Recommended My Nephew Problems/ More Work


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
it's good for him to learn this sooner rather than later that for jobs over X (where it hurts to get stiffed on the bill, like perhaps $400) to take some amount up front to get started. in cash, or to wait until after the check has cleared before starting...

in commercial construction they have what is called bonding (a type of insurance) that means that if the original contractor cannot complete the job or pay for various things it is covered by the bonding agent. this avoids some problems of payments and materials getting moving on projects, but it still doesn't solve the problem of those who are slow to pay.

getting paid tends to be a pain in the ass for certain jobs. i'm very glad i don't have to deal with any of this at the moment. i'm sure @Nyboy has plenty of stories about how much fun it is to collect. i also recall the library having a lot of small amounts owed it which almost never were paid (people who were fined or who lost items and then moved away or passed away, etc.). eventually those get sent to a collection agency or written off as an unrecoverable expense.

these are just my limited understandings, i just hear things... ;)


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
I feel really bad I recommended him, he did a great job at half going rate. He came to kennel after work he was so sweat soaked it like like he just got out of a swimming pool. He bought new blades and chains and hired a assistant. After work I went to house to see what kind of job he did, not a twig or leaf left. Nobody should get stiffed for work they do, but it is much hard for the person just starting out. My employees pay comes before any other bill. My nephew is a hot head when she didnt answer phone or door he made a comment how expensive it would be to replace the leaded windows in her Tudor house. I am hoping he will be paid and its more of accountant has to cut check, but she would answer phone at least. I have tried calling also no answer. Normally I would advise him on sending bills then small claims court but because I feel responsible I am giving him the money he can pay me back when she pays him. This is not a good time for me to handing out money but I feel I need too. Cat here a tree person would not even look at a job under $2,500 $4,000 is about what a tree company would have charged.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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People like her are part of the reason they charge $2500+....

I’d send her bill. Then in person, present bill. Doing damage to anything hers just gives him the opportunity to be a guest at local government building.... insurance will pay her, she will be out nothing.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I think you need to be with him tomorrow. Let her know that you will ruin her reputation in the area if she does not pay him. Threaten to let it be known that she is a thief-a thief of people's labor. Tell her that he is taking her to court and you will make sure a news camera crew is there to embarrass her.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
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North Idaho 48th parallel
Just a few points with my 2 cents worth thrown in.

Many times when she needs help with house or yard she will call me.

1.I assume you must have your employees give her the help she needs?
2.Has she paid for this, or do you provide it quid pro quo for all the business she sends you?
3. How do you know the neighbor isn't a drunk with an ax to grind with the vet and willing to trash her reputation?
4. Seems unlikely that a sloppy drunk could keep a viable veterinary practice in operation...but that could be debatable I suppose.

She told my nephew he could pick up check tonight between 5 -6 pm.

1. Could be an honest mistake, emergency came up perhaps, or she went out for the evening and simply forgot.
3. If the above is true than my opinion is that it's best to give someone the benefit of the doubt before you get trigger happy and start off with threats.
4. Some people are more casual than they should be with payment for services rendered. It's not right, but it's a fact of doing business.
....................................A personal anecdote:
I gardened for a well known and very wealthy native son for several years. I bill all of my clients monthly. He always paid, but was always 3 weeks after receiving my bill.
I put up with it because I knew he was good for it, maybe I should have kicked up a little dust over it, but I never did.
When it came time for me to make some decisions about how many clients I could actually maintain without working myself to death he was the first one dropped. He wasn't too happy about it but I let him know that the inconvenience of delayed payment factored in.

I hope your nephew gets paid tomorrow and this doesn't turn into a bad situation.

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