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  1. janetnjim

    So what do all you green thumbed folks do....

    over the winter when there is no gardenin to do? What other hobbies do you use yer winter time on ? I am a funiture builder.I use only recycyled wood for my projects. Amazing,the beauty to be found in pallet wood. Janet and i also make candles. We metal detect and prospect for gold.
  2. janetnjim


    Janet and i do zzzactly that 'cept we cut ours in half and add italian dressing and a schprrritz o' sea salt before blackening. EAT IMMEDATELY :love
  3. janetnjim

    anyone re-use their

    Thanx Pat, i'll give that a try.
  4. janetnjim

    anyone re-use their

    canning lids ? A freind o' mine jist told me that his wife allways reused hers as long as the rubber ring wernt dammaged in any way. What say ye ?
  5. janetnjim


    Here's what i do with my bells. I then freeze 'em. When we wanna eat 'em, i go dig up a couple o' yukon gold taters from the garden and make some mashed taters to go with 'em. As for the sweet nanars. I cut 'em into rings and or stuff 'em with sour kraut. Make a brine of 1 part cider vinegar...
  6. janetnjim

    Help with sunflower seeds?

    Thank you so much, that is exactly what i needed. I'm goin to post the info from the link.
  7. janetnjim

    Saving Butternut Squash

    If conditions are right, cool and dry and dark,they should keep thru most of the winter. You will be able to tell when they start to turn by soft discolored spots on the outsides of the sqaush. They will turn from the outside in.
  8. janetnjim

    Help with sunflower seeds?

    I think my sunflowers are ready to harvest. They are dead and hangin over. NOW, how do i harvest the seeds and what do i do with them to make then edible? If i don't git to 'em fast, the birds will have 'em all eaten. Jim
  9. janetnjim

    So now that we've picked our popcorn, what do we do

    Thanx again Denise, I will do this. MMmm..i wonder if layin the ears in my dehydrater will help the dryin process at all?
  10. janetnjim

    So now that we've picked our popcorn, what do we do

    Thank you so much Denise. I think we picked ours a bit too soon because it isn't dry on the cob. Should we jist shuck it and let it dry before shellin' it? Jim
  11. janetnjim

    [b]How do you clean your carrots?[b]

    Here's how we do it. This also works with red beets, radishes, potatoes and actualy, any large quantities of veggies that need cleaned and or prepped. We joyfully thank God in prayer for all that He has blessed us with in the harvest and ya know what ? It jist puts joy into each and every one...
  12. janetnjim

    Not enough room on yer stove top ?

    More than likely Pat that is why. Keep in mind that ALL manfacturers now adays have no choice but to approache all thier products with the mindset that they are deeling wth a public loaded with idiots that use and or have no common sense. Also,not all turkey fryers are created equal. I have...
  13. janetnjim

    Not enough room on yer stove top ?

    Where did you read this? Where can i find it? I don' see what difference it makes whether i use my propane gas stove, my propane turkey fryer, my propane grill,my fire place,a camp fire in the back yard. MMMmmmmmmmmm.............. :idunno :hu
  14. janetnjim

    Not enough room on yer stove top ?

    Go git yer turkey fryer out and put yer cannin pot on top o' that. Not only does it afford more room for your 2nd/3rd pot,but it heats up and comes to a boil much much quicker than yer stove. (propane burns hotter than natural gas)
  15. janetnjim

    what causes 'beaks' on sides of tomatoes?

    Does that make this a boy carrot? :gig
  16. janetnjim

    Time to make da 'mater juice !!!!

    REAL BEER ?!?!??!!!!!!!! don't tell anyone i'm droolin like a fool here Rosalind he he Seriously, give it a try.Lemme know what ya think. bud wuuut !!!
  17. janetnjim

    Time to make da 'mater juice !!!!

    Ok Mrs. CC.."hold da phone","ima tell ya what",as my 3 y/o grambaby would say. Gotta tell a story. You got rottie(s?) and a Mewe. So do/did we until recently. Oh yeah, this is a Mewe When in first saw that same pic ( yer avatar) somewhere I immediately sent it to our son Mike serving...
  18. janetnjim

    Time to make da 'mater juice !!!!

    Cool Mrs. CC,you allready got one in the family :D Only tip i can give ya on the strainer is to allways run yer "waste" back thru coz a lot more juice will come out of it. I sure wish ya was closer so we could share our'maters with ya. God has certainly blessed Janet and I with a bountifull...