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  1. L

    Frist Flowers this Spring

    How exciting! I would love to have some snowdrops in my garden someday! Sometimes those understated flowers are the best. :)
  2. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    Well, so far I'm thinking impatiens, echinacea, a shorter daisy, and some varieties of colored sage for height and foliage interest. And maybe some rosemary too. Thyme might might a pretty flowering ground cover type thing to add some sprawl. I would sneak in some lavender, but I'm not sure my...
  3. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    I hope she chimes in! ;)
  4. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    Is there one like this that isn't yellow? Nothing against yellow, I just have two daylilies that are yellow and would like to diversify. I love what you said about it though! I'd love it if there were others out there that were equally as awesome and a little less yellow. :)
  5. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    I've never seen doubles before... I flipped through a bunch of those pictures, and some I liked, but others I thought were a little strange. Example: I really liked Sweet Rosy, but didn't care as much for Broken Heart. Maybe it's the ruffles?
  6. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    Daylily companions could probably be its own thread, really, but I don't want to make a pest of myself. :hide I need something to fill out the space around my new plants while they establish themselves. To go back to just favorite lilies... right now I'm admiring all lilies that are a good...
  7. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    I love that lily, and I love the name too! :love That's a good idea. I'll admit that I'm not really sure about the whole "layering" thing - I've seen it demonstrated in containers, but for some reason I feel like all the plants must need more room than that! But I think I may just have to try...
  8. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    I like looking at all lilies, and yes, lily of the valley was at the top of my shade garden list! Now I think I can get away with some more sun loving plants, but I may tuck some lily of the valley away in a shadier corner if the opportunity presents itself! Maybe I should be more specific as...
  9. L

    Your Favorite Lilies!

    Just for fun, I thought I'd ask you all what your favorite lilies are and why. I pretty much like looking at all varieties of lily, though some are a little too fragrant for my sensitive nose, to be admired up close and personal. Yesterday I planted a few varieties of day lily (already...
  10. L

    Help ID'ing a bulb? And what to do with adopted fall asters?

    Trying to find pictures of bulbs can be frustrating. Okay, I pulled one of the smaller ones up (it came up really easily) and smashed it - I didn't recognize any garlic or onion scent. DH tells me I have a "grizzly nose," so... for what it's worth. Interestingly, this bulb did appear to have a...
  11. L

    Help ID'ing a bulb? And what to do with adopted fall asters?

    I'll give them a sniff tomorrow to see if they are onions or garlic. I'm crossing my fingers about the hyacinth! That makes more sense if they really did come from the planter pot. Of course, I've found some super random things in that garden bed so far, so I guess wild garlic wouldn't be the...
  12. L

    Help ID'ing a bulb? And what to do with adopted fall asters?

    The bulbs are VERY small... like dime-nickel sized? The bulbs are pale white-ish, and they are not connected together, though they are growing in "clump" formation. The foliage is bright green, upright, kind of thin at this point, only a few leaves per bulb. I don't think they are tulips...
  13. L

    Help ID'ing a bulb? And what to do with adopted fall asters?

    If you read my last thread, you might remember the "random mess" partially responsible for shading out the garden space next to my walkway. Well, I've been working on clearing that out - we've removed maple saplings, hazlenut saplings, rotted branches/ small trees, a poor diseased rhododendron...
  14. L

    Help! What do I plant?

    Maybe my local nursery has something similar, or could order it. I do really love daisies. Some of the more shade tolerant varieties look almost threadbare and scraggly compared to the full, plush petals I'm used to seeing. Does that visual make sense? Hmmm. So we are finally having some clear...
  15. L

    Help! What do I plant?

    The one I found online was called "Little Leo Leopard's Bane." (Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo'). So yes, it's the one you mentioned. I'll happily send any dandelions packing so I can enjoy my yellow daisies. That...
  16. L

    Help! What do I plant?

    Yes, I now have many wonderful ideas! Actually, now I may have too many, because I have to seriously narrow it down! My shady place isn't big enough for all these ideas! ;) Really, I have a lot of copy, paste, Google! to do. I'm leaning towards Lily of the Valley, Bleeding Heart, some...
  17. L

    Help! What do I plant?

    Wow! I'm amazed by all of the wonderful suggestions I've gotten. I already feel better! I'm happy to visit my local nursery, but I prefer to do so with a specific list of plants, because I don't shop well under pressure. I will do my best to address all suggestions in my post. Micky328 - Yes...
  18. L

    Help! What do I plant?

    I'm really new to gardening, especially flowers. I know what I like to look at, but that's about it! I like daffodils, tulips, lilies, hyacinths, daisies, asters, etc. I'll start with a little information and hopefully some of you can give me some advice. Where I am: Zone 8, northwest...
  19. L

    Green tomato delema, what to do...what to do?

    I recommend using them in place of tomatillos for salsa verde. There are multiple recipes you can follow. If you don't mind letting them sit around the house for a few weeks, then they will ripen. I did a little bit of both, myself... :)
  20. L

    Oven Apple Butter

    That's what I've been waiting to hear! :celebrate Now if I can just find enough time to get it done... :barnie