Recent content by ohiofarmgirl

  1. O

    Take that you evil slugs!

    thats BRILLIANT! tomorrow i'm gonna run right out and sprinkle some shells from my hens where i'll be planting my 'maters.. my hens can scratch around until i plant and any extra can get worked into the soil. THANKS! ps dont those ducks of yours grab up the free slugs??
  2. O

    growing grain for chickens

    i cant BELIEVE that i didnt know that! i mean sure.. i kinda knew... i just didnt know how and that a blender was such a handy-dandy tool! ;-) i cant wait for the next growing season. its gonna be nothing but wheat, sunflowers, millet, and barley- and corn! whoot! i love that Logsdon points...
  3. O

    growing grain for chickens

    i'm loving the book - and yes i'm going to get a couple more of his. i like his easy writing style and good and practical info..especially about crop rotations. and since i'm about in his zone -- its great to have a schedule all right there! i have to say that i laughed..a lot... at myself. at...
  4. O

    I will be up late tonite! NASA to bomb the Moon tonite!

    i'm totally excited about the space program...all the new science is very exciting. i think someone asked why they were doing it? its to find out of there is a way to get water from the moon. if yes then they could establish a base there and NOT have to supply it with water/energy from here...
  5. O

    I will be up late tonite! NASA to bomb the Moon tonite!

    i have to say that was the biggest disappointment of my adult life - they didnt show a THING! just the nasa guys clapping!!! MAN! they'd better have more exciting video later today..... i want my money back. hee hee hee i loved how that guy grabbed his computer and ran for it. hee hee hee...
  6. O

    My first potatos with Pics...How to store?

    we just brought in two huge buckets of taters! wheee!!! thanks for the potato bunker idea... humm.. now i know. but i'd like to store some in the house/garage .... if i put them in a feed sack and then in metal trash can, do i put the lid on tightly or let them 'breathe'???? we have about a...
  7. O

    growing grain for chickens

    i just got a great book - Small Scale Grain Raising by Gene Logsdon might just be the ticket for you. i've just started it but i like how he says you can grow enough for your livestock (including chickens) and your family in a relatively small space check it out! i got mine, used, from amazon...
  8. O

    Your First Frost of the Season

    ours was last nite! not too awful - i got everything covered up that i wanted to save for sure. we'll go back to nites in the high 40's for a while. this was unusual b/c normally we dont have a frost until the first couple of weeks of oct - so this seemed early. it was a real shocker going out...
  9. O

    I could cry ...the long awaited tomatoes are just about done for us

    roasted 'maters!! oh yeah baby! i just took a pan out of the oven - i'm working on 'roasted sauce' instead of just boiling or cooking on top of the stove. they have been in there all nite at about 150* after cooking at 350* for a couple hrs... the house smells like tomato heaven! whee!! have...
  10. O

    I could cry ...the long awaited tomatoes are just about done for us

    whats wrong with you, HiDelight?!?! dont you know i cant eat this silly computer screen!!!! WOW what a sandwich!!! (looks over on counter full of maters...) hum......... i dunno if i have a planned 'last sandwich' but man i had the best egg + mater sandwich the other day... seriously i dont...
  11. O

    Recipe substitution

    what!?!?? scandalous! yikes! ;-) just kiddin... i love that lard and i'm so excited to be baking with it! it makes a wonderful cake! not veg of course... but yumO crisco is just fine - or butter or half butter and half veg shortening... bcallaha - how do you get the pulp? just peel 'em?? or...
  12. O

    Gardening with guineas...

    we have 5 - 2 adults males and 3 juvies..... very interesting little creatures. i need to integrate them as the little ones are separate.... but i'm nervous as i've heard they can be mean to hens.... will the older ones be mean to the little ones??? great heads up on the veggie eating. we have...
  13. O

    Todays harvest minimal but beatiful.

    lovely!! whatcha gonna do with all those peppers???
  14. O

    Bosc pears are ripe when....

    thanks WifeZ - great article! chickenstalker - nope the tree was here when we got to this property (our 2nd summer) :-)
  15. O

    Bosc pears are ripe when....

    update... instead of: i'll go give 'em a squeeze later on.. i'll give 'em the poke the stem end later on... :-)