I am going back to work


Garden Addicted
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Zone 6a
We’ll that didn’t last long. I got 2 days of training, following someone around, no hands on, then thrown on the floor for a 12 hour shift by myself. 14 residents, 3 diabetics, 3 Alzheimer’s, 2 with dangerous high/low blood pressure and meds 3-5 times a day. Helping with meals, cleaning the whole place, laundry, and they complained I was too slow. I picked up speed, but I got to thinking. Rules and laws started getting crazy and I could see it was only going to get crazier with the coronavirus. Once it gets into a nursing home, the bodies stack up. I decided I didn’t want to take a deadly virus home to my husband, so I quit. That place is disorganized, indeed, they take it to a new level. It is one of the worst places I have ever worked. Management was terrible, communication was zero to none.

The residents were precious people. I tried to give them all a smile and make them feel important. It’s dehumanizing enough just being in a place like that, without being in a high speed hurry to get to the next one.

Oh well. We are hunkered down, not going anywhere. We have all we need and have plenty to do.

Wow. They hired you for a CNA/CMA position without state training? Or..maybe I misunderstood.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Los Angeles Health dude suggests taking long term care residents out of their care homes for now. 121 nursing homes have been identified as hot spots for Corona. Many of the residents as well as health care workers are now infected. Older people are dying rapidly.

I'm so glad you QUIT.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Wow. They hired you for a CNA/CMA position without state training? Or..maybe I misunderstood.
You didn't misunderstand. They get around it by being an assisted living. I didn't give insulin to the diabetics, I dialed the dose on the pen and handed it to the resident and they gave it to themselves. I could see a whole lot of skirting around the law. There is a RN on staff, she shows up once a week to look over the med logs and such. There were things that just didn't look right and I wanted nothing to do with it. I have never taken crap from anybody over a job and I dang sure ain't gonna start now.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I couldn't do it. My aunt went into one and she started talking odd on the phone. My mother and I went from Kansas to Oklahoma to see her and had a doctor go examine her and found she had had a stroke and she also had a broken collar bone. i guess she had fell out of a chair. She could not eat fast and while we were there they came to take her tray away. She grabbed a piece of chicken off the tray and put down the front of her dress. We made arrangements to move her to Kansas to our house. While there the old people FOLLOWED ME. One lady got her purse and was going to leave with me. They would come in my aunts room and stand around wanting attention and company. We went home and made arrangements for her to be sent to Kansas and the day she was to be moved, which was going to be by ambulance, they found she had an infected toe. The doctor was horrified. They had taken her stocking off and she had gangrene. He told me they might have to take her leg off. She stayed another 2 weeks there or so on antibiotics and then moved in with us. My mother later had to go to one, but my brother went daily to see her and other times of the day I went. She was beyond able for us to take care of her at home. It was a horrible experience for all of us.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
We all are going to get old so it’s important to raise our children correct. One of the things they will see and follow will be our example of how we treat our family elders. Nursing homes are a great thing IF you can follow up on a daily basis. To ask an individual to work with older, health problem, cranky, demanding people is insane. You either have to be a saint or just don't care. Those that have no family are at the mercy of strangers.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I couldn't do it. My aunt went into one and she started talking odd on the phone. My mother and I went from Kansas to Oklahoma to see her and had a doctor go examine her and found she had had a stroke and she also had a broken collar bone. i guess she had fell out of a chair. She could not eat fast and while we were there they came to take her tray away. She grabbed a piece of chicken off the tray and put down the front of her dress. We made arrangements to move her to Kansas to our house. While there the old people FOLLOWED ME. One lady got her purse and was going to leave with me. They would come in my aunts room and stand around wanting attention and company. We went home and made arrangements for her to be sent to Kansas and the day she was to be moved, which was going to be by ambulance, they found she had an infected toe. The doctor was horrified. They had taken her stocking off and she had gangrene. He told me they might have to take her leg off. She stayed another 2 weeks there or so on antibiotics and then moved in with us. My mother later had to go to one, but my brother went daily to see her and other times of the day I went. She was beyond able for us to take care of her at home. It was a horrible experience for all of us.

it is so tough to be in a situation like that. recently a friend had to have his wife put into a managed care facility different from the one he was in because she could no longer be controlled. it was heartbreaking.

this must be a very tough time for everyone as you can't even go and visit and those folks can get so lonely and need company.

i live with Mom and hope to take care of her right up until the end. she is in good health now and is capable of even more than i am, but eventually it will be my time to take care of her more and i'm willing to do it. she wiped my butt and fed me for how many years and i've never heard her complain a bit about it...


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I am so happy for you!! :love:hugs:hugs:hugs
We have all been through this before, finding a job, no matter What, when you have to.
On another thread, I stopped doing signings in March bc of the virus, but we had been quaranteened in a rural area for several weeks and my dog needs to have her leg amputated (cancer in her paw, the FOOT.) About $3K
So, I have had 6 signings scheduled so far. It will be on April 27th, and I hope to have made about 2/3 of it by then. Gotta wait a good month to get paid, but all companies have been with me for 3-5 years and pay regularly. I am avoiding anybody new.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
We all are going to get old so it’s important to raise our children correct. One of the things they will see and follow will be our example of how we treat our family elders. Nursing homes are a great thing IF you can follow up on a daily basis. To ask an individual to work with older, health problem, cranky, demanding people is insane. You either have to be a saint or just don't care. Those that have no family are at the mercy of strangers.
Although there are numerous stories about bad child behavior, like the 6th grade student who threw a knock down drag out tantrum bc she had to wait to use the restroom, then slammed the door on her finger and lost the tip.
REMEMBER to use manners with your children. Our family, that is DH, and me and 3 DD's ALWAYS say please and thank you. It has become our habit over the last 40 years and when you practice nice behaviors, the bad behaviors sit there and stink.


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
I couldn't do it. My aunt went into one and she started talking odd on the phone. My mother and I went from Kansas to Oklahoma to see her and had a doctor go examine her and found she had had a stroke and she also had a broken collar bone. i guess she had fell out of a chair. She could not eat fast and while we were there they came to take her tray away. She grabbed a piece of chicken off the tray and put down the front of her dress. We made arrangements to move her to Kansas to our house. While there the old people FOLLOWED ME. One lady got her purse and was going to leave with me. They would come in my aunts room and stand around wanting attention and company. We went home and made arrangements for her to be sent to Kansas and the day she was to be moved, which was going to be by ambulance, they found she had an infected toe. The doctor was horrified. They had taken her stocking off and she had gangrene. He told me they might have to take her leg off. She stayed another 2 weeks there or so on antibiotics and then moved in with us. My mother later had to go to one, but my brother went daily to see her and other times of the day I went. She was beyond able for us to take care of her at home. It was a horrible experience for all of us.

That is so heart breaking. It makes me want to take all those precious people and stuff them in my house so they don't have to suffer. :(

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