Dreams and their Meaning

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
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North Alabama zone 7b
A couple of weeks ago when we were having a tornado watch I had finally broken down and gone to bed around 1am. I didn’t want to but I’d been up half the night before with tornado watch’s and warning and knew I would be sick if I didn’t get some sleep. So I’d set my phone with an alarm wake me up in a few hours to check the weather and the weather radio near the bed. An hour or two later I was pulled out of a dead sleep with with a sort of combined dream/audio hallucination of a female voice essentially amounted to “WAKE UP NOW!”. It was so real to me that it seemed to physically hurt my ears it was so loud. I woke up in a panic thinking for sure that we were about to be blown away by a tornado or that the house was on fire or something similar. Nope nothing. I got up and checked the weather, news, animals, everyone else in the house was perfectly fine. I spent about an hour sitting on the couch drinking cocoa and trying to calm down enough to sleep. I was also terrified to go back to sleep since I was still paranoid something was wrong. Nothing ever came of it. Definitely one of the strangest experiences of my life.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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they're all noodly just screaming out for cheese sauce. :)

many many years ago, even perhaps before the age of the internet i came up with the phrase "That completely cheese-sauces my noodscape" or something very similar to that. now when i search for that phrase i can't even find it. :(
For someone that has given me the impression of being a very serious person you make me laugh so much



Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Another "job" dream:

I worked for a housecleaning company and part of my job was to look through newspapers for help wanted ads, then, I'd make phone calls. A new friend and coworker was nearby. He was finished with the day's work and ready for a day off.

This guy was an immigrant and spoke little English. We hadn't had much in the way of conversations but he seemed a good worker, nice guy, and I liked him. I didn't get much information from the phone call other than that there was a job waiting. Having little information made sense because, in real life, I don't use the phone :). But, it was the only housekeeping job in the ads, I knew the company need not take it, and that this fellow was likely willing to give up his day off to do the work, and would benefit. I decided to make the suggestion to him - end running the company ;).

Why I'm dreaming about being in human relations, I don't know. It's not something that I ever did in real life. Dreaming about talking to someone with a law degree and now, someone who cleans houses and doesn't speak much English - well, I'm a little baffled :).

LINKWhat do I see within the first few seconds when I check my news on the tablet this morning? It is an article in Time magazine on dreams and their value LINK. The author is apparently a Brazilian but has a PhD from a graduate school in New York. If you read the article, don't be put off by how it begins, talking about the dreams of Julius Caesar and Joseph, Jesus' dad. He is just making the point that we once gave more importance to trying to understand dreams. Dreams are natural and of benefit to us personally and as a species :).

That article has answered so many of my thoughts. Thank you very much for sharing. :)

I must add that so many of you here have truly opened my mind the word thanks just isn't enough 🤗


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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it's morning, the first thing i got from this post was "Mmm oatmeal!" :)

it is very unusual for me to dream of people i know. sometimes i haven't even thought of some people recently at all and yet i may dream of them once in a while, i think this is the brain's way of refreshing your memory circuits.
Thus reminding us of both the good and bad situations/people in our lives. Tweaking our minds on our past lessons and how we dealt with any given problem.

Now where was I :confused:
Oh yes food:pop and maybe another coffee :caf
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Everyone's dreams are so entertaining. I have two kids that never sleep. By the time the little ones are in bed there's no dreams, just black out. :th
Not good.

Forgive me for asking you if you check that your children are not eating or drinking too many additives? Especially before bed
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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DD's sister-in-law's daughter woke her up crying from a nightmare about a tsunami and when they got up the next morning the news was about the tsunami warnings from the volcano. Evelyn does not like the fire alarm and one night DD was dreaming about fires and something in the dream made her wake up with a start and as soon as she was awake Evelyn was in her room screaming and crying and DD ran in there and she had just had a dream about a fire and dreamed the fire alarm was going off. I thought that was strange. She has had a couple other dreams and waking up same time Evelyn does. I used to wake up when DD was little and swear she was in her room saying mommy and I would go check and she was asleep. I almost got to thinking she was dreaming and saying mommy and I was dreaming the same dream. It stopped when she got older. It never happened with DS. Kids and dreams are strange sometimes.
When my baby was due we had part of a pediophile ring living just a road above us. I was unaware that they were there but a lady living in my street at that time almost lost her son because he was almost dragged off by men in a car.

Luckily his coat was undone or they would have have taken him.
They grabbed the one sleeve on his jacket but he managed too get his other sleeve off and they landed up with only his jacket before they sped off in the car...

I had many a disturbed night when my baby was born, waking up thinking someone had got into my house too take my precious child.
So I kept the two dog's upstairs because they were fiercely protective of both my baby and myself plus great live alarm systems

Eventually most of this gang were caught, the ring stretched for hundreds of miles the main leader and his partner were just minutes by foot from our home.

From what I recall, my neighbours son had an interest in cars and gave the police a good description of that vehicle.
I shudder to think what could have happened to that lovely boy had they succeeded in taking him
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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What we today call dreams, were yesterday's visions.

Had an odd one last night, mixing my recent industrial job with my former military experience. I was putting one of the machine operators on report for sleeping on watch, and telling him to get in uniform. My supervisor responded by telling me to stay in my own lane. I think my mind turns to oatmeal when I sleep, with past & present jumbled together. :lol:

Something I notice about my dreams is that the people in them seldom have names. Rather, I'm just thinking of them by what their relationship is to me; my brother, my friend, a co-worker, etc. The relationship is always an unspoken understanding.
That's interesting I've never thought about names being mentioned in my sleep other than once because I shouted out my dogs name telling him too be quiet. The poor boy looked worried when I came into the living room. I actually blushed when I looked at him.

I wonder if he knew I was embarrassed 🤔 🤣
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I've had a couple of peculiar dreams this past couple of months oddly enough both dreams involved not so nice characters that have since passed away. The first dream was one of these people was trying to make contact with me and asking where I lived. My hair stood on end. I think I saw him asking someone but it's vague now as that was a couple of months ago.

In my second dream of this 2nd unsavory person I walked into my living room (which looked nothing like my living room) and this bully was cutting up my dark blue curtains, (again that I don't have)

What confuses me is why on earth would I have these people that never so much as cross my mind anymore, why are they in my dreams. :hu weird.


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
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Not good.

Forgive me for asking you if you check that your children are not eating or drinking too many additives? Especially before bed

l see why you might ask that, but if you met my daughter you'd laugh too. My daughter pretty much only likes vegetables, fruit, the occasional lean meat, and rice. I have pictures of her looting my grocery bags and making off with an entire head of broccoli to deliciously consume.

If you serve something most ordinary children would LOVE for lunch (re: junk) she'll look at it in horror, shuffle over to the fridge, and fish out a carrot.

We're actually working with a nutritionist right now because she's underweight and small for her age because she doesn't like anything especially high in calories. While diet may be her problem, it's certainly not from additives.

My son is more 'normal' and likes allll the junk and hates vegetables, but he goes to bed at 8, sleeps well, and wakes up at 7.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
that is so funny about the broccoli. :) that may change as she gets older and really starts craving calories. does she like peanut butter?

my own dreams recently did involve tornadoes (coming right at the house) and people i've not thought of in years. we weren't doing anything much that i recall now but i've not seen some of them in over 20 years or even closer to 30 in some cases. i think it just the mind's way of refreshing memories and getting rid of the clutter of a day that didn't ever seem important enough.

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