Lickbranchfarms 2019 garden thread



I don't know about the well cared for part Lol....Its going to get better though. Since Im caught up on things for now, I hope to get my peas planted this weekend, and a few more rows of beans. For a smaller area, I keep finding places to plant things. I like this lay-out better than the long row method, takes less time to clean up a row. I also found a cool new sprinkler at Lowes, this thing rocks its Adjustable 4 different ways, I can water the entire garden and only have to move it Once. We have a heat wave coming through this weekend, 100 degree's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so its going to get a work out!

Melnor 4500.0-sq ft Oscillating Sled Lawn Sprinkler
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Melnor 4500.0-sq ft Oscillating Sled Lawn Sprinkler



Man time flies when your having fun. Lets see, I guess all the concrete work on my building foundation came back to haunt me soon after my last post. Got to when I sneezed or coughed, felt like someone was stabbing me in the crease of my leg and mid-section. Go to the doc, cat scan, ultrasound, surprise you not only have 1 but 2 hernias. First one, no biggie, you could probably live with. #2 well its a little more complicated, seems its pressing on the main artery in my leg. That doesn't sound very healthy, so I go into surgery first of June. well its been a slow process, but I feel good now, but Im real cautious about picking up anything really heavy. Gardening took a back seat, but its almost fall garden season, Im looking forward to getting back to playing in the dirt.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Man time flies when your having fun. Lets see, I guess all the concrete work on my building foundation came back to haunt me soon after my last post. Got to when I sneezed or coughed, felt like someone was stabbing me in the crease of my leg and mid-section. Go to the doc, cat scan, ultrasound, surprise you not only have 1 but 2 hernias. First one, no biggie, you could probably live with. #2 well its a little more complicated, seems its pressing on the main artery in my leg. That doesn't sound very healthy, so I go into surgery first of June. well its been a slow process, but I feel good now, but Im real cautious about picking up anything really heavy. Gardening took a back seat, but its almost fall garden season, Im looking forward to getting back to playing in the dirt.

glad you made it through ok. IMO any time you go into a hospital and come back out alive is a good thing - even if you're just visiting...


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
It is tough to be down, looking outside, and can do nothing. My husband was the same way this summer, so my garden went to pieces too. The good thing, there is a vegetable stand the next town over, that has good stuff, so I bought mine this year.

You have to take care of you. If you do something stupid, you will be hurt and have a longer recovery. You won't like that one bit! The good thing is, the hernias were found before that one became a serious problem. Take it easy and make sure that you are fully recovered before you get back in the garden.

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