Range wars

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Oh Red I feel so bad for you. I hope that if/when they get this to court the judge is fair and YOU come out victorious. I do think an apology is in order. But it seems unlikely you will get one from these fools. Hang in there .... :hugs


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
What a mess! You're doing your homework and are determined, good for you! When do you go to court? Hope this is settled quickly and that you get nice neighbors in the near future.



Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I hope you beat the pants off them in court Red. There sure seem to be more than enough of neighbors like that everywhere.

I have a neighbor on the south of our property who is about a half a bubble off of level and 10 acres is just not enough room to have between us.

One of the "estates" I take care of in town has a new neighbor that is trying to claim more and more of my clients lawn and beds. They had previously lived down the street in a different house and built a garage over their neighbors property line while they were snowbirding in Arizona. I'm expecting some fireworks soon. My clients are having it surveyed this week and in the spring I'm to plant a hedge on the line, all 200' of it. I'll be easy to spot. I'll be the only gardener in riot gear.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I hope you beat the pants off them in court Red. There sure seem to be more than enough of neighbors like that everywhere........I'll be easy to spot. I'll be the only gardener in riot gear.
:lol::lol::yuckyuck:lol::lol: That might be a good way to go here as well. I was asked if I felt 'threatened' by the neighbors' behavior or language. Honestly, no, just peeved to the extreme.

We checked out the "complaint" this morning. The neighbors reported us for using our own property, NOT EVEN A PART OF THE DISPUTED PROPERTY! They removed a stake (stole?) from our property before showing the Deputy sheriff where we'd supposedly tresspassed. I suggested to the Deputy who stopped this afternoon that they had deliberately filed a false report with the sheriff's office. Yes, they did, but it's still considered a civil matter and the law doesn't count wasting official time this way as criminal.

Amazing! When the tax assessor was in that area about 4:00 the post was in place. When the Deputy arrived about 5:00 it was no where to be seen. Coincidence? I think not.

At least the Sheriff's office knows which family has the kooks and which one is trying to be a good neighbor. Well, almost good. I did deliberately provoke them when I set posts up across my land, but it was the only way I could think of to speed up the court hearing. And I feeling pretty bad about posting a new sign that I realize it will probably instigate some unsavory reaction.

spring sign Laird.JPG

Well, perhaps not so bad. I consider it "neighborly" food for thought that having me for a neighbor isn't all cream puffs and gravy.

Actually, I don't feel bad at all. I'm rather proud of myself! And while the deputies both smiled at the sign, neither one told me not to post it on my own property.

:plbb I can be a force to be reckoned with when riled.:plbb
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Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Yes, I'm not helping the situation, but for three years I've sat by thinking this mistake can be talked over and ironed out.

Not gonna happen!

So, I ask you, is this the face of a rabble rouser?

I once spent 9 months writing back and forth trying to get a solution to a problem I was having with a mail order company. After many letters -- followed by form-letter responses -- I sent a photo of myself asking if mine was the face of someone trying to pull a fast one over on their company and with the request that they please send me a photo of the computer I'd been corresponding with all these months.

Within two weeks my problem was solved to my satisfaction. Sometimes thinking outside the box works better than imagined.
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Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
Instead of hogs and roosters I have a nice long row of bee hives and wild blackberries. Or roses. Cheap Home Depot or Lowes roses that will bloom and are covered in thorns. Something with some big nasty thorns. Maybe a risk of poison ivy or sumac? Let them go waltzing through that.

Hog and rooster fences could be cut or gates opened and mow your being charged with loose animals. Plus damages that pigs might cause to their property? I'd be sure to put up a hot fence and about 8' inside that then a 2nd hot fence to actually contain your critters.

Inside that first fence Id have my bees. The bees would be easy to do splits with, the added pollinators will benefit your land, and you get honey to gift or sell too!

And on those posts I'd put up some motion lights and a trail camera so you have documentation. Let it light up like a penitentiary that would fix them good!

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
OH, I see this is the place to go for help. Sounds like plenty of range war experience here. There is an overgrown area between the properties about 25 feet deep full of weeds, brush, trees, and briars they call their "privacy fence". Fifteen feet of that should be/ will be mine after we meet in court. I doubt the bees or the blackberries would be seen as threats to their sense of touch, but smell and sound are senses I can work with. Ill-tasting blackberry lookalikes growing over the fencing would work, too, but only for that first taste. As for sight? Imagine trying to sell the property with Porky, Rowdy, and the gang that close to their back yard.

I do like the idea of eventually getting into raising bees, though.

As for lights, shortly after they moved in they put up a huge, bright yard light. It was high up a telephone pole so it lit their yard, but didn't bother them otherwise. Unfortunately, it shined right into my eyes the moment I stepped out the front door. I swear I couldn't see a thing! My land is higher than theirs and the pole light was at my eye level.

I managed to survive two years without major retina damage until we got the work-shop built in a spot to block the light. I would LOVE to do a payback for the light, but while I can justify putting animals in that spot, I doubt I could justify shining a beam into their bedroom window. Hum-m-m-m, unless it was a double spotlight. Then one side could be focused on my animals and the other would just end up going the other way.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Someone BYC posted a photo of a sign a farmer put up when land next to him was put up for sale. Attention working farm farm animals are noisey, smelly and have sex outside!! Can't say buyers wheren't warned.