What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Got my tiller back yesterday (yay!) and tilled the front garden. DH and I got the four
corner posts set and I'll take a day off this week so we can get the rest of the posts set, and the panels hung.
Mowed weeds, mowed the lawn... which now that I think about it is almost the same thing, I just use different mowers. :p

We just got a dinner invitation with friends, so cut the yard work short and am getting cleaned up to go.:)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I'm getting serious about hardening off some warm-season plants. Not peppers and eggplants, just yet. Fact is, I just got the majority of the eggplants out of their cell packs and into pots, yesterday morning.

The tomatoes are coming out on the lawn and more will be out there, today. I have the tall hoopie for them and, after the sunlight hits it, just set the plastic film up about 16" on all 4 sides. The oldest plants may be pulled out for direct sunlight, soon.

Early warmth but rapid growth of the plant starts should keep me up to this new schedule. I just have to move more quickly than in previous years ... ha!

So much tilling left, with the tractor guy's work last fall and not this spring. That oughta keep me moving ... having that contraption dragging me through the soil for more hours in upcoming days ...



Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
worked on changing oil on tiller & checked the belt yesterday. need to replace belt so searched a few places in area, none have it so had to order it. looking for the air filter too but will have to order that as well. i will try running it today to be sure nothing else will need fixing/replacing.

dh & i chopped back some brush/scrub by the corner of the property by the street. neighbors will be happy we did it. not a fun time trying to do it since there is a wild rose going wild, & lots of black raspberry canes enjoying the leaf litter mulch. i've been trying to figure out if there were some crab apples that took root in this corner & now i can prove it since 1 was starting to get pin buds starting to open. i told dh to leave that one & chop out the rest so i can figure out what the tree really is.

while waking around the area i looked down to find some stone crop sedum that i never planted. must be something left from a former owner. dug up the patch & spent some time de-weeding it then putting a few little tubers into pots to grow out some more before planting to other locations.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Just a gorgeous day today! I crawled around the blueberry corral popping out dandelions, got a muck bucket full and fed them to the horses.

Took some golden hops cuttings to root for @SweetMissDaisy . I don't know if they'll take, but I'll keep trying until they do. The vines are already to the top of the dog run, so I have plenty of material to work with!

Planted two client containers with lemon verbena, pineapple mint and lobelia, just for something fragrant and fun to have on their deck.

Oh! Almost forgot the best thing! I picked up a Sweet Summer Love clemmie last fall on impulse. (Naturally. :rolleyes:) I was walking around trying to decide if I had enough picket fence in the garden left for them to climb when I hit on the idea of planting them on the north side of the blueberry pen. Great idea! :ya I'm a genius! Haha.
But they really are going to be stupendous there. Can't wait to see them grow and bloom. :)


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Ditched work yesterday so I could go to a Dr.'s appointment with dh. We took advantage of the day and got up before the chickens to work on the garden fence.
We got the rest of the perimeter posts set and concreted.

I was going to move the raspberry bed because they are now in the way, but turns out that wasn't necessary since they are all dead. I guess that hard pruning in spring was the wrong thing to do. :hide

I used my tiller to till the edge of the lawn where it meets the "wild" part of the yard. Looks much better. Haven't been able to do that for the last year or so because my tiller wasn't running. Yay for our new small engine repair guy! :love

Took some eggs to the new neighbors and talked plants, they have lots of questions. Came back and hitched Janie to the trailer and cleaned up the rest of the rugosa prunings I had forgotten to pick up, then loaded the trailer with a couple of muck buckets of water and my super special secret tree treatment and
drove out to water the baby white pines.

I have two new larch trees to put in. I won them in a silent auction at a fundraiser for the neighbor kids school. Who says I never win anything?

I got in a pretty good days work for taking a day off from work. :D

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