Weather Where You Are


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
53 F. degrees today, probably the last comfortable day before the Big Freeze. Way too nice to stay inside, so spent the day bringing in firewood, and burning some of the discards left over from splitting. Most of the rejects were honeycombed with carpenter ant nests, which have now been "sterilized". :smackAll of the ants I knocked into the lawn during splitting have been completely devoured by the birds, there were 3-4 robins when I walked back there still looking for more.

Not much wind, so sat by the fire for awhile after sunset, just sipping a beer & sky gazing. A calm, clear, fairly warm day in December? I'll take it! 😎


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
@digitS' funny you moved in there about the same time this place was built.

@Zeedman no robins to be seen around here for a few months now. i can't imagine they migrated north this season, but perhaps as it has been such an odd year... :)

it was nice today for sure here too, we ran some errands/shopping early today and that helped a lot because it was quicker than normal and also it left us the rest of the day so i got the walk in with Mom and then we got a few things done that needed done before winter and then i picked some more of the pole beans off the fence. one more round of that and perhaps i will be done. nice if i can get that done tomorrow. we'll see...

Mom was laughing at me a while ago because i was snoring earlier and she said i was talking in my sleep.


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
@Zeedman no robins to be seen around here for a few months now. i can't imagine they migrated north this season, but perhaps as it has been such an odd year... :)
An odd year indeed. The geese are gone, so it was really odd to see those robins this late. The mild temperatures this week, and lack of snow, might have coaxed them to tarry - but not much to eat, so they probably appreciated the hundreds of carpenter ants I dumped out. Chances are they won't stick around much longer.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
An odd year indeed. The geese are gone, so it was really odd to see those robins this late. The mild temperatures this week, and lack of snow, might have coaxed them to tarry - but not much to eat, so they probably appreciated the hundreds of carpenter ants I dumped out. Chances are they won't stick around much longer.

*chirp chirp* hello for me and wish them a safe journey. :) you will probably sleep well tonight. :)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
@digitS' funny you moved in there about the same time this place was built.
This is a very old home for this neighborhood. There is a map at the library that shows 3 homes on this road in 1906. Two were replaced before I arrived. The previous owners bought it in the 1930's and lived here nearly 60 years. The husband taught sailors radio use at the naval base. Yes, a naval base, mostly for training, 300 miles inland ;).

honeycombed with carpenter ant nests,
How might it be possible that there were so few carpenter ants around here this year? I had no idea that their population might run in cycles.

Way too nice to stay inside
This seems to be the same right across the continent. A person in Newfoundland was commenting that they are usually "up to our neck" in snow by now -- this year, no snow . Were you hoping to see the Northern Lights, staying out in the dark?

Robins? Was it last winter when lots of them showed up in January? I was thinking, "what the heck are they doing back now?!" They were only around for a few days. Later it occurred to me that they might have been from further north or a higher elevation and not "back" but only just leaving.

snowstorm about 100 miles SW and on its way. expecting 1" ++. might still be around for Christmas


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
Were you hoping to see the Northern Lights, staying out in the dark?
Yes. That, and observing the close conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn. Although I am suburban, I am near a large lake & have a tree line that blocks most of the light from my back lot line. My back yard is surprising dark, and very good for sky gazing. DW, DD, and I were able to observe comet NEOWISE from there this summer.

It occurs to me that I haven't seen a good display of the Northern Lights for years. The odd thing is that in my youth, I remember seeing several intense summer displays. One of those (probably in the late 60's - early 70's) was so bright, it over-powered the street lights, turning the whole street red. My research suggests that was probably the extremely intense solar storm of August 1972. My brother & I sat on our front steps, watching wave after wave slowly drift in from the North. Given our present world-wide reliance on technology, a storm of that intensity now could cause major disruption... probably more a question of "when" than "if".


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
53 F. degrees today, probably the last comfortable day before the Big Freeze. Way too nice to stay inside, so spent the day bringing in firewood, and burning some of the discards left over from splitting. Most of the rejects were honeycombed with carpenter ant nests, which have now been "sterilized". :smackAll of the ants I knocked into the lawn during splitting have been completely devoured by the birds, there were 3-4 robins when I walked back there still looking for more.

Not much wind, so sat by the fire for awhile after sunset, just sipping a beer & sky gazing. A calm, clear, fairly warm day in December? I'll take it! 😎
I have been doing some burning. My burn barrel (where I throw paper and cardboard trash) gets full, so I burn it in the firepit. Thursday I was home and DH joined me at the firepit where I had thrown on some small logs and had a nice fire going with lovely red coals. It was in the mid 50's. ToDAY is another story. Poured last night, mud and puddles EVERYWHERE. Freeze tonight. List of outside AND inside work is very large. :hit
ONLY on the computer to download documents for several upcoming loan signings.

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