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  1. havi

    Vegetable Garden Planner Design Your Best Garden Ever

    I posted this over on BYC, but I thought everyone over here would love it as well. For all the gardeners out there, you have to try this!! Its free for 30days and all you have to do is provide a email address. Nothing else. I just found this in my Mother Earth News magazine and tried it out...
  2. havi

    Container planting, what to use as a filler?

    I have these huge pots that I want to plant in, but I dont want to waste a huge bag of potting soil in the whole thing. I want to put something in the bottom 1/4 and then fill the rest with soil. Ive thought about rocks, but that would be too heavy. Ive heard people use packing peanuts, but Ive...
  3. havi

    Anyone use mason bees?

    Ive always wanted to keep bees, but we live to close to town that I dont think it would be a good idea. But Ive been reading up on Mason Bees. Does anyone use these or know of someone who has? The main reason I want to keep them is to pollinate my veggies and flowers. Whats everyones thought on...
  4. havi

    Identified: hyacinth bean seeds

    Thanks everyone. Looking at all the seeds online, I defintaly think its the hyacinth bean. Its really pretty too. How do I get them to grow? I planted a few in those Jiffy peat disks, but none of them have came up. I only have 4 left and want to make sure they make it. I have no way of getting...
  5. havi

    Identified: hyacinth bean seeds

    Thanks. How large do they get? Will they take over whatever they are on?
  6. havi

    Pics of Worm Bin and Worms!

    I buying one of these for myself at christmas. DH asked what I wanted(we shop early) and I told him The Worm Factory. He just rolled his eyes and laughed. Muttered something along the lines of most women want jewelry, but Im asking for worms. :lau
  7. havi

    Built my worm bin today

    I just started mine last Sunday. I took a Master Composting Class and they gave us free worms and a worm bin. The bin is basically just a big rubber maid tub and I drilled a bunch of holes in the top. Ive been reading around though and think I need to work something out to where there is mesh...
  8. havi

    Identified: hyacinth bean seeds

    I recieved these seeds in a swap on BYC. She didnt know what they were, but said they were labeled "Purple Vine Flower" I havent planted them yet, but the seeds look very odd. Im hoping someone will know what they are just from the seed.
  9. havi

    Sticky Weed Identification - Worst Weed Ever (well, almost)

    I have all three of these nasty things! :rant And if it weren't for the bur clover I wouldnt have any 'grass' in my backyard. When we bought this house there was nothing in the backyard. No grass, weeds, nothing. Just dirt. I bought a great pair of gloves that will handle those pesky spiky...
  10. havi

    Digging potatoes

    A friend got me hooked on it. She has hers growing in old tires, but I just use old wire netting. Such as chicken wire or hardwire clothe. I just lay the spuds on the ground and cover it with straw. Then when they start growing I put the wire around it and add more straw. Its a lot easier to...
  11. havi

    Tomatoes - Tons of Blooms NO more tomatoes?

    Ive only had a garden for a few years now, but I could not live without my blossom spray. I found this in a Burpee catalog. I thought what the heck, I'll try it. The first time I used it I went crazy with the stuff! Spraying everything!! Well that year I had watermelons and tomatoes coming out...
  12. havi

    sling for melons

    Just a little off topic..did you know that melons will grow to the shape of something? Such as a box.. What you do is make a clear see-through box and let the melon grow to the size of it. They do this a lot overseas. Its easier to fit in the frig and to store them. I keep telling myself Im...
  13. havi

    Digging potatoes

    I normally dig around a little to see what I got. Sometimes their ready, sometimes their not. Have you ever thought about growing them in straw? Its much easier and cleaner to do. Just a thought though. :)