What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Karanleaf, you and I share a birthday, mine was the 14th, too!

I grow Bright Lights swiss chard every year, I love it, and kohlrabis, too, both purple and white. I've actually found them to be pretty good up to softball size, past that they get a bit woody. There's spinach coming up out there, and peas, yesterday I planted beets and radishes, bunching onions went in on Monday - slowly but surely everything's getting planted. It's supposed to be in the 70's on Friday, I'll be out there all day (except for when I have to teach, just a few hours at work, then I'm in the garden!) :watering


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
well Reinbeau

To you Too Birthday Buddy :celebrate

The 14th is kinda a good luck day for us. DH 's BD is Jan 14th, we were married Feb 14th his DB's BD is Dec 14th and my BD April 14th. So we like the 14th :celebrate

I guess I had decided on some good veggies to try this year then so many of you grow and like the Chard and kohlrabi. :thumbsup

I did a bit of yard raking after I got home from work. No planting today just more transplanting tonight. :watering

Hope everyone has a nice evening :bouquet

:happy_flower Karan :D

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Happy Birthday Reinbeau :rainbow-sun for the 14th. I sowed some chard yesterday along with an Italian beet which has striped rings when you cut it -- forgotten the name!!!!

Hi karanleaf :happy_flower I think grandparents are so important for passing on information! I was so close to my beloved grandmother (on my mother's side). My younger brother was a very sickly child & my mother couldn't cope with the two of us plus the bombing (it was during World War II) so I was sent off to my grandparents in the country for long periods. I loved it -- Grandma was a wonderful woman, tiny but with boundless energy. She taught me to cook, knit, crochet & garden. Whatever she was doing at the time, in her busy day, she would set up a child-sized version beside her so I could copy her! She cooked on an old big black cast-iron stove with it's water heater on one side & the oven on the other side with the fire in the middle & pots on top (we had our baths in a big tin bath in front of this). I don't remember my Grandfather being around much as he was a very taciturn man & spent most of his time on his allotment growing his veggies -- he used to sell his excess produce to the ladies of the village! :old He was well known for having the earliest peas in the village & used to make a lot of money out of them!!:old He used to bury huge piles of horse manure (he worked with horses so he had access to piles of the stuff) in deep pits then cover this with a thick layer of good soil then sow his peas on top. I can remember he used to grow some sweet peas along with his peas & beans because that way the bees would be attracted to them for pollination.

:coolsun Yesterday we had our warmest day so far this year so I decided to put off the shopping trip to go play in the garden :tools It was lovely -- so peaceful -- maybe I'm growing more like my grandfather....!!! I worked some more on the area round my tiny pond, finding more pieces of rock to landscape it. I'm planting those old-fashioned striped pinks between the stones -- I love these with their clove-like perfume but I have problems with growing them in my soil & usually have to be content to grow them in pots where they thrive. At least it makes it easier to smell them; I can lift the pot up to sniff rather than getting down on my knees (increasingly more difficult more me nowadays) :barnie !!!!! I was also planting various kinds of thyme in between the stones -- it's coming together nicely. Next to the pond is a bed with a Japanese tree peony growing in the centre. This has been in for about 5 years but hasn't grown very much & didn't flower last year -- very disappointing as I paid a lot of money for it as it was meant to be a focal point of the garden. So I had a good talk to it & explained that if it didn't stop sulking & bloom it was going to be replaced. I dumped a huge amount of chicken poo compost on it: lo & behold about 10 shoots shot up from the ground plus lots of shoots from the 2ft 6" stem. So maybe I had been starving the poor thing :th I feel like a bad mother :hit neglecting the poor thing. I'm now looking for a shrub with large glossy dark green leaves to contrast with the other plants in that bed. I already have roses, weigela, jasmine, clematis, my huge clump off cardoons and the tree peony in that bed under-planted with "Queen of the Night" tulips, lemon balm, oregano, grape hyacinths, etc. So has anyone got ANY SUGGESTIONS? It gets a lot of sun and the bed can be seen from all sides. My soil is alkaline & fairly well drained. I have planned my garden so all the different shades & shapes of leaves form a green tapestry; any flowers are a wonderful bonus. If the plant was an evergreen I would be even happier. Please put your THINKING CAPS ON for me PLEASE :bow

I am really enjoying these posts -- so nice to meet you all and share our experiences in our gardens which are so far apart.
:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
:frow Thanks Hattie,
I look forward to reading your posts also. Your garden sounds really lovely. Our landscaping is in the planning stage, as we are moving buildings and preparing to set foundation to build a strawbale home. But we started on the greenhouse last year instead. SO now we are working around that. :gig We have at least 2 more raised beds to build this year and I need to plan out beds for daylilies.
I hope everyone has a sun filled great day in the garden :coolsun :watering

:happy_flower Karan :D


Attractive To Bees
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
It is windy and cool here today, but I am outsied anyway, trying to get a lot done. It is supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday all day, so I want those little seedies in!

I am doing peas, beets, Swiss chard, lettuce, bunching onions and carrots today. That is the goal, anyway! :D


Garden Ornament
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
I had plans to put my peas in after working on the greenhouse that was until I walked face first into a 2x4 cross beam on the end of the greenhouse :th , the same one I had just ducked under not 30 seconds before. Once my nose quite bleeding it seems I have a pretty good headache, and bending over to plant peas just didn't sound like fun anymore. We are expecting snow the next two days so I guess I'll just start over on Monday, hope everyone else has a great gardening day :happy_flower


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Hooray, we put in another little raised bed for my daughter today. I then gave her 2 kinds of sunflower seeds and she planted them all! I can't wait to see how that comes out. :gig (20 flower in the bottom right corner and 2 random ones pot up in the back left!!! :gig )

I also managed to get in more tomato plants, some daisies, the last of my foxglove and petunias!!!

Ok, going to go take a shower and make a fresh pot of coffee. :celebrate


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
COgirl said:
I had plans to put my peas in after working on the greenhouse that was until I walked face first into a 2x4 cross beam on the end of the greenhouse :th , the same one I had just ducked under not 30 seconds before. Once my nose quite bleeding it seems I have a pretty good headache, and bending over to plant peas just didn't sound like fun anymore. We are expecting snow the next two days so I guess I'll just start over on Monday, hope everyone else has a great gardening day :happy_flower
:ep OUCH !! :th So sorry your hurt, Boy what hard knocks us gardening folks take huh? Sure hope you feel better soon and hope you don't have a large colored nose by tomorrow, :hugs
Boy I know I would :he
Good Luck getting the Greenhouse up :thumbsup

:happy_flower Karan :D


Deeply Rooted
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
Will post pictures of my garden tomorrow hopefully the damn squirrels will leave my tulips alone, i really would like to show a few kinds of tulips i have this spring.
Will plant more peas and more spring vegetables this week. Also my Hyacinths are starting to bloom, they are truly amazing from their wonderful fragnance i could be 30ft from them and i can still smell their fragrance. There's plenty of planting to do in the coming months.


Chillin' In The Garden
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
Today, I planted a Bing cherry tree, a pear tree, and two mcintosh apple trees. :D

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