Dreams and their Meaning


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
No, I'm going with old people being grouchy and tending to be impolite, also ;). It's excusable in some ways -- I hasten to add! It's just that every little, dang thing seems difficult ... and, those things are more and more difficult to tolerate. DW says that all old people are impatient. Well, yeah - if everything we do takes longer and our actions are more subject to error, compounding the difficulties. If others toss interference, needs, even expectations into the swamp - we become impatient!

Anyway, I said goodbye and hastened off to see what happened to Dad, waking :).

right now i'm going through a grouchfest with Mom. she's being all Drama Queen and i was just trying to do something nice for her. :(

not a dream.

ah well. today is going to be a long day.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
I've almost always had lucid dreams, where the dream setting was not under my control, but I could "steer" the direction it evolved from there to some point. Sometimes I could recognize the places, sometimes not. What I find odd is that the places or situations I do recognize are most often in the distant past. While I was in the Navy, I never dreamt about being on a ship; now, 30 years later, I dream of a ship, or of being at sea, fairly often. There may be something to what @flowerbug mentioned, about dreams being a form of mental housekeeping - cleaning out the cobwebs of memory.

Some common themes in my dreams... Often things abruptly change for no reason, such as following a road in a car, and suddenly finding myself riding a bike on a path instead. Or walking into a room, which is suddenly re-arranged. Putting something down (usually clothing) only to have it disappear. And of course, possessing something valuable, and trying vainly to hold onto it as I wake. Sometimes the occurrence of something impossible makes me recognize that I'm in a dream, at which point I often awake.

Thrash might have been related to Old Man Willow from TLOTR? had you read that book by that time? :)

the frustration and lack of logic means your brain starts to change states of consciousness and the more you engage in reason the more likely you are to pop out of dream and into waking. that is my experience. the feeling of frustration during sleep paralysis when i'm trying to move is so strong that sometimes i can wake up really pissed off when all i was trying to do was help someone carry some groceries or pull a weed that must have roots to the Caucus Mtns.

the part about clearing old memories may also be about also maintaining memories by exercising them. i don't think they really know the full story yet, but there was recent news about Viagra recently and perhaps that will make rolling out of bed in the morning more difficult, but hey, all in the name of science...


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
right now i'm going through a grouchfest with Mom. she's being all Drama Queen and i was just trying to do something nice for her. :(

not a dream.

ah well. today is going to be a long day.

we got through it. also helped that i took a three hour nap once i got home. no dreams.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Thrash might have been related to Old Man Willow from TLOTR? had you read that book by that time? :)

the frustration and lack of logic means your brain starts to change states of consciousness and the more you engage in reason the more likely you are to pop out of dream and into waking. that is my experience. the feeling of frustration during sleep paralysis when i'm trying to move is so strong that sometimes i can wake up really pissed off when all i was trying to do was help someone carry some groceries or pull a weed that must have roots to the Caucus Mtns.

the part about clearing old memories may also be about also maintaining memories by exercising them. i don't think they really know the full story yet, but there was recent news about Viagra recently and perhaps that will make rolling out of bed in the morning more difficult, but hey, all in the name of science...
Keep away from the viagra :fl


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I think that as we get older, we tend to tire of subtlety, throw tact to the winds, and take the shortest path between two points. Dang the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! ;) Fortunately, I'm still able to (usually) override any impulse for brash incivility... especially when polite well-placed snark can serve as well.

This is a fascinating thread. I've had a lot of interesting dreams that I can remember over the years... some as vividly as if they really happened. When I was young(er) I had two different serial dreams, where I returned several times to a place I had dreamed of before. One of these was that I fell asleep leaning against a tree, and the tree grew roots into me, and began to communicate. It told me that its name was Thrash, it was the communal consciousness of the forest, and needed my help to fight the loggers which were killing it. (This probably due to all of the time I spent in my Grandfather's 280-acre forest as a child.) For me to help, Thrash gave me the power to control insects and small animals, to use as weapons. There were several battles, where among other things, I used birds & wasps to drive off the loggers. I think it would have made a good movie.

I've almost always had lucid dreams, where the dream setting was not under my control, but I could "steer" the direction it evolved from there to some point. Sometimes I could recognize the places, sometimes not. What I find odd is that the places or situations I do recognize are most often in the distant past. While I was in the Navy, I never dreamt about being on a ship; now, 30 years later, I dream of a ship, or of being at sea, fairly often. There may be something to what @flowerbug mentioned, about dreams being a form of mental housekeeping - cleaning out the cobwebs of memory.

Some common themes in my dreams... Often things abruptly change for no reason, such as following a road in a car, and suddenly finding myself riding a bike on a path instead. Or walking into a room, which is suddenly re-arranged. Putting something down (usually clothing) only to have it disappear. And of course, possessing something valuable, and trying vainly to hold onto it as I wake. Sometimes the occurrence of something impossible makes me recognize that I'm in a dream, at which point I often awake.

It is also odd how a dream can incorporate something happening in the real world, alter it, and add it to the dream. Several times when I was really tired, the alarm would go off... but in my dream, it was heard as a bell ringing or a machine operating. An annoyed DW had to shake me awake. :lol:

Because I've almost always had lucid dreams, I've seldom had nightmares. But once I died in my dreams 3 times in the same night! All were very vivid. Once in a car driving over a cliff, feeling the weightlessness of falling, and seeing street lights below... once hearing DW scream, just as a huge boulder crashed through our window... and once being in a standoff with an armed intruder, turning my head when I heard a scream, and finding myself on the ground with my ears ringing. Waking after the third dream with my heart pounding, I gave up, got up, and made coffee. That was 1980, and I still recall those dreams clearly.

I remember a lot of my dreams & could talk about them at length (in fact, think I already did :rolleyes:) but probably should try dreaming some new ones right now.
Zeed . I found your dreams too be really interesting.

On your tree dream, I feel that would make a fabulous story/film. Maybe you should expand on this one, it could be really educational to a younger audience.

I recall a couple if recurring dreams from when I was young.

The first was scary, I was walking on top of high mountain and lost my footing, I couldn't stop sliding too the edge and had too hold onto the grass and roots of plants but the roots kept coming away everytime I grabbed. I started to go over and down and woke up before I hit the bottom

The second dream I recall.
I was flying over the earth and looking down I could see all the houses and hills, each time I would land over a church the building was in the shape of a cross . The last time I dreamt this may have turned lucid because I entered this church with red carpet and an alter then again I just woke up.

I think the last dream was down too the horror movies I used too like watching :D

So what have you got to say about these silly dreams @flowerbug


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Zeed . I found your dreams too be really interesting.

On your tree dream, I feel that would make a fabulous story/film. Maybe you should expand on this one, it could be really educational to a younger audience.

I recall a couple if recurring dreams from when I was young.

The first was scary, I was walking on top of high mountain and lost my footing, I couldn't stop sliding too the edge and had too hold onto the grass and roots of plants but the roots kept coming away everytime I grabbed. I started to go over and down and woke up before I hit the bottom

The second dream I recall.
I was flying over the earth and looking down I could see all the houses and hills, each time I would land over a church the building was in the shape of a cross . The last time I dreamt this may have turned lucid because I entered this church with red carpet and an alter then again I just woke up.

I think the last dream was down too the horror movies I used too like watching :D

So what have you got to say about these silly dreams @flowerbug

nada. :) sometimes dreams are just dreams.

i had a fun dream after watching Jason and the Argonauts, the scene where he is fighting the skeletons on top of the mountain. i was doing that in my dream and they'd keep growing back from parts that i chopped off. then i woke up. it was a very vivid dream. some people say they don't dream in color, i certainly do and did then.


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
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East-central Wisconsin
Thrash might have been related to Old Man Willow from TLOTR? had you read that book by that time?
No. My only contact with TLOTR back then was a reference to Mordor in a Led Zeppelin song... and I only learned much later what that meant. ;) Thrash was similar to Eywa in Avatar, where the aliens could link with it by touch. I could only communicate mentally by direct contact, but could touch any other tree in that forest to do so. Closer to the more active communal intelligence on Alan Dean Foster's Midworld really, if you ever read that one.

The other serial dream I had was also forest-centered. In that one, I was tired & sat down on a fallen tree to rest. I dozed off, fell backwards - and kept falling. I landed in a different place, where no one could understand me. Someone took me to a wizard, who could speak English. He said that I was a projection into their universe, and as such, could not be killed. There was a TLOTR-type battle going on with another kingdom, and the enemy army was using a demon. Because I could not be killed, the wizard asked me to fight the demon, to prevent it from attacking the soldiers. I couldn't kill the demon, and it couldn't kill me, so we would battle until the dream ended. Every time the dream recurred, I would find myself in a different place, and would wander until I found a road, at which point someone would guide me back to the battle. I think I had that dream 4-5 times.

Falling asleep in the forest alone is the common theme between both of my serial dreams. My Grandfather's land was obviously a major influence in my teenage years; in many ways it was a real-life Narnia. I miss it, and him. :(


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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No. My only contact with TLOTR back then was a reference to Mordor in a Led Zeppelin song... and I only learned much later what that meant. ;) Thrash was similar to Eywa in Avatar, where the aliens could link with it by touch. I could only communicate mentally by direct contact, but could touch any other tree in that forest to do so. Closer to the more active communal intelligence on Alan Dean Foster's Midworld really, if you ever read that one.

The other serial dream I had was also forest-centered. In that one, I was tired & sat down on a fallen tree to rest. I dozed off, fell backwards - and kept falling. I landed in a different place, where no one could understand me. Someone took me to a wizard, who could speak English. He said that I was a projection into their universe, and as such, could not be killed. There was a TLOTR-type battle going on with another kingdom, and the enemy army was using a demon. Because I could not be killed, the wizard asked me to fight the demon, to prevent it from attacking the soldiers. I couldn't kill the demon, and it couldn't kill me, so we would battle until the dream ended. Every time the dream recurred, I would find myself in a different place, and would wander until I found a road, at which point someone would guide me back to the battle. I think I had that dream 4-5 times.

Falling asleep in the forest alone is the common theme between both of my serial dreams. My Grandfather's land was obviously a major influence in my teenage years; in many ways it was a real-life Narnia. I miss it, and him. :(
You really have a writer brain seed.

I know what you mean on missing people it's a shame we can't bring them back as they were every now and then.
Hey, maybe that wish could become a book too :)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
So much more commonplace, I woke from a dream this morning.

It had been a mild winter. The weeds were already growing tall and beginning to bloom. The backyard beds were, somehow, full of tall perennials in need of water.

The sprinklers were wrong. The hoses were wrong. The fittings, wrong. I was wasting water. Ground was not getting wet. And, I didn't have the time ...


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