Our Environment!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
It is mine and it is yours!

When I drove out of the driveway this morning, I discovered 3 broken beer bottles and a can in the road! Thanks a lot jerks!! I don't know if they were broken being tossed out but I'm afraid someone drove thru them sometime during the night!

Friday Night PaaatyTime! It reminded me of just-a-kid I saw at the soopermarket the other day. She was really, just-a-kid. About 7 or 8, she was coming out to the store with her mom. Unwrapping whatever it was she was about to stuff in her mouth, she just dropped the wrapper at the door! Mom didn't see it, she was too busy with her phone but the kid did it so casually, It might be just SOP . . .

I once listened to a guy who, with obvious tongue in cheek, told me how polluting should be the only crime that is punishable by death. Yeah, he said that it wasn't just a crime against an individual with a "small circle of friends," it was a crime against all humanity for all time! He kind of reminded me of someone around TEG. I won't mention any names just watch my eyes and I'll look at Marshall Smyth and whistle. You'll know by that . . .

When I was out and about, I came across a box of mostly old shoes (!) laying beside the road! It had just been tossed out. I figure someone put the box at one of those donation collection sheds but couldn't get it thru the door. Another someone came along and took the box and whatever they wanted out of it. Hey, You! Did the shoe fit?! Then, you dumped what you didn't want at that stop sign!! You Rat! That shoe could have been better used!

Anyway, as I was driving back to my place and my minute or 2 with the broom & shovel in the road, I passed a glove on the pavement. Now that is what I might have been at fault for! It wasn't one of my gloves but . . . I'm always leaving my gloves "at the back of the pickup." They could be anywhere from the top of the gate to the ground. Sometimes, they are on the bumper :rolleyes:.

Anyway, that aluminum beer can with the broken bottles --- it went in the recycle bin. So, You Lose, Jerks! Nanny, Nanny, Boo, Boo!!!

Oh, look outside the window
. . .

Maybe we should call the cops
And try to stop the pain
But Monopoly is so much fun
I'd hate to blow the game

And I'm sure
It wouldn't interest anybody
Outside of a small circle of friends


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
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North Idaho 48th parallel
And then there's the idiots who flip their cigarette butts out their car windows.... and the ones who haul their couches and old refrigerators out and dump them in the woods. Even though we have a free transfer station. Probably their own homes are little more than dung hills....

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
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Long Grove, IA
Steve I feel your pain. We live next door to a tavern. :rolleyes: Most mornings I find a can or bottle in the street or our hedge. (Or left on the window ledge or in the flower barrel at City Hall, on the corner by us.) I see a beer can box under our pines today, wonder if they left us any cans! Occasionally those that walk the lot behind us will toss cans into our back yard, over a 6 FOOT FENCE. :barnie On the bright side, our son could almost always find cash in the street on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Once he found a $20 :celebrate Guess I better go out and fish the trash out of the pines so people don't think we are the pigs.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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My mother used to say, during the Vietnam war demonstration days, that peace begins with each individual.

That is not always easy to achieve. Self example; how I feel about scamming spammers who rip off little old ladies.

She also said that environmentalism begins with the individual. How many, if any, of us recycle everything that can be recycled?


She also told my oldest sister and myself that if we are going to be hippies to be REAl HIPPIES. I often see myself failing even that, but I surely do try to be a good aging ole hippy!

Kinda tired now. A tree fell in one of the camps and I cut it up for them and piled up the twiggy stuff and stacked the long rounds and pieces for them to cut to the lengths they want.


A few days ago I passed by the new Willits hiway 101 work they are doing that has the environmentalists perched up in trees and getting arrested. What are my thoughts about it? I don't know. The mostly very young 25 year old environmentalists are making their point which they believe in. That hiway will and is being built regardless. The crews are doing well and good at remaining out of the politics of it doing some alternative work until the next occupied tree is cleared of the human in it. I think it will turn out alright. It is an edge portion of the Redwood Forest, not dividing up a habitat in half. Perhaps some certain reforestation project could be done at some places with careful management with the intention of it becoming a future old growth forest. See? Environmentalism has to be able to know when it loses, and then attempt to get some consolation. Not far from there is a special forest reserve, the Jackson Demonstration forest. There are 8 of them in this state.


It is for multiple kinds of use. Practically all kinds of recreation, except fishing for some reason. I think there should be OTHER KINDS of forest reserves. Certain tracts could be for limited recreation and specifically for the preservation of rare or endangered plants and animals, or for the re-creating of threatened ecosystems.

But then, I have no charisma and no voice in the matter. My kind of environmentalism has all sides opposed to me. I lost. No part of this forest will become a botanical reserve.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Marshal, our definitions may be a little different.

Hippy in Midwest, is person who is lazy, unkept and void of responsibility. Person who finds it easier to scream what is wrong with everyone else (especially those who have done something with their life) than go out and make a difference.

I know that is not your definition of what a hippy is to be-or your mothers.

Steve, I'm with you on trash throwers. We are constantly picking up trash from others on our road. Don't get me started on perverts who drop off cats/dogs in country.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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My mainly Abyssinian Clevland's pregnant mother was found nearly starved to death in a deep ditch, apparently tossed in it to die. Some folks found her and took her to Anderson Valley Animal Rescue. The folks there, that would be superhero Ember Koski, took her to the veterinarian where she was doctored, put on intravenous hydration and electrolytes, and then with Ember's experienced nurturing and care, saved her life. She gave birth to 4 kittens, 2 of which died within hours. Clevland and his brother barely survived, and have slight handicaps. (Don't tell Clevland. He says what handicaps? Not me!) His eyes are slightly crossed and he has the last veterbrate of his tail bent, and his hip sockets are not as strong as they could be, but right now he and big Peeper are playing like a coupla mules in a tin barn... I got Clevland when he was a year old. Ember has several situations like this each year to take care of.

The folks at the animal organisations around here are not any kind of mamby pamby. Ember is a strong smart gal. One of the gals who works there is a Cop, and another one is a Cop's wife.


My bosses would not let me take in a third one. I so wanted to be the one to adopt little Happee Kitty who was born with a condition that made her go 99% blind. Luckily a young gal adopted Happee Kitty.

I have tried to message our governor about legislation to require licensing for unspayed or unneutered dogs and cats. I hope he got my message!

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I suspect there will be a lot of agreement on this issue here.

I find that when I mow the road frontage I get less trash. Funny thing, it seems that I am just as far from the McDonald's in one town as I am from the McDonald's in another. That makes my place just about the right spot for eaters finish their sodas and meals on the drive. Before I started mowing the frontage every time I mowed the lawn, my road frontage area was always filled with cups, bags, and the occasional beer bottle or case. Now the trash is more likely to be tossed past my yard. Not a solution for my neighbors, but I'm picking up less trash.

Wish I had a "trash cam" to catch those vermin! I have found named test papers and addressed mail that I returned in a trash bag - the first to the school and the second to the address on the pieces of mail, but most of the trash is anonymous. Yes, we have the city folks who drop their couches, beds, tires, refrigerators, etc. along the roads out here because the city charges $15 - $30 per large item pick-up. I sure would like to re-dump them in the city officials' yards just for spite.

Then there is the house we own in the city. It's a block away from a Confectionary/store. Every day there is a trail of cans, bottles, papers, bags, wrappings, plastic, etc. along both sides of the walk. Then our tenants get letters of warning from the city for the trash in the yard. They pick it up one day and before they're home from work the next day the yard is trashed again. When I lived there I actually put a trash can out on the terrace until it was stolen. During that time the trash ran to and from the can just as if the can wasn't there. Pigs and slobs! (I apologize to all true Sus scrofa domestica.)

I was born and live in the Midwest, but I spent time during the 60s on the west coast so I have a different definition of a Hippy. Like all stereotypes, the definition is rooted in some facts, but is made up of individuals. Like individuals everywhere there are good and bad people calling themselves part of the Hippy community. Some I have loved, some I have pitied, some I admired, some were too disgusting to try to understand, some became part of the society they once rejected, some continue to reject what they find bad in society, and far too many were buried at far too young an age. Whatever else they might have been, they were sons and daughters and mothers and fathers, all loved by someone.

bj taylor

Garden Ornament
Feb 26, 2013
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North Central Texas
yes, a trash cam would be nice. our little community works hard to have a nice place (well most of us). it's a community with many living close to the financial edge - but that doesn't keep them from taking pride in their place. then along comes a slacker who carelessly throws their trash along the road. i'm pretty militant about it. if I see someone throw trash - I can be expected to say something. that's just the way i'm put together. it's disrespectful of your fellow human beings.

as a totally irrelevant side note, my goats have cleared much of the brush in an area we have. the garbage that has collected their from passerbys is starting to show up pretty plain. now that cooler weather is here, I've gotta get out there & start collecting all those bits and pieces left by careless people through the years.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
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North Idaho 48th parallel
We live in an area that was a former cattle ranch, subdivided into 10 acre plots. We have a gravel entry road, then a network of gravel roads throughout our "division". Presumably most of the folks using the roads are residents as there is little reason for anyone to just pass through.

I have bungeed a trashcan onto a handcart and walked the roads picking up the trash ( mostly a certain brand of beer, making me think it was some particular slobby neighbors habit to pitch their trash out the window on the way home).
I could easily fill my can to the top. I would only do this a few times a year, but it was really flabbergasting at how much trash people will throw out into their own neighborhood. Really makes you wonder at the vacuous space being carried around between some peoples ears.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
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WV, Zone 6B
We were out taking a walk on our country road once when DD6 was a toddler and we were stepping down a little slope that she didn't think she could make it so she sat down on her bottom to scoot down. It all happened so fast, I wouldn't have even had time to pull her to her feet, but the next thing I knew she was screaming hysterically. Some _____ horse's rear had pitched a glass beer bottle and it cut through her jeans and cut her bottom and bled like crazy. Daddy had to carry her home screaming all the way and thankfully it wasn't too deep. I don't know how we would have managed stitches down there. So much for a peaceful walk in the country! :/

I recycle everything.

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