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    Where can I buy an orange tree. I thought to get the information prior to getting my green house done so I could order it when I get the green house made. I would also take a lemon or lime also. Arklady
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    Brussel sprouts

    I know most of my family don't like them but I happen to like them so what is the best way to deal with these strange veggies. Arklady
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    I got some pomegranites in the mail last fall from a gal in california. I took all the fruit as they were handled rather badly and quickly put all the seed in the freezer. My question is... what do I do now with the frozen seed that has been in the freezer for several months? AND How much...
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    About currants

    A long time ago when I was a child I went to visit a family and they gave me a jar of currant jelly to take home with me. I don't know what kind of currant it was but the color was pinkish. It was delicious and I thought to plant one. Could anyone tell me what type of currant it could be? Arklady
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    Me again...

    Has anyone ordered plants or seeds from R.H. Shumways before? If so what did you like about them and how satisfied were you with your order. I have checked out their site and have a few *gulp more like a lot* clicked but I wanted to know how you liked their offerings. Arklady
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    Soil prep......

    I am working on purchasing a 1/2 lot with a house built in 1905 *pray for me, I really need this house* Anyway, I am sure it has been a while since anyone has done anything to this lot and I wondered what would I use to enrich the soil on the area I plot for a garden? So like I till it and plant...
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    I have often smelled but could never find wintergreen plants. I can find spearment and peppermint plants but no wintergreen. I love the smell and taste of wintergreen. Do any of you have some cuttings or something like that I can get a start from? Arklady
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    I wasn't going to join because what do I know about gardening but....

    I decided I would like to have an herb garden and.... there is no herb section in here... So anyway, I bought a book its out of print but I got a copy of it anyway. Its all about gardening with herbs and perserving them. But I will still need to know where to get them. I mean some of these will...