Ducks4you 2021 Ragtag Thread


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I don't like it when state government sticks their hands into ANYTHING in my life. I am happy for your input, though.
Been busy with signings, so no gardening. Buckets of rain has kept the horses inside for 2 days, still stuck in their stalls today, no time to clean, so I am going through the straw. Should make for Excellent plant compost.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Ducks, have you actually read this? I don't want this to get all political but you sound upset. Who told you about this and what did they actually tell you? I don't need the answer to those questions, but something you might want to think about next time they tell you something.

This doesn't copy and paste worth a darn but maybe it will work

Section 10. Vegetable garden defined. As used in this Act,
11the term "vegetable garden" means any plot of ground or
12elevated soil bed on residential property where vegetables,
13herbs, fruits, flowers, pollinator plants, leafy greens, or
14other edible plants are cultivated.

Make a legal definition - common in most legislation. They are not just talking about vegetables but also flowers and herbs.
Section 15. Right to cultivate vegetable gardens.
16Notwithstanding any other law, any person may cultivate
17vegetable gardens on their own property, or on the private
18property of another with the permission of the owner, in any
19county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this

Says as long as you own the property or have the owners permission you can grow a garden

- 2 -​
LRB102 15292 KMF 20647 b​
1 Section 20. Home rule. A home rule unit may not regulate
2gardens in a manner inconsistent with this Act. This Section
3is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article
4VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by
5home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the

What this does is limit how much local governments can interfere with your life. Are you OK with your town banning vegetable gardens within city limits? This won't let them.

7 Section 25. State and local regulation still permitted.
8Section 20 of this Act notwithstanding, this Act does not
9preclude the adoption of a regulation or local ordinance of
10general nature that does not specifically regulate vegetable
11gardens, including, but not limited to, regulations and
12ordinances relating to height, setback, water use, fertilizer
13use, or control of invasive or unlawful species, provided that
14any such regulation or ordinance does not have the effect of
15precluding vegetable gardens.

This allows local governments like a town to set limits, like on water use. They can still limit how much you use, but they can't let you water your lawn but not water your vegetable garden. They can't target gardens.

There ae exceptions, there always are, but in Illinois a home rule municipality means above 25,000 people.

Ducks, to me this seems like the kind of thing you'd be in favor of, not adamantly against. Are you opposed to limiting government? Or is it only state government you are opposed to, cities can do what they will.

I honestly don't see what you are upset about.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Everything is political when your government wants to help!!!
Guess THAT"s worth a laugh! :lol:
I don't recall the government defining or regulating WWII Victory Gardens, so Yeah, it's upsetting.
We have bigger fish to fry in Illinois, and why is there not a tax credit for emptying out Asian carp from the Illinois River?!?!
Speaking of fish, did you know that --
"In the 18th century, Charles III (king of Spain) wanted to celebrate the end of Carnival with the commoners. He ordered sardines, but when the shipment arrived, all the sardines were spoiled. The people buried the sardines due to the odor. The commoners mourned the thought of burying free food."
Bet THAT made good compost!!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Carle Clinic accidentally billed some recipients $55/shot and had to scamble to fix this.
Sometimes I think that if somebody can possibly mess something up they think they have a moral obligation to do just that. We don't have any guarantees that life will be easy but people don't need to go out of their way to make it even harder. Anyway, glad you got your shots.

I've had both of mine, Moderna. The first was nothing but the second had me chilling and very weak for a day, but a Tylenol took care of that.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
@Ridgerunner , I wrote you a rather lengthy PM.
I just got my 2nd shot, and the side effects were MUCH better than dead.
Is anybody here planning on growing vegetables in their front yard?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
A nearby neighbor decided that he would do this last year.

It looks very much like he sprayed the lawn with herbicide - 2 large trees began to die! I'd be very surprised if either of them make it back this year.

One half of the front yard was not watered and, I believe, has nothing but dead grass on it. The other half, he planted (and @seedcorn will be interested to know) only to kale. I've seen him out several times this winter harvesting leaves. I don't know what he has done in his backyard. His next door neighbor had a solid board fence set up last year, making it difficult for passersby to snoop ;).



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Is anybody here planning on growing vegetables in their front yard?
Nope. I had drainage issues so shortly after moving here I called 811 and they come out to mark utilities. In a pretty small front yard I have two cable lines, one water, and one electrical. Sewage and natural gas are on the other side of the street. Those are just the main lines, they don't show where my feeder lines are. It's all buried, good protection against hurricanes. In that small yard I don't feel comfortable even planting a small tree up front. I have some landscaping right next to the house but that is a northeast exposure, not much sunlight.

I solved my drainage issues in the back.

Since we like photos. I recently saved this from Google Earth, a satellite shot of my raised beds in the back. I don't know when that photo was taken, with the grass that brown it much be winter. Looking at which beds have green in them must have been 2019-2020 winter. In a satellite photo this makes my house really easy to find, it stands out much more than swimming pools or anything else. Those two white squares show where the drainage easement is and where I routed my drainage issues.

Permit photo.jpg

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
@Ridgerunner ,
Is anybody here planning on growing vegetables in their front yard?
Our house is so far off the road the our main garden bed is the front yard! We’ve got a wide bed of black eyed susans and a row of elaeagnus as a privacy screen and then the main garden. The perennial beds with berries and swiss chard and artichokes right behind the elaeagnus. This year we are letting the rest of the garden rest and are planting in one of the deer fields behind the house. Unless everything just loved the soil in the deer field the garden will be back in front of the house next year. Having gardens in the front or the side yard where they are visible from the road is pretty common here since there’s no HOA and most peoples back yards are shady.

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