Keeping Weight Off


Deeply Rooted
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado Springs - Zone 4ish
I have been belly dancing for about 5 years now. LOVE IT!!!

Buy fruit. Eat a piece EVERY TIME you want to eat a piece of candy/chocolate
Actually increased fructose consumption is one of the biggest contributors to obesity. While fructose doesn't raise blood sugar like other sugars, it directly hits the liver. This leads to all kinds of problems like obesity, accelerated aging, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, high triglycerides, etc...

The abundant fruit we have available now is not the fruit we used to get seasonally 30 years ago.


Garden Ornament
Jul 18, 2008
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NE Ohio
Eating all you want and exercising works well only in the beginning. Then the body adapts to this, leaving you with the choice of cutting back on food consumed or beginning over-exercising.
I was an over exerciser until I began getting injuries and then I had to face the music and cut the eating, watching the foods, just like everyone else. :hit


Deeply Rooted
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado Springs - Zone 4ish
Wifezilla it sounds like you are a Professional Nutritionist.
I am just someone who has struggled with weight issues for most of my adult life. I did a LOT of heavy duty nutrition research over the last 2-3 years. I have solved many of my health issues including hypertension. I still need to lose some weight, but as a female over 46, I am not holding my breath on losing that last 20 lbs :p It is nice not to have to worry about my head exploding any moment though.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
It just seems that all of our food is so darn sweet!

As an example, I've long assumed that the story about Johnny Appleseed was mostly a myth. Like most of us realize, apple trees are grown as clones. You decide on a tree that has wonderful apples and then graft, graft, graft. One hundred thousand apple trees later, you've filled the orchards and supermarkets with Red Delicious.

The recent show with Michael Pollan on PBS raised doubts about my thinking. Early American settlers weren't grafting their apple trees. Apples were primarily used for cider. Producing alcohol - another easily digested source of calories :rolleyes: . . . but lets not get into that.

Our fruits and veggies are all tender, tender, tender - and who doesn't want them like that :p?? And, they are sweet.

Forget about the processed food - the stuff is not much more than flavored sugar - but realize how fibrous our diets were a century ago. It's a wonder we haven't lost the ability to chew!

An apple is 10% sugar. A soda pop is 10% sugar. Cooked broccoli is 1.5% sugar - which, if I did the math right, is about the same as 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar per serving of broccoli (ignore the rest of the carbs for a minute). At least, the apple is 2.5% fiber and the broccoli is a little more. USDA Database

The brownies that DW made JUST for me yesterday === 58% sugar!

I have few virtues but being an underachieving athlete may be one of them ;). What I've hoped to gain from winter exercise is #1, feel better; #2, stay somewhat flexible. I would also like to: #3, keep my heart healthy; and #4, be distracted from the available food . . .

There's no way that I'm going to gain much strength this winter, probably not even with another record snow season :rolleyes:. Not losing too much strength would be nice. And, if I need 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise to benefit the heart muscles - I'm not getting it by just going thru the first 10 or 15 minutes with Miranda. Tuesday, I'm supposed to pick up some DVD's at the library. With the opportunity to go from the beginning of 1 session to the beginning of the another session - my exercise time should rise to that 20 minute threshold. And, as long as there's not too much shoveling in between, I'm willing to enjoy some afternoon exercising along with the early mornings!

BTW -- you should see the gaps in the shelves for these sorts of things at this time of year!! Plenty of things for OLDE people. Why, I'm not olde!! Maybe in another 10 years . . . !

:old Steve


Deeply Rooted
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado Springs - Zone 4ish
There is a cool site where you can enter what you eat and see the macronutrient composition of any food you eat.

Many people freak out when they realize they have been eating the equivalent of 2-3 cups of sugar per well they should...LOL


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I cut all white foods this fall and have dropped weight fast .>i am with Wifezilla on keeping carbs low (the difference in us is I guess ..I believe in supplements in moderation and to supplement only what you have proven you need to supplement..but to each his or her own quest for health..I take Vit D Calcium and Iron because I am anemic and have low D levels ..we get no sun here so i am not surprised ..but I do not believe it willd o more than brighten my life and make me more likely to exercise ..more imho is not better ..but I do understand and have read a lot about why folks are convinced supplementing is good for you ..I just do not buy it ..there will always be a supplement flavor of the day and I am more into balance than taking large doses of single vits to help as medicine)

I have also studied nutrition as part of my practice and as personal interest for years and years ..I have an extensive education in this field ..bottom line for me is eating a wide variety of healthy fresh local foods.. ..supplement as medically indicated ...... feel strongly it is the kind of carbs you eat and how your body reacts to them ..some people thrive on lots of fruits ..sugar and all ..some don't ..very few folks actually got fat eating too much fruit but they do when that fruit turns to pie! husband and I are barometers for unhealthy eating if we eat crap our bodys grow fat ..mostly in the tummies! if we avoid crap we loose weight ..go figure huh???

I was on some medication that made me crave crapfood and ate with out control for months and months until I put on a lot of weight ...I am off the drugs ...have now lost a third of what I gained thank goodness and know I will loose the rest because I am stoked to get "healthy" again! if you can control something in life why not try!

so I cut the white refined starchy prepare a low carb varied diet that includes lots of fresh whole foods.. ( we do eat fruits and/or vegetables at every meal) ...and I know that we can not eat foods daily like ..rice...potatoes ..sugar ..pasta ..breads and expect to loose weight or stay slim of we eat those foods ... it does not happen for myself or my husband (who btw until I gained weight had never been over weight!) ...once in a while moderation (if such a thing exists for a bonified sugar junkie like myself) all is fine ..but daily servings of white anything and I get fat and hypertensive! ..not a good trade off imho!

I say just watch the white (and any processed) foods ..move your body and eat a whole varied diet spreading things out over all the food groups when hungry stop when content and in a perfect world we would all be fit and happy with our bodies for a good long time

this is a good book by a local cardiologist (who has himself changed a lot of folks minds about eating/health with this simple plan) check it out of the library if you want to?

good luck I am right there this winter ..I have 20lbs left to loose and am going to do it even though the cold makes me want to bake and nest and eat cookies ..I am going to plug away with my garden whole foods and try to get the last few lbs off by spring

good subject for people who get the majority of exercise in the garden to help motivate through the long cold days of winter!

one good thing you know you burn more calories getting out in the cold and going for a walk then you do walking in warm weather ..your body has to warm up and keep going instead of just warming up so you do double duty ..bundle up and face the elements ..easier said than done huh?

or as mentioned a recumbant bike ..I have thought about one of those for year and wonder if I would use it at all?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I like this advice on processed foods! It encourages us to take the extra time to prepare something with whole foods.

Living on cookies would almost be possible for me - sweets, fat, & a little salt. But, I'm afraid that pretty soon that's all that would be inside of me - sweets, fat, & a little salt. I'd collapse !

This week, I was reading a local periodical put out for the Olde Folks. There was something in there from the owner of a local nutrition store. He was telling us what some "experts" think people should ingest in the way of vitamin D. I checked on the National Institutes for Health website - his recommendation was 3 to 4 times the MAXIMUM for that vitamin!! I'm not talking about the "daily value" - the maximum, which was already 3 or 4 times the DV!

I thought about notifying the publisher of this rag but it was last month's issue (always behind in my reading) and when I found the article online for reference, I noticed that they had spelled Supplement - "Supliment" - in the title. Heaven protect us from people like this. It would probably make more sense to organize a class action lawsuit than write a letter to the editor.


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