Score from Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery!!


Chillin' In The Garden
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
We went this weekend and I got a perfume quince, a pear and tamarind.

The quince was rather small and looked to be 2 trees. When I got it home I removed it from the pot and looking more closely, it actually was 2 trees. I was able to gently separate the roots and get each planted.

The same with the tamarind, there were two. When it came time to do the pair, there were 6 separate vines from a wild berry and when the roots were cleared off, there were several little pears growing of the main roots, so in all I got another possible 12 trees to try and nurse to grow. I used rooting compound on them all, most had a good start of roots.

So in all, if everything goes right, my 3 pots of trees will turn into 17 & 6 wild berries!!

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