A Seed Saver's Garden


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I always enjoy your pictures so much. You have such a lovely garden, it is beautiful.

I look out the window at mine and wait on cooler weather. Was going to work in it this week (mornings only) but was separating sheep a few days ago, they wanted to be with their friends and knocked me down. Then I did a whole lot of pushing and pulling on them. I managed to hurt both knees and pull my back. Limped around on both knees, they are ok now, but back still sore. So no bending, pulling weeds, or much of anything else right now. I’m really bored.

I’ll post a picture of Ringo, my Katahdin ram, with his dirty booger nose and an orange smile. I cut up some Nico Vitus Orange tomatoes and put in the freezer yesterday. I took the scraps to the chickens, but got bushwhacked by Ringo. @Zeedman sent me the seeds. Haha! Ringo says they are lip smacking good!



Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
I always enjoy your pictures so much. You have such a lovely garden, it is beautiful.

I look out the window at mine and wait on cooler weather. Was going to work in it this week (mornings only) but was separating sheep a few days ago, they wanted to be with their friends and knocked me down. Then I did a whole lot of pushing and pulling on them. I managed to hurt both knees and pull my back. Limped around on both knees, they are ok now, but back still sore. So no bending, pulling weeds, or much of anything else right now. I’m really bored.

I’ll post a picture of Ringo, my Katahdin ram, with his dirty booger nose and an orange smile. I cut up some Nico Vitus Orange tomatoes and put in the freezer yesterday. I took the scraps to the chickens, but got bushwhacked by Ringo. @Zeedman sent me the seeds. Haha! Ringo says they are lip smacking good!

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My goodness what a photo! 😍😍😍
That really stinks that you got hurt 😯 Rest up, I hope you feel better soon ❤
Did Ringo knock you down too to get the tomato scraps!? I've heard wild things about the naughtiness of goats, though I don't know if any of it's true.

When I was a kid some family friends invited me to their farm for 'haying season' (which was like getting invited to Narnia, as my dream was to live on a farm) and 1st morning they hand me a huge white pail to go collect their eggs for them, which they also sell. That was a BIG shocking gulp as I'd never been near a chicken, let alone poke my hand in their personal space. Being shy, I managed to squeak out 'okay'. I must have survived, because I remember the pail 1/2 full with eggs. But as I was walking back to their house their goat Billy seemed to want me to pet him. I was afraid of him, but they said he was the most friendly of all of them, and I was curious to actually pet him. He sidled up next to me. Pet, pet. As I tried to leave I realized he had maneuvered his head into the bucket! I tried to push him off. It was like his neck was made of stone! I just couldn't get him to stop. Somehow I finally got away from him, with the now near empty pail and walked in silent terror to the house, knowing I'd have to admit I lost their eggs (and $$) to a goat con. That goat memory has lasted to this day. Lol
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Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Dug potatoes today. 💪Thought it might be a bit early, but I was wrong. They were actually ready awhile ago it looked like. I must say I'm impressed with how much food one potato plant can make. I'm no potato expert, but it seemed like a better harvest than I expected for the # of plants I had. I got lucky with the new varieties I think. They are better producers than Warba, Russet, YG'S, Shephody. DH insists I plant them too close, but I did an experiment with 2 spacings, and... haha, I win! Spaced closer they produced more. And planted in a hill, not being hilled at a point in the season, made them even more productive it seemed. Stress really works for some plants.

This is 4 plants of this type -


This was a single plant, a few larger tubers were still buried beneath. I think my last potato plants were 6-7 per plant, but these are supposed to be fingerings so maybe that explains the difference. Was not typical fingerling size though, much bigger.

Ate much of these already, 'Purple Magic', but still was quite a bit left. 4 plants.

This box represents about 10-12 plants. 'Purple Peruvian' and 'Red Emmalie'. The vines on PP grew 5 feet 😮, and flopped over. It was quite the plant matter. They would have kept going too, lots of wee potatoes on the healthy roots.

Single plant, some still buried

The strange one

Had a few others in with corn but have already eaten most of them, this is what was left. I suspect the tiller will turn some more up. I really was terrible at this digging up process. Between stabbing and slicing, the purple ones really took a hit. The curse of those is they look exactly like dirt. But more than that I just suck at it. Nor is it an especially fun job. It is nice to see the results though. 😊

Now, if only DH would dig me a root cellar.......
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
What a bodacious potato harvest! You are amazing. Does your husband realize what a jewel he has?

No, Ringo didn't knock me down. He is the sweetest ram ever. Most rams just want to grind you into the dust, but not Ringo-which is why we drove to Tennessee to get him, over 1300 miles round trip. I got knocked down trying to separate young ewes and they wanted to be with their friends. So they just muscled through me, knocking me to the ground-there went the knees! Then I had to muscle them back into the pen-there went the back. Eh. I'll be ok.


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
What a bodacious potato harvest! You are amazing. Does your husband realize what a jewel he has?

No, Ringo didn't knock me down. He is the sweetest ram ever. Most rams just want to grind you into the dust, but not Ringo-which is why we drove to Tennessee to get him, over 1300 miles round trip. I got knocked down trying to separate young ewes and they wanted to be with their friends. So they just muscled through me, knocking me to the ground-there went the knees! Then I had to muscle them back into the pen-there went the back. Eh. I'll be ok.
It is so sweet & wonderful how you love your animals. I've always had a heart for them too. There is something so special about being with them. ❤ (except when they are knocking you on you keister, of course 😉)

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