How were you abused as a kid?


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
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north carolina
hum for the times I did get caught. this was my punishment

scoop dog poop everyday for a week<rain or shine> dang that dog could poop, but on a good note always had a supply of worms to go fishing with..

pull dandelion's and it better have the whole root

pick up all the moldy cherries off the lawn and we had 3 big cherry trees

rake up leafs

mow the lawn for a month with out allowance

we moved to lake Tahoe when I was 8 it was

rake pine needles

stack the fire wood

shovel snow


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2010
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Near Statesville, NC (Iredell County)
Now this was back in the early sixties...

If I ever asked my Dad for a quarter the very next words out of his mouth would be, 'Mere a minute... which always had something to do with a sling-blade. It was like the movie Cool Hand Luke. I didn't ask Dad for a quarter very often... :rolleyes:

And you know what? This is the same man who when I was grown up and I had a young son of my own would come to visit and pass out $20 bills like they were quarters. I said, 'Old Man, you're just trying to buy you way into Heaven...' Hateful old bugger, he was. I miss him something awful...


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
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WV, Zone 6B
seedcorn said:
So did that make us better? Raising our children, they probably thought the same thing as neighbors and friends kept us informed on important things. Instead of belt, I gave them additional chores or made them run laps around house. Youngest daughter her g'father's double would count by 2's or 3. Brother would rat her out. After a few laps, they stopped the fighting.
I make my DD do jumping jacks, push-ups, etc. when she acts up. I call it "getting your sillies out". She hates it! Definitely effective. ;) I also believe in a well-timed, thoughtfully applied spanking when warranted too. Just depends on the offense, and more particularly the accompanying attitude. My newest discipline scheme has been to put my daughter's clothes and belongings into my Goodwill donation box everytime I find something carelessly thrown around or left out of place. She can redeem what she wants to keep by paying me a quarter per item. This also works wonders. I suppose my children might grow up and claim they were emotionally abused...LOL.

The first half of my childhood I did receive some abusive spankings from my dad. He had a short fuse and would just start whacking our bottoms over the most random or trivial things. I was spanked with a cement paddle once because *somebody* left it out in the yard in the rain and no one would confess to we all got whacked with it. So yeah, I think there are definitely limitations on HOW and WHEN you should spank.

The second half of my childhood, my parents were divorced and my mom wasn't keen to discipline much of anything. I really don't think she was paying attention or else felt she couldn't follow through. I NEEDED some spankings at that time that I now wish I had gotten... It would have saved me years of misery and mistakes as a teen/young adult. If your parents don't spank you for some things (or effectively discipline otherwise), you can be certain that the WORLD is gonna (metaphorically) spank you for it later.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Interesting stories, these.

When my big brother and I were growing up Dad DID use his belt.

Of course, I never did anything wrong. . . . .

. . . . .but my brother was a constant test of Dad's patience. There was a period of time when my bother would not even go to bed at night until he got a swat or two from Dad's belt. Then he ran past me up the stairs laughing like anything.

I do remember one time -- ONE TIME -- that Dad threatened me with a spanking with the BELT.

Don't remember why, but we must have done something really wrong. Dad gave Stan his spanking and sent him to bed. Then he called me, swatted with his belt several times, and sent me up to bed - after ordering me to start crying - while he straightened the cushions on the couch his belt had mussed when he hit it instead of me.

As I said, I was a goody-goody that seldom got anyone upset enough to be punished. 'Sides, my parents both knew I was harder on myself than they would ever have been. I would make myself physically sick with worry whenever I thought I might have transgressed.

Dratted nuns and their Catholic school education guilt!

My own two children were sweet and never needed more than a 'look', an explanation of what they did, and a request to go to their room to think about why it was wrong. Definitely more like me than the rest of the family.

Love, Smart Red


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I know of a young lady and learned a little about her past and how her father deserted the family when she was very young. She is an admirable person and, I'm sorry to say that the story of her childhood isn't all that uncommon. She told us that there were a couple of months that she, her sister and their mother lived in a car. At times, she didn't have enough to eat.

This experience so colored her outlook on life that she decided to advocate for others who might find themselves in those difficult situations. She has never had children, never married, and lives as a single person. Still, she is very active in her community and has a good job at a university.

I can't help but think that her childhood experience would meet some definition of abuse. And, it seems sad that she may have no permanent personal relationships now. Perhaps, this might not be the case but her experiences as a young child do not lend themselves to trustful family relationships.

We can blame her father but he is probably gone now and she is here with us. Remarkably, she is a fine person but it is somewhat difficult for me to understand where she came from and even what kind of person she is today. For every one person who has come up out of a childhood like that, I bet there are dozens who have fallen far short of her successes because they lacked her intelligence and resilience.



Garden Addicted
Mar 22, 2009
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Cedar Hill MO
Never got a spanking in my life!!!!
If my mother would have told me to go out and get a switch I'd have told her to call an electrician cause thats not my job!!!!



Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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digitS' said:
I know of a young lady and learned a little about her past and how her father deserted the family when she was very young. She is an admirable person and, I'm sorry to say that the story of her childhood isn't all that uncommon. She told us that there were a couple of months that she, her sister and their mother lived in a car. At times, she didn't have enough to eat.

This experience so colored her outlook on life that she decided to advocate for others who might find themselves in those difficult situations. She has never had children, never married, and lives as a single person. Still, she is very active in her community and has a good job at a university.

I can't help but think that her childhood experience would meet some definition of abuse. And, it seems sad that she may have no permanent personal relationships now. Perhaps, this might not be the case but her experiences as a young child do not lend themselves to trustful family relationships.

We can blame her father but he is probably gone now and she is here with us. Remarkably, she is a fine person but it is somewhat difficult for me to understand where she came from and even what kind of person she is today. For every one person who has come up out of a childhood like that, I bet there are dozens who have fallen far short of her successes because they lacked her intelligence and resilience.

Stories like that are inspirational and sad that there are people had a rough start or life and overcame.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
I grew up in the time when spare the rod spoil the child was the way most parents raised their kids. I was a wild kid and hit with my fathers belt often, I was never beaten, it was always 1 hit 2 at the most for something realy bad. Funny because the abuse my sisters and I had was eating my fathers cooking. My mother worked full time my father was out of work winters; some of the lunches he had where just gross. To this day liver will make me gag same with mint jelly.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score

If you would have posted for us to guess what your punishment was as a kid, I for one may have well guessed it!!!

I can visualize it now.... 4 year old you...banging the pots and pans early in the morning...on purpose...just so you can get some more tobasco! ...pretending you don't like it!

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