Baymule's 2016 Garden


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Tonight we had supper from the garden. We had roasted yellow squash coated with 2 spoons of olive oil and a packet of dry Ranch dressing. Yum! I fixed homestyle potatoes, yellow wax beans and sliced our first tomato!

I planted a whole packet of yellow wax beans with visions of beautiful glass jars packed with gleaming gold beans dancing in my head.......EEEERRKK!! back to reality. Very few came up and the few that did are small, struggling to survive the Great Seedling Graveyard that is my garden. The beans weren't yellow yet, but I picked them before a marauding rabbit did. I got 32 slightly yellowish beans. Victory! :weee

It sure was nice to pick something other than yellow squash! :lol:


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
I spent the afternoon in the kitchen today. Friday we took our grand daughters to pick blueberries. The 9 year old doesn't like them, but was very proud of herself for picking 3 pounds to take home. :thumbsup

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The 16 month old loves blueberries and got busy picking. Green ones, red ones, purple ones---all went in her mouth. She ate out of my bucket and contributed red and green blueberries to the bucket. She had a large time. She finally got her fill and when I offered her more blueberries, she turned her head and said no. I'm pretty sure she ate some dirt with them. :lol:

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My husband picked 4 pounds and I would up with 2 pounds. I washed them and put on cookie sheets and put them in the freezer. Today I vacuum sealed them in bags. Need to go pick some more.

And I had all that squash to do something with! I sliced it, shredded it, and froze it. I made cream corn from 20 ears of corn and mixed with the shredded squash for fritters.

I used my Mom's 1950 Salad Master grater. :love

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Cream corn.

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I put a cup of squash and a cup of cream corn in Ziploc bags and froze it. I got 13 bags. I sliced the squash and bagged the big slices, the necks went to the grater. Each vacuum sealed bag had from 16-24 slices of squash, depending on the size of the slices. I got 16 bags.

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I fried fritters for supper. They didn't come apart this time.

1 cup shredded squash
1 cup cream corn
1 egg
1 cup flour
1/2 large onion, chopped
1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
salt, pepper

I made patties and also did spoon drop. The spoon drop belched forth big popping grease splatters. Won't be doing that again!

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And I made squash lasagna!

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since somebody hi jacked my thread.. heres my turn
the dw last weekend made a kale lasagna that was good stuff

question with is all the white stuff in the blueberry patch?

the little one is cute...great photo


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
@thistlebloom is correct. That is snow. More precisely, that is TEXAS SNOW better known as sugar sand. Our entire property is covered deeply with TEXAS SNOW! @majorcatfish my garden wants to be like your garden when it grows up. :lol: Maybe that TEXAS SNOW will melt and reveal deep, rich soil underneath it.........whaddya' think my chances are? :gig

This is what I picked yesterday.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Tonight we had supper from the garden. We had roasted yellow squash coated with 2 spoons of olive oil and a packet of dry Ranch dressing. Yum! I fixed homestyle potatoes, yellow wax beans and sliced our first tomato!

I planted a whole packet of yellow wax beans with visions of beautiful glass jars packed with gleaming gold beans dancing in my head.......EEEERRKK!! back to reality. Very few came up and the few that did are small, struggling to survive the Great Seedling Graveyard that is my garden. The beans weren't yellow yet, but I picked them before a marauding rabbit did. I got 32 slightly yellowish beans. Victory! :weee

It sure was nice to pick something other than yellow squash! :lol:

I planted a lot of yellow bush, but I had yellow pole beans dancing in my head all winter. I could just see these yellow beans hanging in the air, but I never got them ordered, but next year I have got to have!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Squash..... I have picked 63 more yellow squash. :thTotal now at 187. :ep Yesterday we took a basket of squash (the one in my avatar) to a neighbor. She is a stay at home Mom with 3 boys, her sister and sister's boyfriend and sister's baby live with them, so the squash was welcomed. I gave her the squash fritter recipe and a recipe for squash bread. As long as I keep them watered, they keep making more squash!

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