of purple, or orange.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
PINK! I bright purple toned pink! If I could have gotten away with that, I so would have. I think it would look nice with grey or white siding :D


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
marshallsmyth said:

Wellp, about the paint brush problem, even THAT can be minimized! Paint stores are like toy stores to a man. One of the best brands of Paint Brush are called PURDY. Purdy's are purdy good. They make real silky models. Open the fine envelope cover. Cool design for a paint brush cover. A 3 and a half inch sash (angled) Purdy Latex only brush is a work of art. Oh boy! Great for "cutting in" those corners, doing the windows without getting a drop on the frame. Get a 2 inch sash (angled) for painting the frame, shoot for nary a drop on the glass.

So, you want to make sure you get paint that does not drip as much. Oh boy!!! Epoxy Latex! That good stuff. Even smells good. And then, get colors to match the smells. Deep chocolate brown. Smells like chocolate. amazing. Slightly reddish Peach. Smells like a jar of peaches. even more amazing.

Then come the really cool buckets!!! One gallon buckets, with awesome handles! Oh, and they make clips for the bucket handles to hang the bucket on the ladder. Every painter knows not to move a ladder until the bucket is safely away from the ladder. Oh by golly, they got rollers too. Cool rollers! not talking about those cheapo dime store rollers. Roller heads fluffy and strong. look how well its made. Ohhh, they have awesome hotrod handles for the rollers too!!! Ergonomic rubber parts, fancier than a colgate toothbrush or than a Schick razor with 5 blades!

Gonna want to keep these things all nice and clean. Better get a 5 gallon bucket or 2 for that! Oh man, look at those painting tarps! those'll last 40 years, and will have drips on them in decades to come that will tell history. That red. That was the deck steps 27 years ago. That pea green was the kitchen 14 years ago. can't tell all the shades of white primer on it though...

O! Looky! Wizzers! and Wizzer handles too! They have a 30 inch long reach! Oh, and thinking of that, how do we do the stairwell without the 12 foot extension handle? cool yellow fiberglass! gonna be fun learning how to use that wizzer to cut in...

Uh, thinking of it, better keep your husband away from the section of the paint store where they have...shhh...(airless sprayers and pressure washers)...i was quiet...or else thousands of bucks will be spent, and you might have to put your husband's name in the yellow pages as a painter contractor to pay for those new toys. as it is, neighbors will ooo and ahhh at his new painting toys, er, tools, and will want him to paint their houses. Wellp, if he does see and get those airless things and pressure washer machines, he'll be needing a covered trailer for them, the new shocks, the tail hitch...

All this could happen if you take him to the paint store to get a Purdy paint brush he'll enjoy using...
My husband and you could talk for HOURS! Literally, I get the whole break down everytime I'm in his tool room grabbing a brush... they're all PURDY! I need to handle it like this, and take care of it... love it, its SO amazing of a brush. Between that and his power tools I have to get a lecture before I'm allowed to use it. Forget about taking him to home depot with me.... we have to go down every aisle and it's 2 hours before I check out with my $2 item so he can LOOK and explain the 'wonderfulness' of how awesome every tool or item is. I swear... he sniffs the wood in the lumber section!!! UGH! :lol:


Deeply Rooted
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
I think that its a fantastic color!

Our house (a double wide on a perm foundation) is HORRIBLE colors on the inside.
The living room is Brick red and chocolate brown on opposite walls (SMALL living room)
We call the master bedroom the diarrhea room because they sponge painted it tan and dark brown, but they put the tan on the BOTTOM. They also didn't remove anything from the walls when they painted, so there are "touch-ups" around where they had pictures and stuff, it's awful!
The kitchen isn't as bad as the master, but it's terrible too. They base painted it a burnt orange color and sponge painted a peach color on top, not very well mind you.
Also, they couldn't paint to save their lives, nor did they use any type of taping off! There is pain on the ceilings, pain on the carpet/vinyl, paint on the fireplace mantle... it's bad! When we get hubs VA back pay, we are going to paint EVERYTHING! The kitchen and dining room will be a light yellow color (and I'm trying to convince hubby to let me paint the faux wood cabinets white to make it even lighter in there), and replace ALL the trim thru-out the house with actual nice white trim, the living room will be a medium green, our bed/bath we're leaning towards a very soft purple color, or a blue, the kids bathroom will have white wainscoting and blue paint with tan towels, DDs room will be pink, green, and purple, and DS hasn't picked his colors yet. We'll be getting a new door because I hate our current door and the "screen" door is actually all glass with a metal insert in the bottom, which is broken, and I will more than likely paint it a green color to match the shutters. (It's all vinyl siding and shutters anyways, so I'm not sure paint would even stick to them!)

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
There is a new brand name paint especially for vinyl and the like. I have seen it in a spray can; don't know about regular cans.

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