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  1. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    Yes there will still be a garden. And we are having our plant sale again this year. But I'm just cutting back a little bit. It's amazing how quickly time goes by.
  2. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    Well guys, I planted grass yesterday. The garden is going through another remodel. Now that I have a puppy.....we needed some running around space out there. I'm cutting back on the veggie section and yes......I planted grass. :D Fingers crossed that it grows! :D
  3. Catalina

    Storing potatoes

    It sounds like maybe they were too warm.
  4. Catalina

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Nice blog! I like the round bricks you had in one pic - do you know what they are called? I've been looking for something like that to use for geocaches. Here is my blog
  5. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    Well......those months went by fast! :lol: With planting, vacation, work, canning and weeding I haven't been on TEG very much (ok at all). The garden is growing (and the weeds). We had 5" of rain in the last 3 days, so it's all very wet too.
  6. Catalina

    5+ foot tall tomatoes...

    I always like to show off my tomato walls. :D I'm working on a tutorial for building the 'walls', but it's not done yet. It's 2 10' EMT conduits, 2 3/4" connectors and some plastic netting. This is my 3rd year using them and I get tons and tons of tomatos. The walls really save a lot of...
  7. Catalina

    Having a Plant Sale - any tips?

    Hi all! Thought you might like to see what our sale was like. There are a lot of pictures, so I posted all of them on my blog It was really fun and exhausting! We are already planning for next year.
  8. Catalina

    Having a Plant Sale - any tips?

    Ooooo the sale is Saturday! I'm getting nervous! Thanks for all the great advice everyone!
  9. Catalina

    Some of My Garden Updates (More Pics Pg 2)

    Wow! It all looks really nice! Beautiful plants and cute toad!
  10. Catalina

    Anybody grow grapes & fruit trees together?

    I think the grapes would eventually kill the apple trees. The trees wouldn't get enough sunlight. If they were large established trees it might not be a problem, but the grape will grow faster than the trees.
  11. Catalina

    Veggie Photo Time!

    Few pics of my plants
  12. Catalina

    Having a Plant Sale - any tips?

    Good ideas! We are having it at my parent's house. They live in on a residential street, but it is near a busy corner, so lots of traffic to see our sign! They also have a huge garage (in case it rains) and (if my dad every finishes it) small 8x10 green house. Now my Grandma is getting in...
  13. Catalina

    Having a Plant Sale - any tips?

    Oh! I forgot, we are also selling perenials, strawberry starts, raspberry starts (my Dad has 12 different varieties) and black raspberry starts.
  14. Catalina

    Having a Plant Sale - any tips?

    My family is having a plant sale in May. We started way too many plants - again. Last year we gave away all of our extras, but this year we decided to have a little plant sale. My parents had a green house/florist shop before they retired, so they are pretty good at selling plants - ;) I...
  15. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    Yeah I will be down there as soon as I am done.........course I'll never be done! LOL!! :lol:
  16. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    Thanks! Spring is always busy, busy, busy. All the plans that I made through the whole winter - I want to get them done all at once! LOL!
  17. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    :bouquet Awwwww thank YOU so MUCH! That was really sweet of you to say!
  18. Catalina

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    I put all the beds in my garden on Tues. and put mulch around them. Yesterday I set up 3 new compost bins, but it was too dark to take a pic by the time I was done. Now I have a trailer load of dirt in my driveway to move into the beds. Still have to: Prune black raspberries. Get pond...
  19. Catalina

    Rough mulch vs fine mulch

    I use grass clippings in my raised beds as mulch and wood chips in between the beds. I don't like to use wood chips in the beds, because they use up a lot of nitrogen when they start to break down. The grass clippings look nice, keep the weeds down and are a good fertilizer.
  20. Catalina

    Annual Sweet Peas help please.

    I would plant them outside and skip the jiffy pots. It should be warm enough in your zone to plant them right now.