Tell me something you dislike doing that most people enjoy.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
For me, it may have to do with physical limitations and habits.

No, I don't like operating machines. The jobs they can do amount to something to be appreciated but, it seems to me here trapped in my own self, that I hear noise all too well. Especially, the infernal combustion engine!

Working on them, dirty, smelly, risking the knuckle busting ... nope. Funny that my brother drafted me years ago to work cleaning up his Jaguar and painting it. I had the opportunity to buy a 50's era Ford. Fixed it up, sold it immediately. Figured, easy money, own schedule. Bought a Thunderbird ... took 3 years to sell it! Nope, never again.

Thinking about @flowerbug venturing out in 80° after midnight. (Been a long time since I have lived where it would be that warm in the wee hours ;).) I don't think that my night vision is as good as most people's. Besides, the Summer nights are so short and I became such a morning person, somewhere along the line. Yes, I'm up before the sun even at this time of year (up a few minutes after 3, today). An hour before Summer sunrise is not the best time for viewing the stars. Thinking how much more familiar the Winter sky is to me ;).

fireworks for the fourth? not lately. i will be 💤


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Mowing grass! Most time consuming job as you either buy an expensive mower to get rid of excess growth or spend time fixing older stuff. Then there is the non stop sharpening or replacing blades.... not to count the time doing nothing as you mow.....

and to think that some people even fertilize and water it so it can grow faster and need more mowing... i'm quite happy to get rid of it. i'd rather weed than mow has been my motto since coming here. at first i didn't have to mow at all but gradually as Mom gets to be less able i do more mowing. if i stay here longer term the rest of the gtrass/lawn is being replaced by gardens or mulch or weeds that i don't care what they do. if i get a good break on some organic materials and some sandy fill maybe i'll put in a big row of blueberry bushes.


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
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Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Watching sports. I can kind of get why playing a sport might be fun (not for me, but I get the idea). But just sitting there and watching other people play? Seems really pointless to me. And OBSESSING about sport teams you have no actual connection to seems crazy.

Shopping is sort of a double thing for me. I actually like shopping and buying things quite a lot, but I don't particularly like shopping with my MOM (which I end up doing quite a lot). It's because we have different approaches. I'm a hunter, she's a grazer. When I go into a store, I head to the places where the things I am looking for are, check if they're there, grab them if they are and head for the counter. If there is a section that has no chance of containing anything I could want or need, I don't go there. Mom however, will go down every single aisle ten or more times just to see what kind of things they are carrying, and to wait to see if anything else she might need might occur to her. That means that I get done with my part WAY before she does, and wind up wandering disconsolately through the store, my back getting increasingly more achy, while she finishes up. I can't help her to get her stuff to make things faster, because she doesn't KNOW what her stuff is.

I'm also not super fond of the fact that she waits until she is in line to try and find her store cards and the card she wants to pay with, so she holds up everyone else. Or here tendency to forget within the time between when she put them in her bag and needs to take them out again WHERE she put her keys in her purse (I don't mean they have fallen to the bottom, I mean she doesn't bother to remember which pocket she stored them in five minutes ago.)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
... Or here tendency to forget within the time between when she put them in her bag and needs to take them out again WHERE she put her keys in her purse (I don't mean they have fallen to the bottom, I mean she doesn't bother to remember which pocket she stored them in five minutes ago.)

short-term memory doesn't work as well as you get older. :(

i'm similar in shopping that i only go to some places where the items i want are located and i don't often wander the aisles just looking to see what they have. i also walk fast and get things done so i'm in and out and not spending much time in the place. my sister says i drive her nuts when we go walking someplace because i'm walking way too fast for her. the way to slow me down in the store when i'm with Mom is for me to push the cart.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
For me it's shopping at a store. I can do online shopping but I absolutely loathe going to a store and moseying around. I get so mentally tired I feel like I just ran a marathon. Most of my girl friends love to go shopping and thrifting. Just the thought makes me tired 😆.

So what about you?
I can handle shopping for about 2 hours. After that I just want to go home.



Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
@seedcorn, sorry I LOVE mowing!!
BUT, the one acre+ that I have to take care of takes DH mowing with the tractor, 5ft blade width (2 blades), and, in the Spring, it's a 2 hr job for ME, 1 hr 15 for the north pasture, which USED to take 4 hours with just a riding mower.
This time of year, with a drought, I can do 15-20 minutes at a time, in between other jobs, and be fussy.
Me...I hate harvesting...


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
short-term memory doesn't work as well as you get older. :(
Which is why I have told her to pick a pocket and designate that as the pocket she put her keys in each time so that it becomes a habit. Same as I do with my stuff, wallet left keys right, breast pocket for phone, handkerchiefs in as many as I can (I have bad hyperhidrosis, so I need a LOT of handkerchiefs). Then again, mom changes her pocketbook quite often, and they probably all have their pockets in different places so it's probably harder for her than me.

i'm similar in shopping that i only go to some places where the items i want are located and i don't often wander the aisles just looking to see what they have. i also walk fast and get things done so i'm in and out and not spending much time in the place. my sister says i drive her nuts when we go walking someplace because i'm walking way too fast for her. the way to slow me down in the store when i'm with Mom is for me to push the cart.
I suppose it's all a matter of the type of store. Put me in a store where there is a lot of stuff which interests me, and I'll comb the aisles just as much as she does. Once I enter Second Mouse (our cheese store) I comb EVERYTHING looking for stuff I might want. Ditto Home goods; I may stay in the food section, but I will run through each aisle of that three or four times to make sure I have missed nothing, AND run through the checkout line BACKWARDS after depositing my other stuff (so I can see everything available on the impulse buying shelves between the checkout points, since there are different things in each one.)

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