How much organic food do you eat?


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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@baymule they are an import continent. Not even close to growing their own food supply. Their Agriculture is government controlled where all costs/profits are controlled. Is that what anyone wants?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
No #seedcorn, but I believe we have the right to know if the food we are eating is GMO or not. Since it is not labeled, I operate under the premise that it is GMO and take it from there. I will grow as much as I can and buy the best produce and meat I can find.

I don't want GMO altered food and I have the right to know.

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
GMO: This Toxic Food is BANNED in Europe - But They're Treating US Like Boneheads

October 09, 2010 | 310,655 views

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Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, is leading the movement to eliminate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the United States.

Here, Smith offers an update on this important mission to protect your health, and that of your children and grand-children.

What Are GMOs?
GMOs are a product of genetic engineering, meaning their genetic makeup has been altered to induce a variety of “unique” traits to crops, such as making them drought-resistant or giving them “more nutrients.” GMO proponents claim that genetic engineering is “safe and beneficial,” and that it advances the agricultural industry. They also say that GMOs help ensure the global food supply and sustainability. But is there any truth to these claims? I believe not. For years, I've stated the belief that GMOs pose one of the greatest threats to life on the planet. Genetic engineering is NOT the safe and beneficial technology that it is touted to be.

Help Support GMO Labeling
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA)—Monsanto’s Evil Twin—is pulling out all the stops to keep you in the dark about what’s in your food. For nearly two decades, Monsanto and corporate agribusiness have exercised near-dictatorial control over American agriculture. For example, Monsanto has made many claims that glyphosate in Roundup is harmless to animals and humans. However, recently the World Health Organization (WHO) had their research team test glyphosate and have labeled it a probable carcinogen.

Public opinion around the biotech industry's contamination of our food supply and destruction of our environment has reached the tipping point. We're fighting back. That's why I was the first to push for GMO labeling. I donated a significant sum to the first ballot initiative in California in 2012, which inspired others to donate to the campaign as well. We technically "lost the vote, but we are winning the war, as these labeling initiatives have raised a considerable amount of public awareness.

The insanity has gone far enough, which is why I encourage you to boycott every single product owned by members of the GMA, including natural and organic brands. More than 80 percent of our support comes from individual consumers like you, who understand that real change comes from the grassroots.

Recently, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan) has reintroduced a bill (HR 1599) that would preempt states' rights to enact GMO labeling laws. This bill would create a federal government program to oversee guidelines for voluntary labeling of products that do not contain GMOs. It would specifically prohibit Congress or individual states from requiring mandatory labeling of GMO foods or ingredients. It would also allow food manufacturers to use the word "natural" on products that contain GMOs. TAKE ACTION NOW! Your local representatives need to hear from you! Please contact them today by CLICKING HERE.

Thankfully, we have organizations like the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) to fight back against these junk food manufacturers, pesticide producers, and corporate giants.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More
Non-GMO Food Resources by Country
Together, Let's Help OCA Get The Funding They Deserve
Let’s Help OCA get the funding it deserves. I have found very few organizations who are as effective and efficient as OCA. It’s a public interest organization dedicated to promoting health justice and sustainability. A central focus of the OCA is building a healthy, equitable, and sustainable system of food production and consumption.

Please make a donation to help OCA fight for GMO labeling.



Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Probably good assumption that if not labeled non-GMO that it is but not a safe assumption as even organic producers feed GMO grains. While parts of Europe don't grow GMO, they buy GMO and feed it.